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  1. Today
  2. I went through the guide and wrote down all the things I thought needed correcting, because I think it's awesome that you've made a definitive guide and I want to help make it even better, and not because I want to be like "um, ackshully," or so I tell myself. Page 7: "While the original six masks were packaged with the Toa Nuva sets, additional masks needed to be collected through the Kanohi Nuva & Kraata Krana packs" The silver Kanohi Nuva were actually available in the 2003 Krana-Kal packs, along with the six regular colors. The 2002 Kanohi Nuva packs only had the six regular colors. Page 9: "The original orange version was intended to be distributed with the Legends of Mata Nui video game, but this idea was scrapped" - This makes it sound like they just decided to go with another idea, but the idea was scrapped because the game was cancelled. I think that should be mentioned. "A dark gold version was later made in 2004 and distributed with promotional versions of the Vahi Vahki sets." "Silver versions of the mask were included as the hands of Makuta in 2003. It is unclear if this means anything canonically." - It doesn't, it's a Maxilos and the Vezon/Ignika situation. "Potentially misnamed, this set shows an evil, “shadow” Takanuva..." - This is technically incorrect, it shows a corrupted, "half-light, half-shadow" Takanuva. "...as LEGO was transitioning to this color for use in the Pirakha Piraka sets." Page 10: "The Ultimate Dume Mask was created for the Legends of Metru Nui video game movie..." Page 10/11: The lighter, medium blue Great Rau is actually from Dalu. I have 2 Dalus and 1 Toa Nokama, and both Dalus came with the lighter Rau, while Toa Nokama came with the darker Rau. Page 11: "Kiril, the Mask of Regeneration, was originally created for the 2004 Makuta set." - This is incorrect, the set is Turaga Dume and Nivawk. While it's true that Makuta impersonated Turaga Dume, his disguise looked identical to the actual Turaga Dume, so for all intents and purposes, the set depicts Turaga Dume. Your picture of the Olmak has the two red horns from the Lava Chamber Gate inserted, which aren't a part of the actual mask. Page 13: Thornatus V9 in the Pearl Light Gray Crast's box is misspelled "Thoranatus." Page 14: "In 2010, LEGO commemorated what they believed was the end of the Bionicle line with a series of “Starz”"Stars" sets." Page 25: “It came with a black Kanoka launcher, which was also only available through this polybag.” - This is not true. The Kanoka disk packs also contained a disc launcher (in the same style as the Metru-toran’s) in one of the 6 Metru colors. I know this because I bought a pack back in the day and got a red launcher.
  3. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - I snickered as the Matoran gave Praggos some sass. "Yeah Praggos, why not share the rum? You know for morale and all that." @otter @Mel
  4. Yesterday
  5. These are all so good! I love how there's tons of different angles and coloring styles. Great job
  6. For the past few weeks, I've been revisiting the oldest fanfiction of mine still on BZPower. It's something that I always imagined I would do. Maybe it's some kind of compulsion, but I'm kind of obsessed with going back and constantly revising my own work. I joined this site in 2007 and for me the "Golden Age" was from that time to the Dataclysm. Losing all the fanfictions I had written before that point really felt like the burning of the Library of Alexandria to me. I remember it as having been a vast corpus of work (though, when I look back at the fragments I could find on the Wayback Machine, the chapters are a LOT shorter than I remember, so maybe it's only in my childish memory that I wrote pages of pages of captivating stories). When BZPower came back online, it felt like something of a resurrection to me. I thought to myself that maybe it was good to purge myself of the old so that I could stretch my wings as an older, wiser author. Looking back at what I wrote as an "older, wiser author," I realize just how cringy and unrefined my style really was. It makes me stop and wonder, are my current writings that bad? I've spent the past 14 years writing things with the long-term goal of eventually being published professionally, and it scares me to think all of it, no matter how good it feels when I write it, I will look back on as immature juvenalia. It's also hard to think about how the "Golden Age" of BZPower really only lasted for two or three years for me. The forum came back more than ten years ago, yet it still feels like "new" BZPower for me and my default impulse is that I am still getting used to it. Anyway, pay no mind to my existential crisis.
  7. Oh, these are neat! You've got a very cool style here; these all look fantastic, but a few that specifically stand out to me: - Absolutely love the inclusion of Flare Slizer, and your take on his design is really cool. Slizers is such an underrated theme, so I'm happy to see it get a bit of appreciation! - Really like the texture you've got on Kongu's mask there; and the expression / tilt of the head make him feel very alive. - Avak with the glowing eyes there looks superbly menacing! Also he's my favourite of the Piraka, so the fact that he was your subject for that picture makes me happy ^^ - Really like the addition of orange to your design of Nuparu Mahri; it's a part of his colour palette that I've long thought his Toa forms lacked, and you pull it off really well on him! - That Krika is terrifying, but in the best way; I love the insect-like eyes you gave him, as well as the way you've done his fangs, and the colours there work really well. - Love the colouring and flame effects on that one of Raanu! - Really like your takes on Ahkmou and Kapura! The perspective on Ahkmou is really neat, and I love how you give a sense of expression to his mask there; and I like the style you've given Kapura, and the colour scheme - particularly the way the yellow highlights like his eyes stand out against the predominant red. Those specific thoughts said though, these all look fantastic; great work!
  8. The “When Marnie Was There” soundtrack on loop a lot lately.
  9. Looks like I only have six achievements left: Trouble with her is the noise. Destroy 50 objects or characters using the scream and super scream ability. How we say goodbye in Germany. Access restricted enemy locations 50 times. How dare you kiss me! Use your whip to kiss Marion, Willie and Elsa. You call this archaeology? Use a scholar character's academic ability 50 times. I can't believe what you did! Disarm 100 enemies with the whip. We go for a ride. Perform 250 whip swings in the game. Based on reading some guides, the best spot for the first two is the Ancient City secret level. You go in, break glass, do the restricted area, then leave and go back. That also seems like a good place to do the third one, since I need female character who can scream anyway (although I don't think Elsa can scream). Looks like the best spot for the fourth is Temple of the Grail, where you can quickly do three puzzles then quit. Fifth one will be the last level in The Last Crusade, and it looks like making a custom character might help because they're more reliable than Indy when it comes to disarming. And the last and grindiest one is Battle on the Bridge. Fingers crossed we can get them all next week!
  10. Alright! 100% game completion has been reached! Just a few more achievements left to go (depending on how many remaining achievements you're willing to grind through), then it'll be onto the next game (which should obviously be the second Lego Indiana Jones game, for which you seem to currently have only a handful of achievements unlocked just from completing the story levels, so there's a lot more to that game you have not yet experienced). I can't really think of anything else to add at this time. I suppose if you find yourself struggling with those remaining achievements, I'll just make my suggestions in the chat (after all, I couldn't unlock any achievements from these older Lego games, so that experience is just as new to me as it'll be for you). Looking forward to see how soon you'll finish everything with the first Lego Indiana Jones game, then it'll be on to the second one.
  11. Last week
  12. Author's Notes & Things: Did I make an account just to start posting stories on here? Yes, I think I did. Did I choose a meme character with absolutely no story to focus a story around, just because I found out a few suggested possible themes that could be explored with him? Yes. I rather think I did that too. Here's this silly thing. Good Guy, by Toa Sozonis. Enjoy. ********* I'm a good guy, or so they say. They bring me out on stage and I see the ones who look like me, but they're complete where I am not, and they point to me and still wish to become like me. I'm missing my hands and I have no face, where they have all of those things and more. I've never known what it's like to throw a kanoka disk or play kohli, and I might never know those things, and yet they choose me to represent them — and all they could be, and all they might want to be. ******** I am a warrior in a shadow play of ancient history. I am their symbol of the way they fight against the shadows and their own darkness, and the darkness they believe might haunt the universe. What am I to know of such things? My life has been spent in the closets and luggage of their stageshow productions, a nothing beyond nothing; although they use me to portray tales of the lands far away, I have never been to those lands and will never be to those lands. Why am I the one they trust? Why am I the one who portrays their good guy? What if I'm the one they shouldn't believe in at all? ******** I have no flesh, so I cannot be corrupted. I cannot be real, I cannot feel. I'm not like them. Where they have organic material in between the shifting mechanical parts, I am entirely mechanical, and yet entirely manual. I have gears, but no engines; wires, but no strings. I am all they could be, and all they might want to, but I cannot move and I cannot speak. Would I if I could? What would I say? If your life is a stageshow and your body not real, why bother to say anything at all, even if you knew your voice would work in order to say it? ******** They don't play their stageshows as much anymore. The city has been crumbling, or so they say, and the Vahki are gone and now all the world is their stage — a stage for their drama, a stage for their lives, their futures, their destinies, and what of their good guy? I am in the closet of the stage where they left me, and I am silent, and I cannot move. I have no strings, but I am their good guy. I have no hands, and I cannot knock. I'm a good guy, or so they say. And now, with the ones who choose me gone, I have been left behind — I am alone — I am forgotten — and all the world's a stage, and the stage is crumbling, and I will never know their eyes upon my silent body again.
  13. Been years and years, but figured it was worth tossing a new topic up and letting BZPers know that we still have a clan chat for those who play RuneScape, "BzpChat", if you are interested. A handful of us still play from back in the day, so though it would be worth sparking the conversation. Anyone else playing?
  14. Dark and Trippy Sci-Fi Music Inspired By The Three-Body Problem ("Remembrance Of Earth's Past").
  15. Although Bionicle is a toy line, it is also a franchise with a story that has a lot of heart into it. That story is G1. For the toy aspect, I love Lego. I always enjoy the set functions, and collecting collectibles. It also taught me color theory and imagination on building various characters. However, the increasing pieces over the years is not fun and should have been lowered. Plus, there are a small number of inconsistencies. G2 did worse. The G1 story is about alien bio-mechanical warriors fighting each other, using magical stuff, and collecting special objects. The theme is about teamwork. You get to explore two alien worlds and societies. I like the science fiction in it. It’s like DC Comics, Marvel, Star Wars, Transformers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. However, as the years passed by, the story was split into many smaller stories, primarily because of the online story serials and the multiverse themes. It’s nice to explore more, but this became more complicated. The story is unfinished because of the two unfinished story serials. I pray that the story will be finished someday, with or without Greg Farshtey. I wish G1 was told better through a TV show rather than many media, so viewers could understand and catch up with the story better (Hero Factory, Ninjago, Legends of Chima, Nexo Knights, and Dreamzzz have the right idea). G2 was done worse, as it didn’t have much of the same feel as G1. Hero Factory is very much like Bionicle. It’s a reason why I believe both Bionicle G1 and HF should share the same universe. They’re too similar to not be, anyway. Bionicle G1 did these good things, which are similar that many of the themes do not, so G1 is unique. I primarily care about the G1 story being finished (as well as the sharing-the-same-universe in order to preserve HF). I don’t care what people in social media say. I go along with my beliefs. Amen.
  16. Recently over in the Bionicle Discussion forum, The Archivist shared a new project they've been working on. In their appropriately named topic, I Wrote a Guide to Bionicle Collectibles, you can see their efforts to collate as much widely-available knowledge about masks, discs, squishy slugs and parasites, and more in the Bionicle universe. It's forty-one pages of dense information, and you'd be hard pressed to find something so comprehensive all in one place. Go give it a look and share your thoughts!View the full article
  17. Distorted

    oh hey

    I'm just seeing 'Report Entry' and 'Edit'?
  18. So, a lot of people are going to say story (which is fair), but I would argue more for storytelling and worldbuilding. The way story was disseminated particularly in the early years of Bionicle was remarkably restrained, and its 'modular' approach enabled kids to enjoy the different parts of Bionicle media without having to consume and understand all of it at once. Where other similar franchises might loredump or dive straight into the conflict, we got Toa animations which more or less just showed off their athletic skills and introduced the settings of Mata Nui. We didn't see the Toa really face off against Makuta or the Rahi in these animations; the closest we got was seeing Tahu's mask swiped by an unseen Rahi. We got an online point and click adventure which took place entirely from a regular Matoran's perspective, and showed the actual main protagonists of the story very sparingly. (Admittedly, some of this is down to the ill-fated PC game, but I think it counts.) We got comics which kept the details similarly vague; with the first one just following Kopaka's first steps on the island (with Pohatu only being introduced towards the end, and the other Toa only revealed on the very last panel).
  19. Well folks, I had the dream last night myself. It definitely wasn't the stereotypical dream at the retail store, it actually took place at a Brickfair, a vendor was selling tubs and tubs of used bionicle sets (mostly 06 and forward) but they had so many there were crowds of people getting these used sets and there was still so many left for those who wanted them. The vendor was about to let me buy the Thornatus for 30% off when I awoke.
  20. Of course... That rare week when I logged in earlier than usual on Sunday and then later than usual on Monday, resulting in me completely not knowing about the Monday stream until after it's already over... Well, at least I didn't have anything else to do tonight, so I was able to take the time to watch the recording. Good to see you make more significant progress (especially that one minikit you had previously missed numerous times), so now it's just the last bonus level and collecting enough studs to purchase everything. At this rate, it's likely that you'll have this game fully completed on the next stream later this week, which means next week you'll be able to begin completing the second Lego Indiana Jones game. Had I been able to join the stream, one thing I would've mentioned in the chat is that the Young Indy bonus level is not based on that TV series you mentioned, but rather that opening scene from Last Crusade.
  21. Accidental overdosing on 2800mg Berberine at one sitting was a near deathlike hypo experience one can never forget.. or hopefully repeat. 🫣


  22. Part I, Chapters 4-6 are refreshed! As well as the prologue? Which I... didn't do first for some reason? I'm so whimsical and funny
  23. RuneScape and Tears of The Kingdom - have barely scratched the surface, did the same thing with BOTW where I took my sweet time and then eventually just no-lifed it. Excited to do the same with TOTK!
  24. As a fan of the franchise since day one, and seeing it evolve and change over the years, I would say the reason it had a huge impact upon a generation, especially myself, is that Lego took from that movie franchise it was licensed to sell sets of and built its own epic detailed saga of good vs evil with themes on many things, from biology, honor, sacrifice, love, bravery, legacy, and so much more. Like Star Wars, Bionicle took from several ideas, from personal bouts with illness, Polynesian cultures, classic myth, Kurosawa-esque epics, to science fiction of all likes, and combined them into something truly unique, weird and original, and that is the short answer of how Bionicle Stood Out from the Crowd.
  25. We'll be doing a double-dose of B6's Block Party this week! On Monday, May 20th and Thursday, May 23rd you can head over to the BZPower Twitch channel starting at 7 PM Eastern, where hopefully our audio won't be messed up for fifteen minutes this time! We still have more LEGO Indiana Jones to play, so we look forward to seeing you there as we swing around, collecting collectibles!View the full article
  26. A Biological Chronicle, a team of elemental heroes with a robotic appearance, juxtaposed against nature, mystery and myth. Also robo-hobbits, insect-like (or clone set) baddies.
  27. Hi everyone, I forgot I had an account here oops :v I've been making a drawing/painting every day for the past few weeks, mainly Bionicle characters. I've been posting them regularly elsewhere (on Twitter and Bluesky), and since they've piled up, I'm gonna dump the first 50. I make most of them using watercolours and alcohol markers, sometimes just ink or acrylic paints. I'm also open to requests! Enjoy!
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