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Peach 00

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Everything posted by Peach 00

  1. You're a little young for staff, but would be interesting anyhow. Still, definitely got me. You just need to start labeling every entry with that title...if it ever does happen, I think people wouldn't believe it. =P
  2. I simply fear this world.
  3. Toa Nuva were actually an annoying team. Despite the fact I loved the characters, everybody I've ever talked to goes on talking about how great they were. I just don't seem them as that great storyline-wise - the Mahri were the ones that sacrificed an entire member of their team to try and save Mata-Nui. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't seem them as being as great as they are said to be. As a matter of fact, I didn't think they were great set-wise, either, and no reason to bring them back in '08.2005 is actually a decent year. Not storyline-wise, but the sets were decent. Anybody remember Roodaka? Sidorak? The Visorak? I never owned the Hordika, although I did see they weren't that bad set-wise whenever I saw a friend having one. Roodaka was probably the best set that year for its versatility, its original design, and most of all, the more feminine look that was given to the set.2007 being an awesome year. People complained that the sea theme was stupid, and that everything was too dark. That and the fact the Barraki weren't good sets. People also complained in repititive amounts about the Squid-Launchers and Cordak Blasters. The Mahri were great sets by far - each of them had interesting qualities that made them adapt to their new environment. Because those qualities were added to their characters, it also made their characters in the storyline gain new charaacteristics.A ) The theme wasn't dark. It was creative and sent the storyline into an original and intriguing direction. It kept it interesting.B ) The Barraki were great. Pridak and Takadox were both cool sets, not to mention Kalmah and Ehlek. Their canister designs were also quite awesome. I didn't see any probably with their designs - they represented creatures in the deep that caused fear. They were each interesting and, well, to put it simply, awesome.C ) People weren't actually using either launcher correctly. The majority thought that, just by simply touching the Cordak lightly would make it propel fifty feet. The squid launcher was because...well, people weren't using it right, to simplify my point.D ) Jaller gained the crab; Kongu had two Cordak Blasters; Hahli was now in her proper environment and not only had an awesome weapon, gained a pair of fins/wings; Nuparu looked more like Batman in this situation, a quality which I wasn't too fond of, but his mask was still cool; Matoro had colors in his pieces which we hadn't seen in ages; and Hewkii had the awesome spear and chains. I used the chains often for pretty cool action poses, so I loved them.Geez, ranting gets lengthy after awhile, doesn't it?
  4. Castelliorization - David Gilmour
  5. Peach 00

    Danger Close

    Ambush “So, wait, you’re telling me that we forgot to fix the underneath barrier?” the Toa of Stone asked.“No, I’m telling you we’re going to a parade and we’re going to go get ice cream,” the female responded sarcastically, agitated. “Of course that’s what I’m telling you, pinhead!”“Calm down, Lyss,” Talin said, but the psionics-Toa’s temper blazed more.“What have I told you people about the nicknames?” Alyssia retorted, enraged at this point.“Look,” Jilin said, his voice edging towards a more forceful tone. “There’s no reason to freak out about this. Of course, they may have already found the loophole in this system, but we’re going to win. Even if they’ve gotten in at this point, we’ll be able to flank them. If they only keep at one section of the island, we can flank. It’ll be a change of plans, but it should work.”“Sounds good, but we’ve got to still transmit this plan to the rest,” Kuhi said. Spira nodded, a grimace crossing her face. All eyes were upon her for a moment as they waited for her to respond.“We must hurry,” she explained carefully. “We already know Tikiani has dropped down, and has exited. We don’t know what they could do next,” Each individual nodded in agreement.There was a rather annoying sound which buzzed in their ears, more or less a constant tick, and leaves rustling behind them. They believed it to be the wind, something that was frequent on the Water Region cliff top. But by the time they realized what it was, it was too late to react, and they knew that their plan wouldn’t be able to be initiated just yet. ~:~ “Alpha Bravo, come in,”She grunted, exasperated. Something was wrong, and deep down she knew that the group had been hit out of nowhere. The plan had gone terribly wrong somewhere along the way, and the mistake might have cost them everything there was to lose. She refused to believe this, one of her many faculties – she was a narcissist, more or less. Once again, she repeated the words once again in hope that they might answer. She was greeted with nothing but static, and afterwards a long silence.Nagii sighed. “We’ve lost them,” she informed her colleagues in an icy tone. Whether or not they were safe was something that continued to etch away at her mind, like a continuous ticking sound that repeated over and over. Nothing could keep the importance of their safety from worrying her. Stelt put a firm yet gentle hand on her shoulder.“Let’s head out,” he said. “We can head in their direction, and maybe cover them. I’m sure their fine.”“Stop burying me in clichés, Stelt,” she snapped furiously. “I know that they are not alright. And besides, I’ll decide where we head out; I’m still the leader of this group. Toa or not, I am still your superior.” Surprisingly enough, the Toa of Sonics was not harmed by her harsh words. He had grown accustomed her sting, her words always fierce and full of a frivolous sort of anger. Deep down he knew that she was frightened like everybody else, although she was too proud to admit it to others.“Regardless,” Nagii continued. “We’ve got to head towards the Water Region, yes. But we’re not going to charge in there like rampaging Muakas. We’ll be killed by the time we’ve said one word. Somehow we’ll make it through in some form of loophole. I don’t know how we will, but somehow…”She looked around for a moment. The blizzard-like conditions made it insanely difficult to see even a few feet in front of you, but something made her feel uneasy. Not simply because of the worry of her comrades’ personal safety…but something in the environment troubled her. The amethyst-armored Matoran noticed somebody missing. This was when everything clicked in her mind. ~:~ Silvian and Canan had been trying to transmit strategies to AB for over three minutes – it was obvious something had gone wrong. There was no way to determine if they had realized the loophole in the barrier system, considering they could not reach them. They probably realized it the same time we did, Silvian thought. He had seen Tikiani exit, not to mention hit the water. He could not alert Alpha-Bravo – he could neither contact Whiskey-Echo. The plan had failed, and it was impossible what to do next without confirmation.“All I can think to do now is to dive into the water, and hit the beaches,” he eventually said. “Find the first cover nearby, and try to follow the group. We have no choice; without the ability to contact the other groups, we’re going to have the abort this strategy.”Litela stepped forward towards Canan and Silvian silently. “You are right, brother,” she answered. “Water being my element, I propose I go forward first. Wait exactly thirty seconds to go one by one, and I will wait for your approach.”“That is a brave move, Litela, but you are invaluable,” Canan disagreed. Although respecting her bold proposal, there was no use in wasting a member of the team in case of capture, or, worse, death.“I will go,” she argued. “I am not about to let them get any further towards their objective. You no just as well as I do that perhaps thousands of lives are in jeopardy as we speak, and it becomes far more dangerous every second we wait here arguing. I’d prefer to be the one to sacrifice one life for thousands of innocent bystanders in this war, Canan!”“Calm down, both of you,” their Toa of Air comrade interrupted in an attempt to stop the pointless arguing. “Litela will do what she has to do. We’re better off letting her go – despite being important to the team, she’ll have to go. It’s the only plan we have.” Each sighed in agreement. He added an after-thought: “Now, once you drop down, I’ll have an air-cushion ready to catch you. You can much more easily hit the water so it isn’t as forceful a landing and won’t be as loud, at the very least.”She nodded, agreeing with the idea. The water-Toa approached the edge of the pinnacle, and looked down upon the water. It was a luxurious part of nature, worshipped by the species of water Matoran and Toa for its benefits to life. She did not see as such a sacred body, and simply saw it as a part of the universe, just like the forests and the air she breathed. She shook away the thought of its importance now and simply jumped.Litela felt the rush of the air, cold and whistling in her ears as she dived downward. Inches away from the water, she felt the uplift of air conflicting with gravity, and her body was thrust upward. She performed a lithe somersault, with acrobatic prowess flipping in mid-air to fall backwards into the water, each movement planned.The water was icy cold, and quickly she dived further into the depths. Looking up at the surface, she knew she had further to go until she eventually could reach the beaches. With the waving of her arms, she accelerated, propelled forward by the swift current of water she had created. She slowed down, swimming rapidly up to the surface until she saw the sandy ground just three feet away from her.Having reached the beaches, she crawled upon the sand. She gazed to her right, only to see two dark figures in the night, slowly approaching the inland.This won’t be as easy as I thought it would be, she thought, breathing deep. ~:~ The Dark Hunter stood at the cliff-face, gazing out at the beaches. She saw the figures of Fuzan and Silio steadily approaching the area where she stood. She smirked. She recalled when she first met them – two demons in her eyes. But she was just as thrifty as they were. She had followed her charade for years, secretly a servant to Uzian for more than ten years. She had been a secret to all members of his organization for far too long; she had her orders to reveal herself tonight.Why, she had pulled such a clever disguise. Both her masks had kept her well-supplied of powers – a Kanohi Kualsi, allowing her to travel quickly wherever she wanted, and a Mahiki to allow her to shape-shift into whatever she wanted.Civyl had waited far too long before she could unleash her real wits, instead of being a rookie Toa who was new to war. She had received too many scars, for she was a veteran in war. She was an agent of disguise, mastered in concealment. She had played double-agent for both sides in all of this – first being Irui, the dimwitted, rookie Toa of Water, and then the Dark Hunter who had been nicknamed the Velvet Steamroller by her enemies. She was a Toa of Water and Dark Hunter, no doubt, but she was certainly not dimwitted. She was happy to finally reveal herself at last.She watched her cohorts scramble up the beaches, but then glanced at her own victims. The leader of the Toa Rohan, who had once been called a pinnacle of courage and bravery by his comrades, was now sitting on the ground, tied-up and blindfolded, unconscious. The rest of his group was unconscious, with the exception of one – a Toa of Water like her. She had run, but Civyl knew she had no choice in the matter.The Dark Hunter knew she would be back. ~:~ A little bit of a plot twist I couldn't help but add. Anyway, I hope you the reader enjoyed the chapter. Leave a review if you care to, I'd love it if you were to. For those who aren't familiar with the character and for those who can't remember, Civyl was the character at the beginning of my last epic, A Dark Hunter's Tale, the prequel to this. Review Topic
  6. Thanks for pointing out those errors, TNTOS - indeed, they do need some editing. Thanks for the comments. =) I just love those "oh no!" moments. Dunno why, but they're funny. Say what? I think you need a better word, because that made me think that the enemy would be kept in the same caves that the civilians were. I don't know about you, but that seems somewhat redundant. Other than those gripes, no problems. Keep up the excellent work, Peach. =)-InfernaYou gave me this review last Christmas - it took me this long to finally reply to it? I must be an even bigger procrastinator than I thought. :PI know, aren't they great? =P Just wanted one of those plot twists that, although probably predictable, was amusing. And yeah, both those errors I need to fix. Thank you for pointing them out. ^^Thanks to both for pointing them out and for the comments - it's been so long since I've updated, but tonight, I'm finishing up the latest chapter and posting it. I snapped back into action, finally got back to writing DC. I've decided I'll probably post a revised edition once this is finished, just as a side update. Anyway, I hope you guys will read - keep your eyes peeled for the update! =D
  7. Black Magic Woman - SantanaGirl --> Woman
  8. I Heard It Through the Grapevine - CCR
  9. Currently becoming annoyed with the most recent "Have you been diagnosed with [insert disease of some form here]? You may be entitled to compensation!". Law offices nowadays must be really desperate for court cases. =PAnd I swear, if Doug tells me one more time that he has mesothelioma, I'm going to send my remote control through my television set. xP
  10. Taka looking as awesome as ever...and maybe as...well-drawn as ever...? xP
  11. Sweet Hitch-Hiker - CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
  12. - The Princess Bride- RED- Father Goose- My Fair Lady- Kelly's Heroes- Operation Petticoat- Gone With the WindJudging by the majority of the movies on the list, can't you tell I'm an old movie buff?
  13. Granted, but you end up getting coated in mud.I wish I wasn't such a hopeless romantic.
  14. 2/5. I'm not familiar with your username.
  15. Thank You - DidoHave it stuck in my head...
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