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Everything posted by LordofBionicles

  1. Holy Kanohi! how much for any of the Toa Mata? except Onua I´ve already got him,I live in Mexico is that a problem for shipping?
  2. Keetongu, after 2005 he didn´t really had much importance, he could have died by saving Helryx from the EP giant wave
  3. although I would love it to be real, I don´t think those are good enough reasons for BIONICLE´s comeback, our only hope is to wait and keep the flame alive like Greg said, I believe one thing that´s helping on that are the Faber Files, remember Christian Faber said over 20,000 views on the past week!
  4. well believe it or not I was one of those guys, I learned well how to speak english until 2008! so in all the previous years my only way to know about the story was on the web page, hadn´t it been for the comics I would have never known about every year storyline. So the years 2003-2005 were great on that aspect because they had movies, thus I could watch them on my language and know a bit more, another problem was that I didn´t know about BZP´s existence until the end of BIONICLE so I missed a lot of info here.So I think 2007 deserved a movie because it was a great storyline and Mata Nui died, Matoro´s sacrifice would have been something worth watching on a tv screen
  5. really amazing, you did a wonderful job! Now all I´ve got to do is save some money!!!!
  6. well before doing any of that they seem to keep the kanohi from the deceased body like with Jaller & Lhikan
  7. I would like to change any kind of armor piece to the brown color, I once entered one of the many MOC contests here and I wanted to make the most brown-colored titan I could, unfortunately due to Hewkii being yellow and gunmetal in 2006 it was impossible for me to do so, thanks Hewkii
  8. I´m sure the Agori have some kind of sport of their own they could teach the Matoran, while they could agree in playing Kolhii or Akilini remember that these two cultures have to get along so I think the Agori would teach them something too
  9. I´m not a hero, I´m a Toa!

  10. I´m not a hero, I´m a Toa!

  11. I don´t think so, it´s the same with humans: you can be the same age of another guy and live longer or less than him, also I don´t think becoming a Toa gives you extra years because they already live LONG lifespans so more years would be unnecesary in my opinion, still interesting questions!!
  12. I think all of us deeply want the sets back but the problem is, because of the Downtimes and the time it has taken to keep posting the new chapters of the online serials most Bioniclefans are begining to forget about it because of the time it has taken, so I chose yes because although I wouldn´t buy as much sets as I used to it would be the best way to keep BIONICLE alive which is what we all want...
  13. Really Impressive, I like it very much, specially the modification you did to Vakama´s flame blades
  14. I agree with you cap´n k also I think I recall that Greg said Bob Thompson stated some BIONICLE rules before he left which were:No wheels on BIONICLE (At least not on the Matoran universe)No humans on BIONICLENo revealing all of BIONICLE´s secrets because it robs BIONICLE of its mystique So I hope they´re not humans after these, the only thing I´m sure is that they are something that no one expects...
  15. Your story does not have to be set anywhere in particular in the Bionicle storyline, however, nor must it use canon characters. I don´t understand, I have the freedom to write my story about a non-specific place and I can use non canon characters? Am I correct?
  16. Congratulations Greg, and you know what? I thought it was going to be a girl all the time, I was right!
  17. finally another Toa of lightning!
  18. thanks SPIRIT I totally want to ask Greg Some questions he´s the Bionicle-master

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