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Because Music Alone Wasn't Enough

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


So, yeah, Kingdom Bound is awesome and all. I mean, sure, they had some pretty awesome bands there like Skillet, Family Force 5, RED, Hawk Nelson, etc.


But seriously, why just stick with that awesomeness when you can more than double it by having Toa Lhikan Hordika stay at your house for a week?


Pics because it happened:



Matching Family Force 5 shirts. =3


Happy smiling faces!




Macku: Toa of Bubbles, TLH, and I



In case anyone's keeping track, this makes three BZPers I've somehow met in the span of a year, the first being Laughin'Man back in November and then Master Vahi. I keep expecting to wake up any minute from the most awesome dream of my life. oO





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Yes! ^^


They're staff shirts, actually... if you look really closely, you might be able to see that it says "BZP Staff" around Hapori Tohu.


My shirt says Turakii on the back. 8D




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Yup. LH has a blue one, and the others look like they're purple. :P

Nice! i have never met another BZPower member - excluding my friends and my brother, of course. :P

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OK, first you say that you go to one o' them kick-awesome rock concerts, but then you brag that you met more BZPers in real life?!?!


You're rrreeeeeeeaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyy luuuuuccckkkyyyyyy.


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

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If those are BZP staff shirts...


*Makes a rule saying BS01 staff can't view this blog. FOR LIFE.*


XD I hope you had fun. -Swert

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Yes! ^^


They're staff shirts, actually... if you look really closely, you might be able to see that it says "BZP Staff" around Hapori Tohu.


My shirt says Turakii on the back. 8D






I would think that I would've been informed of this at one point or another.

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Well, it could be worse. The staff could be given complete collections of all the sets. Now, THAT would make me jealous. :P
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Oh my. I just realized from the first picture that you have no fewer than four five (wait, make that six, I just recognized the Defiant) models of Federation Starships on the shelf. Is that a Borg Sphere on the top?

Your house must be awesome... :drooling:


As are the shirts, both FF5 and Bzp. :D


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First Master Vahi and Traku, now Lhikan Hordika and Macku.




Well, if things go according to plan, me next year. Assuming Turakii gets her drivers license soon. WHEN WILL MY NAGGING PAY OFF!? XP


Oh my. I just realized from the first picture that you have no fewer than four five (wait, make that six, I just recognized the Defiant) models of Federation Starships on the shelf. Is that a Borg Sphere on the top?

Your house must be awesome... :drooling:


As are the shirts, both FF5 and Bzp. :D



I positivly identified every single one of those models within thirty seconds. My jealousy is unimaginable.

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Woah - needless to say, that is not what I expected you to look like, Turaki. :blink:

Also, I really wish I could meet a BZPer in real life. Maybe I have, who knows - but if so, I sure don't know about it. :(

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Maybe THAT'S the reason TLH was so inactive for so long... :sly:


And have I told you how you and your mom look strangely like two people I know? :blink:


Well, now you do. :)


-=< :s: >=-

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