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Peach 00

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Everything posted by Peach 00

  1. Pretty good idea, guys. ^^ However, one question: Regarding all of this, can you ask more than one question to a staff member? Or is it strictly one question per member?
  2. Heh, these are pretty funny - the 'whoo scribbly' is cool. ^^
  3. Now that made me laugh. I get where you're going. It comes across as that sometimes that some people seem lazy with their work, but I don't think that implies every comic maker, but simply a minority (so about twenty or thirty people maximum). Even those members aren't necessarily untalented, but they just don't have the initiative to work longer on their work, or that's how it appears sometimes. I'm probably wrong, but you get the point I'm making. But yeah, it's nice to have a joke after what happened earlier. =P
  4. Thank you. I'm sorry I insulted both of you, but I've been irritated lately. Maybe I should not have brought my irritability into the discussion, but this just made me more angry. And I don't want that either - I'm not a big fan of it personally, but I don't want it closed off. It's a part of the forum I can't change, and although I don't like it, I don't want it to be gone from the site because it's another creative section of the site that allows people to show off their talent.But hey, we've both made our points. We might not agree, but I am definitely sorry for insulting both of you. It just felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back and when I saw both comments. I probably overreacted, but I'm glad that it didn't turn out any worse - anyhow, let's move on with the discussion. It got bad, and I would prefer it if it didn't get close to that again.
  5. Eh, Ballom is the only one I've seen that comes close, but he has another 1000+ posts to get before he reaches that goal.
  6. Guys, we said we'd stay away from flaming. By simply trolling me, you're making this worse. By calling me stupid, prejudice, and bias, you're both being immature. I'm going to make a simple threat: If one, yes, one person says another word about me or mentions my name, tries to troll or insult me, I will have the topic reported. I've had enough in one day of people getting on my case, and one more person mentioning my name will bring me to the point where I'm probably going to end up screaming at an innocent bystander in all of this.I'll say this once and only once: I get the point of comics. It's cute that you think that I'm prejudice and bias, and I realize that not everybody is Michelango or Leonardo Da Vinci, and not everybody can paint The Vitruvian Man or the Mona Lisa. I'm not a blind, stupid, ignorant little four-year-old. You're making yourself look like that by not realizing that the point of what I was saying was that I was being honest, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my opinion. Everybody understood that, and two of you were the exception.I get the point, guys. You don't need to write five-page long posts for me to get that. I've understood those points for a long time, and just because I disagree with those points doesn't give you guys the right to get on my case. I've made my threat, and I've made my point. By trolling me and provoking me into posting, you've not only made this topic a flame war, you've broken the rules not once but three times, repeat three times.
  7. Welcome member Gavla into the inner circle of people with 10K, everybody!Though I don't know him myself, I congratulate him on reaching this posting level. Congrats, Gavla!
  8. Despite the fact it can take hours, the products don't always end up all that humorous as the artists probably think. I view both as art, too - although hours it might take to actually create sprites and the like, I've seen many experienced comic makers who don't exactly have a joke to the comic. Either that or their humor doesn't exactly appeal to me; no offense to the creators themselves, but I suppose it's my sense of taste. Again, not to offend purposefully.Although I'd prefer to practically debase the comics forum for a number of reasons none would fully appreciate, I know I'd get a lot of hate for my comments, because as opposed to a majority, I have a lot of reasons I dislike it instead of liking it. I do not mean to offend anyone with my comments - I hope the topic does not touch flaming, although I realize that Paleo is correct that many nasty discussions have occurred on this subject.Honestly, though - I hope my comments did not offend anyone, I was stating my belief/thought in that scenario. If it did offend anybody, my apologies, but I was being honest, and although truth can sometimes be hurtful to those who disagree, I was just adding input to the discussion. If it was any way nasty or along the border of flaming, I'm sorry.
  9. Peach 00

    Oh No, It's Batman!

    Pretty cool - in comparison to the drawing you did for your sis, I'd say both are pretty awesome. No way to actually define which one is better because they're both cool. =P
  10. At first when I joined I loved it for all the things about it. In the past few months, I've learned a lot of...daunting things about it that have made me dislike it the slightest amount. There's no doubt I love the friends I've made and the ability to actually state a frank and open opinion about a discussion's topic, but things I've learned have made me tear away from it on a certain aspect. Nonetheless, I think the site is great because of my friends and the feedback I get from my writing - nothing more, nothing less.
  11. In discussion, yes. Otherwise, I have interest in blogs and my friends - the latter is the only reason I stay on here, with the exception of my writing and feedback for that.
  12. Hand-drawn. When I see sprite comics, it emanates laziness for some reason, or that the artist of the comic decides to take an easier road than actually trying to learn and hone their art skills to a point where they could draw comics quite well. There seems to be more humor in hand-drawn comics - the artist has taken the time to draw a very detailed comic, why not add a lot of wit to the dialogue and make a wonderful punchline that makes it enjoyable for the viewer? I never see that attention to detail in sprite comics.Sorry for my honest opinion, but that's the way I see it. I definitely think that artists of hand-drawn comics deserve lot more respect for their time. Artists of sprite comics could say they take time, but all it takes are two clicks: Cut, and paste, continuously for backgrounds and the characters. Text isn't hard to do, and mostly the artists simply take backgrounds from other comics, and maybe edit them the slightest bit to make it original.I'm not trying to troll the topic or offend anybody, but I'm stating my opinion. Everybody's probably heard that argument, and some might think it's a pathetic reason to post, but I'm serious when I say I'm just adding to the discussion of the topic. Sorry for my honesty, but it's better than trying to lie to massage a person's ego or trying to make others feel better, and I could simply tell people my thoughts and add input to the discussion of the thread. Not much else to say but that - so, simplified, I prefer hand-drawn comics (you mentioned Taka Nuvia's, whose comics are my favorite).
  13. Pretty awesome. ^^ Love the facial detail, quite good.
  14. I have to disagree - she was a hated character by a lot of people for her role in the story, especially because she betrayed both the Makuta and the Dark Hunters, if I'm not mistaken. For that, she is awesome. xP That type of character was probably needed in this case, honestly, because it's much better than the water-Toa that were introduced to the story.
  15. Agreed - I hate being politically correct, too. xPHeh, nice. And I'd totally have to agree with Taka, Roodaka is awesome hands-down. =D
  16. I'll be honest, it's kind of strange. =/ Not sure what to think. However, if you have cancer, I'm sorry to hear this.
  17. Adorable. =3 Love it so much.
  18. I feel absolutely awful. You asked for a review, and because I was away for so long, I basically forgot about it. Excuses aren't enough to explain my actions, but I repaid you by giving you the review below. I am so sorry.So far, this is gripping. It is quite interesting, and you should be happy with it. Considering your last update was last year, I'm not sure if you've neglected to write more and have had writer's block or have simply stopped writing it and don't want to continue writing it. Nonetheless, it is an enthralling read. There are a few spelling errors here and there, although they aren't anything to actually tear away from the read itself.The characters are thoroughly intriguing - Volskith is a strange demented being from what I've read, and I see him as the insane villain who's just so evil you either hate him and find him slightly annoying or you love him. I'm in the middle of the road in this case. Kara is my favorite character so far, and the character Xinlo is pretty amusing at some points.My favorite section you've written was probably the whole thing about the many questions in the world - the best question stated was, "How does one get along with a woman?" It made me laugh, and the small amounts of humor injected into the story like this bit make it an enjoyable read.Although this is slightly a short review, I've read up to the fifth chapter, and so far I'm impressed by it. I am so sorry I did not review it earlier, I don't think I can come up with any excuse for not reviewing. I hope this was satisfactory for my not reviewing the story - I promised a lot of people and ended up neglecting to review their stories, but I'm slowly going back and viewing them. You've done a great job on this so far, and I hope you keep up the good work - I'll continue to read if you post more chapters.
  19. Although having not played the Metroid games, Samus Aran is still cool.
  20. Lol, same here. I prefer a lot of other colors, but I wear it just for the sake of wearing it sometimes. To me, just because I'm a female doesn't mean I wear the color all the time. =PAbout being gay: GSR's point sums up my thoughts pretty well, but I'd like to move on from the discussion now. Those type of generalizations just make me upset. =/Guys' as in actual guys, or the gender-free version 'guys'? I'm joking, lol. My role model is probably Audrey Hepburn, as I'm pursuing the same career as both ballerina/actress. Helen Mirren is another role model as well, honestly. There are a lot of others I forget for some reason, lol. My favorite hero is hard to pick, however there are some cool book characters (AKA Charlotte Doyle in True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is probably one of my favorite female heroes, although not sure if you could call her a hero).
  21. Good to see you back, Exo. ^^1 - Seeing my first review for both my epic and my first story. And when I posted the sequel to my epic and ended up getting more reviews for my other epic. Mainly because it just made me feel like people were actually reading with interest and couldn't wait for the next chapter or just what would happen next.2 - My friends, and my stories.3 - Until every one of my friends leave, or if the site revamps into something boring which I have no interest in.
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