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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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(Vielah Nuvay [Outside of Po-Koro Inn talking to Velan])

"Then we'll walk," she states; not wanting to admit the last thing she wanted was to walk through the desert in her heavy armor. They would need plenty of armor. "Wait, scratch that. Velan, see if you can find us an Ussul cart. We'll need plenty of supplies for our journey." The Toa of Fire leans in and adds in a lower voice,"I don't care how you obtain the cart, just get one."-Mef Man

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IC: Velan:Meanwhile, Velan had arrived at the stables. Going in through a back way, she caught a worker by surprise, striking him in the head with hear flail, and making sure he was dead by slitting his throat with her knife. Not bothering to wash any blood off her or her weapons, Velan saddled two Ussuls, connecting them to the wagon. It would be enough for three Toa and any items they might pick up. Driving the crabs out the doors, she drove them out of the village, passing through the gates with ease. She then forced the crabs to a stop a little ways away from the village, waiting for her employer and partner to arrive.

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IC (Jin)The sand crunched beneath my feet as I entered Po-Koro's market. A warm breeze caressed my face, but did nothing to alleviate the heat. Like everything else around here, even the wind was hot and stagnant.I made a beeline for one shop in particular: my employer had told me the location of the shop operated by a minion of his competitor. Beyond that, it was my job to find this guy's employer, and then off him.The shop was a little cooler than the outside desert, but not by much. A Matoran lounged behind the counter, then stood straight as he caught sight of me. I wasn't looking at him though: I was looking at the impressive array of weapons around the store. Not bad."Can I help you?" the Matoran asked.Two short seconds later, he was on the ground, my foot pressing down on his windpipe. His eyes were wide as saucers; apparently he hadn't been expecting an attack on his life this early in the day."Listen, shrimp," I said, not bothering with pleasantries. (See? The heat puts me in such a bad mood.) "I'm looking for your supplier."

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IC(Vielah Nuvay [Outside of Po-Koro Inn talking to Velan and Verak])

"Should've spoken up before she stole the cart," she whispers to Verak while dragging him outside of the gates and onto the Ussul cart. "You'll be fine. I've heard rumors that the village is in chaos anyway," she adds before turning to Velan. "Ready?"-Mef Man

Edited by Mef Man
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ICVerak suddenly was glad of the decision to take the fedora and trench coat. He would need the extra disguise."Right. If I have to run I'll meet you... say... Lake Pala? Gives me something to do when you're doin' important business stuff." He said in a low voice to Veilah. They both passed the village gates, leaving Po-Koro behind, and continued on the dusty trail to Velan and her caravan. Verak immediately jumped up onto the wagon's bench where Velan was holding the Ussal's reins."Let's head to the mountain, sisters. Onwards!" Verak made a forwards gesture, brandishing an imaginary sword.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC(Vielah Nuvay [Outside of Po-Koro Inn talking to Verak])

"Ready," she replies while rolling her eyes. The Toa of Fire wanted to ask so many questions, but obviously the Toa was keeping quiet for now. But, Vielah wasn't worried. She could always get what she wanted from the male gender. Always.Vielah leans back in the cart as the terrain changes from desert to snow.OOC: Vielah and group to Ko-Wahi-Mef Man

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IC (Jin)The sand crunched beneath my feet as I walked out of the weapons store whose owner I had recently knocked out.It hadn't been difficult to get the information I needed out of the Matoran; it's easy to intimidate someone when your foot is pressing gently on their throat. It had only taken a few minutes for him to finally spill the beans, after realizing that I wasn't kidding around.Now I had my information: the leader of this petty-crime organization was lounging in a bunker about a kio outside of Po-Koro. After extracting this piece of intel, I'd knocked the Matoran out to prevent him from sounding the alarm. Now he was lying behind the counter, sound asleep, and the sign outside the front door prroclaimed the shop closed. By the time he woke up, my job would be done, if I was lucky.I sighed. That's the problem with these jobs. Sometimes, no matter how skillful or sexy you are, it comes down to luck. Of course, I'd learned this many times over, and knew that luck favours the prepared. I was prepared, all right- as I walked, hips swinging, a small bag of madu cabolo bumped against my leg with every stride.I smiled softly, secretively, as I approached an Ussal-transport service. Nothing says preparation like the ability to make things go boom.

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OOC: Double-posting as per the twelve-hour rule.IC (Jin)The wagon creaked and groaned as it trundled along the road that wound through the desert sands. If you could call it a road, that is. Karz, if you could call the thing I was sitting in a cart. It was basically a few planks on wheels, pulled by an Ussal. Not exactly travelling in style, but it was cheap, and better than walking.My little informant had told me that his boss's lair was about a kio outside Po-Koro, at the entrance of a deep canyon. Apparently the locals called it Jaga Canyon, but I wasn't here to sightsee. I was here strictly on business. Whether it was called Jaga Canyon, Makuta Canyon, or Po-Wahi-is-Kazahni Canyon made no difference to me.I'd been rolling along under the hot sun for about an hour before I finally found the landmark I'd been told to look for: a finger of pale rock pointing towards the sky. I smiled. It was almost like the earth itself was cursing Mata Nui for making it so hot and dry here in the desert. I could sympathize. If I lived in Po-Wahi, I'd be pretty irritated with the Great Spirit too.Thankfully, I didn't actually live here: I was just here to carry out a job. And the sooner I carried out the job, the sooner I'd be out of this Karz-hole.I parked the Ussal-cart in the shade of the finger of rock. The Rahi lowed softly as I jumped off the wagon, and settled down to rest on the sand. From the looks of it, the beast wouldn't be going anywhere until I returned. One of the perks of having a lazy mount: you now it's not going to run off on you.I started walking, heading east of the finger of rock. It only took a few minutes before I stood at the entrance of Jaga Canyon, a crevice in rock that sloped down into dim shadows. I took a deep breath, but it wasn't particularly invigorating: instead, I almost choked on the dry, dusty air. I growled in irritation- I wanted to get out of this place.My resolve strengthened, I strode down into the canyon. The slope wasn't particularly steep, and the sand was quickyl replaced by bare rock, allowing me to easily keep my foothold. As I passed down into the shadows, the air grew cooler, and the sun stopped burning the back of my neck. By the time I reached the bottom of the canyon, I was feeling pretty good.Good thing, too, because the canyon floor was guarded.A figure carrying a spear stepped out of the shadows, resolving into a gunmetal-gray Toa with a scar along the jaw of his Calix. And a fine jaw it was, too. He would have been attractive if not for the steely glare he was directing at me, along with the razor-sharp spear that was rapidly getting too close for comfort."Who are you?" he growled. His voice sounded gravelly, like rocks sliding over one another. "What's your business here?"Maybe it was time to go for the flirty approach. "I heard there was someone... important hiding out around here," I cooed. I slowly stepped forward, running my fingers along the edge of the spear. "I was hoping to talk to him."The Toa frowned, then shook his spear, pushing my hand away. "Get out of here," he grunted. "You're not talking to anyone, except me, and I'm getting tired of your conversation."I feigned a hurt look as I edged closer to him. "That's not nice. I like talking to you.""Beat it," the Toa snarled, taking a step back. He pressed the tip of his spear into my abdomen. "This is your last warning."I sighed, and turned as if to leave. Then, before the Toa could react, I spun,and grabbed the spear, twisting it and wrenching it out of his grasp. I flipped the weapon around and, grasping it with both hands, pointed it at the guard, my voice dropping from the charming facade I'd put on to my usual husky tones."This is your last warning," I said softly, letting the tip of the spear scratch his armour. "Let me pass, or I'll make you."The Toa's eyes narrowed.

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IC (Akree)As Akree pushed open the door to the weapon store that some Vortixx thug had decided to close, he thought to himself, This is a bad idea. A really bad idea. But he had no choice. He made his living selling scrap metal or tools he scavenged in the Po-Wahi desert, but recently business was much worse than usual. He hadn't found enough scrap to pay for food, so if he didn't steal and sell the weapons from this shop, he wouldn't last long.As he expected, the shopkeeper was still out cold after that crazy Vortixx went in and beat up the poor guy. With barely a moment's hesitation, Akree started filling up his pack with things he thought nobody would miss; mostly small knives, the occasional hatchet. When he gathered a dozen of the things, he snuck out of the shop and joined a small crowd walking away from the market, making an effort not to look suspicious.OOC: Yay, my first post for Akree! It isn't brilliant, but it's a start. Sorry if it is a little confusing as to what's actually going on. And the weapon shop is the one from Fullmetal Eyrchamist's posts, hope you don't mind!

Edited by DoctorCouch
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IC(Ghez-doan Valkan [Setting up shop: Po-Koro, Ghez's Desert Good's Shop])

Ghez-doan sits up in his bed; a smile on his face. It was the start of a new day. A new day to sell items, a new day to make someone else's day better, and another day to serve Mata-Nui.After a quick shower and change of clothes, the Toa of Stone was soon in the main room of his shop, changing the closed sign to open before walking down stairs and grabbing a block of ice. He brings it upstairs and places it in the vent system he had installed. As the warm air from the outside melted the ice, it would blow a cool breeze into the store; cooling it down.That was the idea, atleast.Ghez-doan takes a seat behind the counter and takes out a tablet; reading over it as he waits for the first customer.OOC: Ghez-doan Valkan open for interaction.-Mef Man

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IC: Professor Haford Joinda - The Rock Solid, Po-koro -A Toa of Stone sat at the counter in the Rock Soild. "I'll take a bottle of Salamander's Revenge..." He said to the barkeep. He had his Snap Brim Fedora tipped over on his head so you couldn't see his eyes in the dim lighting. He had several very old looking maps and documents on the counter, going over them intently. OOC: Open for interaction.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: SomniusSomnius handed over a few widgets, and looked over the cane that he had just bought. It was jet-black, and sleek, almost like a reminder of what its owner may once have been like.The Toa hadn't washed in days, and it showed. A small colony of flies had taken up residence in the tattered coat he wore, and his shoe looked like it would begin to speak any moment now. And even if it didn't, the wildlife that was growing in the many gaps within it would.He walked through Po-Koro, attracting numerous distasteful looks from passersby. He didn't care.Somnius opened the door of the bar and walked in, smirking. He ignored the various drunks, and sat down next to a particular Toa of Stone. He noticed the various maps left out, and nodded. The Toa didn't know him, of course.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Somnius"Everything an archaeologist seeks is a grave, although not always one of something once living." Somnius leaned back slightly in his seat. There was a strange smell around him, sort of like a hospital - death and illness, combined with various other smells trying (and failing) to cover them up.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC(Ghez-doan Valkan [Talking to Vorasku: Po-Koro, Ghez's Desert Good's Shop])

"Desert clothes, water, I can even rent out a few Ussul crabs if you need one," the Toa replies. "Just make sure to send 'em back to me. I also have a spare room I rent out. What are you looking for today? I have a little bit of everything here."-Mef Man

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IC(Ghez-doan Valkan [Talking to Vorasku: Po-Koro, Ghez's Desert Good's Shop])

"I don't really know anywhere that sells things like that," the Toa explains, his eyes narrowing a tad. "Those aren't exactly legal in most areas, but I do sell a few disk launchers, swords, and things like that. Interested in anything like that?"-Mef Man

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IC: VoraskuVorasku looked the crossbow over. It felt like a good weapon. "Agreed." he said, handing over the money.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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