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BZP Shirt Design Results

Brappy Hour


The results are in. The BZP shirt for BrickFair 2018 will be Kevin Hinkles design, and the colors being white on tie-dye. LINK

If there are any changes or bumps in the road, I'll let ya know.

If you're going to BrickFair Virginia this summer, why not leave a comment of what size shirt you'd like? Whatever floats your boat. The shirts are $15 each.


Have a lovely day.


Nukaya edit: added shirt price, because I may as well use my blog staff powers more than once a month!

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I'm still interested in a 2XL.


You mentioned that the tie-dye costs more - how much should we expect this to set us back?

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Large please, last year even with a reservation I still ended up without one in my size.

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Awesome! I know I have one set aside already (Large) but I’d like to purchase 3 more please. Two Mediums and one Small. Thanks!

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X-Large please. I won't be in attendance but I'll arrange for somebody else to pick it up. ;)



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