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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Somehow this looks really cool even with the massive gaps. His shape and size kinda make him seem awesome regardless. Also, nice work on the head. That face actually somewhat resembles a Skakdi.
  2. Some elements have the capacity to be used for "instakill all the enemies at once" methods the others cannot be used for. Mainly Iron and Gravity. I can't think of an excuse why those wouldn't be used, so I just took them out of the equation. But if someone has a good enough excuse, I'll use that and then open up the full pool of elements. Like I said, you're free to change elements any time before the game starts.
  3. My intention, as was Lone's, was to wait for season 2 to come out and get plot progression that way. I never even intended to read the manga. Which is the reason for our over-the-top reactions to you spoiling basically everything. I would also suggest you edit that post to remove that, just in case some other AOT fan happens to walk into this topic. Once again, you have a point. You just haven't smashed through that particular hurdle.
  4. Because the Mask of Undeath isn't true Rebirth, the mask of Shielding doesn't block only one type of attack, the mask of Scavenging provides a temporary boost rather than a permanent one. You may have a point on Speed and Possibilities. Mind Control is definitely way too forced, especially since it doesn't work after the user's death. Plus I'd have to explain why they don't just force the enemy to kill themselves right off the bat. Overall it just seems simpler not to use canon masks for this. Plus, these Mask Makers wouldn't be so boastful if their creations weren't entirely their own.
  5. I would like to see you practice what you preach, buddy. You should've caught up after watching the show. I don't have any sets anymore. But that did call to my attention that a lack of parts is a valid excuse, somewhat. There's still the argument that you could more evenly space out what you do have. His top half is cluttered enough for that to be possible. "Should've caught up" is a completely ridiculous excuse for spoiling things.
  6. Ok, I'm gonna just make an amendment to the rule now, you have a point. And I forgot Light and Shadow entirely. Also, anyone who wants to can change their element, as long as it's done before game start.
  7. WHY THE BLOODY KARZAHNI WOULD YOU POST THOSE SPOILERS IN THE-- Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can create large enough legs for a titan that size and still have their knees bend. Kardas has bending knees, no excuses.
  8. That actually looks very much like a Zergling, I'm impressed. Nice use of the Kraahkans too.
  9. Awesome. But remember to include your mask and element with your resistance sheets, guys. Well, you could use Iron to control the enemy's body, even make it grow sharp protrusions inside itself, use Magnetism to control them to a lesser degree, crush them with Gravity or send them hurtling into space, melt through anything in the blink of an eye with Plasma....only Psionics, Sonics, and Jungle seem fair, but at that point it just seems right to keep it simple. Besides, creating a vacuum is hard unless your power is specifically Vacuum. Standard Air users would need more concentration and energy for that...so much, in fact, that I'd venture a guess they could only do it to one person at a time. Hmm. I wonder.
  10. Bionicle Hitman XII: Maskmaker The plot A long time ago, on the mythical island of Otoko (not Okoto, the two are often confused), there lived a society of Toa. Among these Toa were six Mask Makers, who created Kanohi masks for all to use. They each specialized in the creation of one type of mask, a task at which each excelled. However, this lead to debate over which Maker created the best mask. The competition grew fierce, with each believing that his mask was the greatest of them all. None could convince the others that his mask was supreme, so they devised a tournament to determine the winner. Several warriors, each with a mask of their choosing, would fight to the death. Surely the mask the victor had chosen was the greatest. No? Well, too bad. They're fighting to the death anyway. The game In Hitman, you are attempting to assassinate all of the other players. You do this by PMing me with the name of the player you are targeting. In addition to your target's name, you will also PM me the murder method you will use in your assassination attempt. You have six methods of murder to choose from. Gun Warhammer Sword Element Poison Explosive You are not guaranteed a kill. Different assassins have different resistances and weaknesses against different weapons. When signing up for the game, you will PM me a list of all the murder methods and corresponding numerical values (one through seven). For example: This is your resistance profile. It tells me which weapons you are weak against and which weapons you are strong against. When someone attempts to kill you, I will roll a die. If the number falls below your resistance for the chosen weapon, you will survive. If not, you die. For example, if someone targeted you with an explosive, I would roll a die. If my die landed on anything below 6, you would survive the attempt. If you were targeted with a knife attack, and I rolled below 4, you'd live. If this requires any clarification, let me know, and I'll do my best to explain it to you. Each round will take about 48 hours, including plenty of time in which to PM me your target and weapon of choice. If you fail to send me the name of a target and a weapon of choice, you will take no action that round. What happens when multiple people attack the same target? I will calculate the assassination attempts chronologically. The first person to PM me that target's name will receive first dibs on the assassination attempt. If he fails, the next person will get a shot, and so on. What happens if the last two/three/etc. people all kill each other? There can only be one survivor, so if the last few assassins all kill each other I will reroll. The twist(s) As you should know now, this is a tournament of Toa, revolving around six types of Kanohi mask, to determine which mask power is greatest. Or so those conceited Mask Makers hope, anyway. But I think you're all more interested in determining which warrior is greatest. So, to that end, each of you will send me, along with your resistance sheet, your choice of mask. Each player will start with one mask from this list. Mask of Rebirth: One time use. The user will survive the first attempt on their life that would have been successful. The mask will lose its power after this, and can never regain it. Mask of Aggression: Allows the user to target people at twice the usual rate, meaning they pick two targets per round. Mask of Vengeance: When the user is killed, the mask's power will activate and kill the user's killer as well. Mask of Defense: The user of this mask may choose one method of murder (which may never be changed) to be completely invulnerable to. Mask of Absorption: Allows the user to draw strength from those they kill, permanently boosting a resistance of their choice by one point every time they kill someone. Mask of Power: Boosts the attack power of the user, meaning when I use the RNG to determine the user's attack's likelihood of succeeding, I will add +1 to it before calculating results. This makes the user more likely to get a kill. Now, when you get a kill, the mask of whoever you killed will come into your possession. When you have multiple masks, in addition to PMing me your target, you will PM me the mask you will wear that round. To keep things simple, though, you can't have two of the same mask. Ever. If a kill would result in you getting duplicates, the mask will just end up being destroyed in the process of the murder. Oh, and even though it won't affect your chances of winning in the slightest, include your choice of element in the PM, so I know what to do if you perform an elemental attack. So, choose your masks wisely, and good luck to you all! (Even though that really doesn't help anyone since the amount of luck everyone has is increased by the same amount.) The payroll These are your fellow assassins. Eliminated targets are crossed out. Payroll 1. Neo ShadowVezon 2. Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons 3. Makuta Luroka 4. Voltex Oblige 5. Zakaro 6. Chro 7. Captain Caboose 8. Phoenix Zero 9. JAG18 10. Pulse Trijhak 11. Kopekemaster 12. An/A Blade 13. Aiwendil The rules 1. Use only a single PM to send in your targets - that is, don't start a new PM each round; just add a reply to the existing PM. 2. No changing targets. I will accept the first PM you send me, and will ignore any others you send in an attempt to switch your target. 3. No complaining about outcomes. I am not biased; I am genuinely just rolling the RNG. This game is a little bit of strategy with a whole lot of luck.
  11. I get the feeling I'll need to get another haircut by the time another game is posted at this rate. It seems you guys liked the game I hosted, and at this point I'm a little worried Hitman will meet its end if we don't get the ball rolling now. I'm glad you enjoyed Hitman X, and I'm not sure if I can top it, but I'll certainly try. So...all in favor of me starting Hitman XII: Maskmaker?
  12. I had very few sets, and now have none, so I'm not going off of actual ownership here. 2001: Muaka and Kane-Ra. 2002: Cahdok and Gahdok. 2003: Takutanuva. 2004: Ultimate Dume. 2005: Keetongu, I guess. This one's hard. 2006: Kardas. 2007: Maxilos and Spinax. 2008: Takanuva. 2009: Toa Mata Nui, or Skopio XV-1. 2010: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  13. Well, the pic itself isn't horrendous at all. The design flow, on the other hand, might be. He looks a little cobbled together, not very solid. He also has three random heads sticking out of his arms. Head pieces as armor can work, like with Takanuva '08 and Maxilos, but when they're placed a little randomly...nope. His legs are also a little too small. As for pros, you have a consistent blue and black color scheme. Or you almost do. The Metus head and Bohrok teeth screw it over a little.
  14. Now that is good. It looks solid and compact, and looks like it could really fit into Bionicle 2015.
  15. So has anyone seen that amazing H2A cinematic they released yesterday?
  16. That is the most convoluted bio I have ever read and I sincerely hope you did that purely for the sake of humor. First off: That picture is huge. Maybe a few smaller versions would help? That took several minutes to load, and normally my connection loads pictures just fine. Second: Uh...The design's even more convoluted. He looks like you tried to give him as many spikes, weapons, and random armor pieces as possible, and it basically makes him look like one big clutterfunk. He also doesn't have enough white on his body to go with his head. It looks kinda like someone stuffed a bunch of knives into a ball of biomass, decapitated Pridak, slapped his head on, then threw the whole thing into a pool of Energized Protodermis just to see what would happen. Sorry if that seems rude. But personally I don't like this thing much. There's always room for improvement though, and who knows, maybe people will like this and I'm just weird.
  17. Interesting chain, but the whole figure looks kinda squished down, and there's no real head. The sword is also more of a blunt instrument than anything. Tip: Generally an abstract look doesn't work well with solid forms of art. I think if he looked less abstract it would be much better.
  18. We'll almost certainly get some game on the site. But what I really hope for is a full-blown proper game that has solid gameplay and works as a storytelling medium, the likes of which could be released on the Xbox 360/One, or the Playstation 3/4.
  19. I can usually decipher it, though some letters confuse me. On average I read it slightly slower than I read Hiragana.
  20. Nice. It's detailed and accurate, but still looks dynamic. The Skyblaster looks a little bloated near the middle though, probably a byproduct of making it slightly curved.
  21. Yes, photorealistic CGI would be an amazing style for BIONICLE, which is why I brought up How to Train Your Dragon 2 up earlier. It has a great feel and style to it while retaining a realistic sense of environment. Plus, it's hard work but again nowhere near as hard as inserting CG into live-action convincingly. If you have full control of the environment you have created in-studio then it will be easier and faster. The difference between Superhero movies and CG-animated movies is that one is a live-action film that caters to both fans from both older and newer generations. A CGI animated movie unfortunately comes with a preconception that it will be aimed towards kids and big studios play off of this to ensure the highest level of success. Yes, they could break the mold but I don't see LEGO, as a big toy company, and Hollywood whom they will inevitably work with will attempt such a risky move. If there is going to be a CG movie of Bionicle, it would have to be mainly directed at kids (plus, it is a kids line so it won't hurt). Finally, regarding length - again, it's about maximizing profit. An hour-and-a-half movie will be fast enough to keep kids excited. But add an hour of unrelated content like Maze of Shadows to LoMN and a kid may be bored. Plus, animating it would be double the work. It wouldn't make sense to leave that range, and longer doesn't always equate to good. The V-Cinema Bionicle movies were fine. They ensured they could tell their story in that limited amount of time and did so successfully. It might have need a couple of more minutes to tighten the pacing but otherwise more story material would have been unnecessary. Inserting Time Trap into an otherwise complete story would just be confusing and bore the viewers, because the movie would well overstay its welcome and drag the audience into a portion they do not expect (or necessarily want to stay) to see. -NotS Well, How to Train Your Dragon 2 wasn't exactly photorealistic CGI. Maybe for some of the backgrounds, but other than that... This, this, and this illustrate what I mean. The last one illustrating more of the type a Bionicle movie would use, with lots of metal and non-human stuff for the organics. As for the preconception about being aimed at kids, these screenshots are all taken from something aimed at teens and adults. They aren't taking a risk if they make the movie without specially targeting kids. Kids didn't lose interest in the aforementioned blockbuster movies, despite their massive length. And I wasn't referring to Maze of Shadows, that was boring to me. I meant the actual battles for the Great Disks, beating the Morbuzakh, all those parts that had them using elemental powers that they cut out of the final film, and MAYBE the Tahtorak. All that could have been fit in. Time Trap was packed with loads of action and new characters, I hardly see that being the part where people lose interest in the movie. I think that'd be the part where people who got bored earlier would wake up and lean forward just to see it better. The Bionicle movies we got weren't exactly fine. They were "okay" movies, and only if you bear in mind that they're specifically targeting kids. They didn't do the story justice.
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