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  1. Yesterday
  2. Probably the biggest LEGO specials are the Star Wars ones, which are already on Disney+ and I doubt Disney would be interested in changing that anytime soon. Same goes for the theatrical LEGO movies, they're probably on whatever platforms their distributors run. The BIONICLE movies are currently free on YouTube and at this point, everyone who wants to watch them legitimately (like me) probably already has them on DVD. They're just four movies less than 90 minutes each, so it would be a lot of investment for a comparatively small runtime of content. I find it kind of hilarious that this is how you end your LEGO streaming pitch. You are the single biggest Hero Factory fan I have ever encountered; if you are not willing to actually pay money for the HF specials in high quality, I doubt anybody is. I'm in the same boat, everything I watch are mostly DVDs or pirated.
  3. They are very cute. I love them.
  4. They do have a ton of content that could make for some fun binge-watching sessions. I mean, who wouldn't want to revisit the Bionicle movies and the Hero Factory TV show?
  5. http://www.bzpower.info/Imaging/stories/2024/06/06-14-2024-SpaceCat.jpg It's about time we posted our coverage of the Bio-Cup 2024 Preliminary Round! The theme to build for was Space, and today we'll look at some of the MOCs that celebrated Astronauts and Explorers. Whether they're meeting new extraterrestrial friends or fighting unspeakable, tentacle horrors, or just floating through space, they're the one's venturing out into the final frontier. Let us know which one was your favorite!View the full article
  6. Last week
  7. does lego really understand games? lego footnote is nothing close to the original game, and all of the 'lego games' play almost exactly the same
  8. I remember bionicle. sweet, sweet bionicle...

    I always HATED it!

  9. This was a beautiful art piece, both the model itself and the video. Your humor and timing are impeccable.
  10. Recently at the Summer Game Fest 2024, Guerrilla Games and The LEGO Group announced a new collaboration and revealed the LEGO Horizon Adventures Cinematic Trailer! The game appears to be a retelling of the original Horizon Zero Dawn with a humorous LEGO take on it. Players take the reins of Aloy and will hunt Thunder Jaws, craft a base, and more. The game will be playable on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Windows this winter. What do you think of this partnership moving beyond a LEGO set into digital bricks?View the full article
  11. This is amazing! The Kini-Nui and Lewa model both look great. I appreciate the time you put into both the models and the video, which also turned out wonderfully. I'll be keeping an eye on your YouTube channel.
  12. Flock Step The birds from "Flock Step", one of the many minigames of Rhythm Heaven Fever. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the game 30/04/24
  13. Oh wow, that is IMPRESSIVE! I always enjoy a crafting video like this, and that Kini-Nui turned out looking so epic; really nice work Especially love how you made it look so worn down and authentic. The video on the whole was a lot of fun as well; I enjoyed the appropriate cut-ins from Bionicle media, and your sense of humour there in general gave me a good laugh ^^ I don't know if you have any more Bionicle dioramas planned, but I'll be excited to see them if so!
  14. https://youtu.be/meLGyvRkcYU?si=DTZRQf0zru5kO4Ve I made a 28mm scale Kini-Nui and documented my process!
  15. Absolutely killer collection! I’m pretty happy with my smaller collection, but seeing this definitely makes me somewhat wish I hadn’t traded some of the other prototypes and collectibles I’ve had. Oh well! It’s pretty fun looking through everything you have- I was honestly surprised to see so much of the super rare stuff, I don’t know if you’ve shared much or any of it prior, but if you have I must’ve missed it.
  16. They all look so cute!! I love all of the drawings 🥺 I wish lego actually made matoran plushies so I could have a beanie Macku to decorate my bed with
  17. A most well-earned brag. I can only hope to one day have such a bragworthy collection.
  18. Finally finished my collection! Took about 4 years. Cost about ~$15,000 as I started after 2020 when the prices spiked. A terrible decision? Perhaps. But I was bored. I've had it appraised and insured. Do you know how hard it is to find someone who can appraise this who also can drive to come see it? I'm not going to caption each image for this forum since you guys know what stuff is. Thank you to the regular users of this forum who got me started and put up with my dumbass questions. I think the "rares" topic is what finally got me to pull the trigger on starting this. Bionicle wouldn't be what it is today without you all. DM me if you're selling something I don't have. SDCC Kanoka, Kanohi prototypes, 3-color Kraata, and the like. I'll gladly kill or be killed for a white huna. The masks cost more but the Kraata are the component I'm most proud of. Took years to find all the random ones. Plus, I got both colors of orange! Nobody else seems to collect these even though they are distinctly different. No sane person should start a Kraata collection right now. Wait until bulk lots show back up on Ebay. My bad on making those disappear. I have 3 Kaukau's with bubble cheeks. I've heard they come in 5 colors. It'd be cool to get the others but it's so pedantic I don't care much. Also I'm going to fix that guide I wrote with about 25 factual corrections I got from you guys and FB. Plus better charts. However work has turned into a nightmare in the short-term so it will have to wait. Ty all for the info. It will, eventually, be finished.
  19. Very cool. I especially admire the two-piece shields with the sliding function.
  20. (I’ve not had the energy to inhale any other content here yet-so sorry! 🙈 but this popped up and..) I’M FREAKING OUT THIS MADE MY DAY. AHHHH. Awwww! So much dopamine! Adorable and excellent execution! Love the shading and bright colors. Thank you for eyejoy!!! ❤️ PS your signature is iconic!
  21. Plushie week! I started by drawing Macku, then I figured I might as well do Hewkii, and then I decided to do the entire Inika cast. That Nuparu is so dang cute I cant help but smile.
  22. When it comes to those intense game nights, I'm right there with you on the mix of excitement and frustration. It's all part of the fun, right? As for your question about what makes a game enjoyable despite losing, I'd say it's all about the company and the challenge. If a game can keep everyone engaged and laughing, it’s a winner in my book, even if I don’t come out on top.
  23. IC/ Skrall/ Bonehunter Stronghold/ Markets/ The wretch still stares. Longing for what once was? Their presence here - a painful reminder. No…not them. He does not stare at them. He stares at her. And she finds herself staring back. No choice. This is what it takes. She can feel the hands on her shoulder and neck again - forcing her to watch, to learn. Do not look away. Could this one actually see her for what she was? Or what she was not? Much as she tried to fight the feeling, she couldn’t help it: There was a kinship here. Broken things, cast aside. No longer what they were meant to be. And that was perhaps the most disgusting part of it all, the part that etched the scowl onto her features as she approached the window. She knew she shouldn’t. No choice. Watch and learn. But she was still skrall. This thing was not. Even if it saw her, the others couldn’t. They wouldn’t. “Has it been so long that you can’t even stand the sight?” she sneered, peering into the gloom beyond the bars. OOC: @Mel @skrall
  24. I know some purists get upset when fan projects talk about Bonkles having blood, but I didn't feel like writing something like "circulatory fluid" every time. Given its association with Greek mythology, ichor felt like a good fit for Bionicle's more fantastical setting. I'm glad to hear it. I always found it absolutely wild that Greg casually stated that Shadow Kraata are intelligent enough to communicate, only to do absolutely nothing with that revelation. I really wanted to explore the implications of that.
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