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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. I'm in as well. Though the Shadowed One actually died in a previous game, I think.
  2. That looks incredible. If that's Ultio, you've got yourself a great bad guy.
  3. TLR style. Minus the modifications from the sets, like Kiina's kneepads and the Skopio's foot spikes. So basically, I see them as the sets but with metal textures.
  4. Those two chapters were immensely interesting. Especially the second. And don't worry, revealing the mysteries doesn't ruin the story. It's inevitable, and I'd find it quite frustrating if the mystery was dragged on too much. Besides, there are still plenty of new mysteries. Like the corpse room. And if that isn't Axonn I will be greatly surprised. Even if it was another of his species, there would probably be color and mask differences, I think. So I'm definitely calling it right now if it's Axonn. I was also surprised to find that the power source was a Toa, and of Magnetism no less! I was expecting something nuclear, because of Noyra's comment about hitting the power source being a bad idea.
  5. Axilus Prime


    I think tying Okoto and Mata Nui together is a really weird idea, especially since Mata Nui kinda broke when Mata Nui's body came up through it. But those are some nice MOC designs, and the rugged shirt looking thing is actually interesting. Reminds me of Vezon's cape, but cooler looking. The photography is great too, with the nice outdoor shots. Can't comment on how good the story is this early on, but good luck!
  6. Weird, people hating on 06-08. Those were my favorite years of Bionicle, 08 easily the greatest among them. 05, I can understand the hate on, but I think it was all right despite its filler nature. It also nailed the proper tone for a Bionicle movie. Tone, not plot. But still, it gets many points for that in my book. 2010 was easily the worst. Rushed ending, terrible sets, anticlimactic (a rock kills Makuta. A friggin big rock.), and the devolution of Tahu.
  7. They should. For now you've got four campaigns in 1080p 60fps, an insane number of achievements even on the individual level, and the sheer awesome that is Halo 2 Anniversary in general. Should take you several months to exhaust all the fun you can get out of that, and I'm sure 343i won't take that long with the bug fixes.
  8. Ok, that was short and simple, but one of the funniest ones yet. I smiled at first when I saw the Bohrok head, and the Facebook thing, but then I just burst out laughing when I saw the familiar Bohrok headstrike. Definitely helped wake me up more this morning.
  9. So, we just leave it be for now, until the first person posts a new Hitman game?
  10. Even if it has a few darker scenes, I just don't want to make this too dark overall, since I'm worried it'll lose the charm it had in the earlier chapters and I don't think making something darker necessarily makes it more grownup. If anything, if I can make this story exciting without resorting to that, I think it'll be even better. Thanks, anyway. It doesn't necessarily make it more grownup. But no concessions should be made to make it more kid-friendly or anything, if that's what you were thinking.
  11. So...then...is anyone gonna start the next game?
  12. Heh. Floods of news (pun absolutely intended) about the MCC and only this much is posted about it here. Well. Better late and little than never and none. I must say, the new cinematics are stunning.
  13. I've no problem with the violence, or with Toa killing, or with the story being dark. In fact, I think all three improve the story. Even my headcanons for the whole Bionicle story has those things being implemented in some areas where they were not before. Nice intense fight scene. Actually, you made it sound much more violent than it actually was. The way you put it, I thought they might have been ripping the Kaalva's limbs off and beating the Kaalva with them! That was a well done scene with Tenius. I got Takua vibes from it even before Ahkmou outright stated that. Those Mechanicles (lol) are tougher than I'd have expected them to be, seeing as they're filling the role of generic soldiers. They remind me a little of Elites from Halo with regard to their toughness...and that's if you're on Heroic.
  14. Looks 2x better in these pics, and I loved the design to begin with. Easily my favorite "main six" Toa set ever released, original Bionicle or new Bionicle.
  15. [Emphasis mine] What? You don't think the basic idea of Matoran as imaginative repair workers is already consistent with putting a special emphasis on knowledge and learning and review? Uh...can you rephrase that? I don't entirely get what you mean. Oh, and next time you quote me, leave the name and timestamp please. That way I get a notification.
  16. A little fast to jump to that conclusion, don't you think? No. Schools were probably a result of the Ga-Matoran's respect for knowledge and wisdom. The Matoran knew what they needed to in order to do their jobs, yes, but to deal with anything not directly related to work, or to do their jobs better, they must learn. The Matoran weren't always sentient, they gained that trait. So, the only possible conclusion is that the schools were created after that.
  17. Epic. I still have to say, I got really vivid images in my head reading this one. And I like Tenius even more now.
  18. They can charge more if they're bigger. That aside, though, a bigger set does leave more room for articulation and a complex build. And I like that. So I think it's good that they keep getting bigger.
  19. Here we go. --- Phoenix Zero, Aiwendil, and Caboose stood evenly spaced apart, each facing the center of the triangle their positions formed. For a few moments, no one moved. Aiwendil sneezed after that time, and everyone snapped into action. No sooner had they begun to charge than the whole area turned dark, courtesy of Caboose' shadow powers. Still able to see, however, Caboose drew his twin Cordak Blasters and fired them at Aiwendil and Phoenix. Phoenix, with his Fire powers, sensed the heat of the propulsion and used that to dodge despite the total darkness everyone was in. The explosions felled large trees behind him. Aiwendil, meanwhile, dodged a few shots by luck. He bumped into Phoenix by accident, and as the two fell, he stole Phoenix' warhammer, the T-Breaker. He listened for the sound of the incoming rockets and used the hammer's massive head to block them. "Scrap!" Caboose reloaded his Cordak Blasters to prepare to fire again. Phoenix, however, had not only sensed the heat in the rockets, but in the guns' barrels as well. "Give me that!" He took back his T-Breaker and followed his senses, coming to the smoking barrels of the Cordak Blasters. With a swing, he struck Caboose in the shin, knocking him over and t-breaking his concentration. Light returned to the area, and with another swing, Phoenix crushed one of the Cordak Blasters. "GET OFF!" Caboose unloaded three shots with his remaining blaster into Phoenix' chest point blank, sending him flying back several feet, bleeding all over the ground around him. When Caboose got to his feet, however, he noticed that Aiwendil was in an almost meditative position. What is he doing...? Knowing the danger of leaving him unchecked, he fired more shots with his Cordak Blaster. It was too late. Aiwendil had been concentrating on his Air powers to the highest possible degree. In an instant, the rockets were pulled toward each other by a vacuum and detonated--without even a spark of flame. Next, the air was sucked from Caboose's lungs. Creating a vacuum was great effort for a Toa of Air, but what came next was even more difficult. It would take all of his remaining elemental power. Aiwendil converted the air he had drawn out of Caboose into another kind of air--toxic carbon monoxide. He released his hold on the vacuum to allow the makeshift poison into Caboose's lungs. Caboose fell on his knees, convulsed, and died. Phoenix Zero, however, was anything but idle. He had charged up his Z-Buster to the highest possible level, and taken aim at Aiwendil's head. He fired the shot, but as it flew through the air... Aiwendil's head exploded. The shot flew right over the hole in his neck. "THAT IS SO CHEAP!" Phoenix got to his feet, irritated that his kill was stolen by a single mask. But then, he realized something that eased the pain significantly. --- Phoenix Zero is the champion of Hitman XII: Maskmaker. Now then, any volunteers to host the next?
  20. I put failed attempts and "too late" attempts (attempts that would have succeeded if not for someone else getting it first, because I RNG the results in the order the attacks are sent in) in the scene only if it serves the scenewriting. I couldn't think of a good way to put in some people's failed attacks, so I just left them out of the scene.
  21. WHOA. Lost track of time so hard just now. I need to get the scene up! --- This fight had been going on way too long. Zakaro slammed his hands on the ground, causing a huge quake. A massive earthen hand grew out of the ground, formed a fist, and swung at Burnmad. "Look on the bright side! With my powers I can actually make a grave for you!" Burnmad drew his Fire Swords and sent a concentrated blast at the earthen fist. In seconds, it melted into lava. He combined his swords into a lavaboard, hopped on, and surfed away. "Not this time." He would have shot Zakaro for that, but he had new targets located thanks to his Mask of Aggression, and they were unaware of his presence. Aiwendil was swinging his warhammer at Pulse when a Midak Skyblaster shot sent it flying out of his hand. "Karzahni!" He jumped away, and Pulse dodged the next shot from Burnmad's Skyblaster entirely. Aiwendil left to look for a new weapon. Burnmad cursed at having missed both his targets, then his eyes got wide. Pulse had drawn a Lerahk staff, and he threw it into the lava Burnmad was surfing in on. The lava turned greenish, corroded the lavaboard, and caused it to crumble. Burnmad fell into the poisonous lava and died horribly. JAG charged into the battle, Cordak Blaster held up. Before he could fire, though, he slipped in poisonous lava and fell on his arse. Luckily, the substance had spread thin enough that he wasn't submerged in it like a certain unfortunate individual, and so he managed to ignore the pain and get to his feet. "Rrrgh..." The next pain he felt, however, he could not ignore. That was the pain of Pulse decapitating him. At that moment, Zakaro caught up to Burnmad, only to find he was not there. Rather unfortunately for more than one individual, JAG had a Mask of Vengeance. The residual energy from his body was redirected through the mask, and Pulse's head exploded. At the same time... Zakaro was killed by JAG's explosion. --- Casualty list: Burnmad JAG Pulse Zakaro
  22. Glad to see Silva's getting control of his powers. And to learn the root of his problem. Pun entirely intended. And it looks like they're going to get to the bottom of this drill situation soon. Seems they have to, after all. Pun even more intended. Nice work.
  23. No, because you don't really get much out of buying them all when they're the same. A degree of uniqueness should be present. I don't consider the Inika, Metru, Mahri, Phantoka, or Mistika clones, because while simple and similar they have that degree of uniqueness. Barraki obviously weren't clones. Piraka were though. Bohrok definitely were, but it made some sense for them. Not that I'd ever buy more than I needed to make a Kaita that involved Tahnok. When sets are absolutely clones, I definitely don't want any more of them than I need for a combiner.
  24. ...Didn't know that. Whoops. --- Chro ran through the jungle, listening well for a target. At first he thought he heard something, but then he realized that was just his own running. It continued on like that a while longer when he heard someone else running in the opposite direction. With a powerful sonic wave, he knocked the dense brush aside, revealing another Toa. "There you are!" The female Toa of Lightning looked at Chro, surprised at having been found so quickly. "Karzahni..." Blade drew a blade and charged at Chro. However, Chro was so glad at having found a target that he burst into song, which boosted by his Sonics power proved sufficient on its own to shatter Blade's armor, grind flesh, and make her ears bleed all at once. In seconds, she was dead, and Chro hadn't even hit the chorus yet. Caboose was lucky enough not to be in the path of the sonic wave, though he had the great displeasure of hearing it just the same. "I will cleanse the scourge of this foul singing from this island!" he said with knightlike conviction. He charged at Chro from the right, drawing his Holy Sword of Okoto, for only something so holy could withstand such terrible singing. He aimed for the neck, but Chro spotted him and deflected the blow with a warhammer. Fearing that Chro might burst into song again at having found another target, Caboose darkened the area with his Shadow powers to prevent himself from being seen. He escaped and stopped using his powers, though perhaps a moment too soon. Kopekemaster spotted Caboose the instant he was visible again and charged at him with a sword. Caboose responded in kind, and they both ran with swords outstretched to clothesline the other. The impact, however, knocked Caboose's sword away, and shattered Kopekemaster's because it was not holy enough. Knowing he could not win without a sword, Kopekemaster simply continued running to escape Caboose. Chro, however, sensed Kopekemaster's approach with his Mask of Aggression. "More prey!" He charged, drawing his warhammer. Kopekemaster tried to stop his run so as not to charge straight into a blow to the face, but he instead slipped and fell. Chro easily adjusted his aim to swing down at his target, but instead of smashing Kopekemaster's skull as intended, his hammer collided with Luroka's. His singing had drawn much attention, and now both Luroka and Pulse were here. Pulse didn't wait a second. He ran full speed at Luroka from behind while drawing a hammer of his own. He swung at the Toa of Shadow's back, but to his surprise, Luroka dodged, slammed his hammer into Pulse's wrist, and caught the hammer when Pulse dropped it in pain. "Hammers are popular today!" Luroka said while Pulse, now disarmed, had to run away. He whirled around and struck Chro in the face with Pulse's hammer, shattering his Mask of Aggression, then continued his spin and split Chro's skull with his own hammer. "But it seems no one but me knows how to use them!" Kopekemaster continued to run, but by now he was getting tired. Pulse, on the other hand, fueled by his Mask of Aggression, would reach his next target no matter what. He hurled a fireball at him, only for it to suddenly change course and hit him in the face. "ARGH!" The explosion sent him rolling away and crashing into a tree. "How the ###### did that happen?!" Burnmad was burning mad when he saw that his redirection of Pulse's fireball had failed. He moved closer to kill him up close and personal, but Pulse got up, melted through the section of the tree he had crashed into, and caused the tree to fall toward Burnmad. "Timber!" Pulse yelled, running away. Burnmad jumped aside, but once he had evaded the falling tree, Pulse was long gone. "Screw you and your trees!" Burnmad nearly gave chase, but then his Mask of Aggression alerted him to a much closer individual who was hiding in a bush. Without warning, the bush Aiwendil was hiding in was engulfed in flames and completely incinerated, along with the Toa hiding within. Satisfied, Burnmad grinned and left. Phoenix Zero spotted Voltex and ShadowVezon fighting to the death with their fists. Blood covered both their faces. It was the perfect opportunity for a kill. He drew his Z-Saber and prepared to charge, but before he could swing it, it was knocked from his grip with a hammer from behind. "WHAT-" JAG caught the sword and impaled Phoenix through the back of the thigh with it, pinning his leg to the ground. "You won't get away from me!" He raised his hammer and brought it down with both hands, breaking Phoenix' spine. Phoenix slumped down, completely limp. Zakaro saw Caboose taking a rest. Apparently the Holy Sword of Okoto was quite heavy. Seizing his chance, he charged with his Warhammer, intending to hit Caboose in the caboose. Before he could do so, however, he was pushed aside and trampled by Phoenix Zero and Aiwendil. "Wha--aren't you people dead?!" In the other direction, he could see JAG facepalming, too frustrated to even give chase. Voltex punched ShadowVezon in the face, ducked under a punch, and launched into a barrage of blows against his stomach. To finish, he grabbed each side of ShadowVezon's head and pulled it in while swinging his knee up. The knee slammed into ShadowVezon's face and sent him falling to the ground. "I'LL KILL YOU!" he bellowed, clearly enraged. ShadowVezon simply laughed. He pulled out a can-shaped grenade and tossed it at Voltex, then crawled away. The can started releasing a visible gas Voltex could only assume was deadly. He countered it, however, by concentrating exclusively on that spot. His elemental power of gravity pulled the air there, including the gas, to the ground. By the time he managed it, ShadowVezon was long gone, but Voltex spotted Kopekemaster running by. "Eh. Why not." He released the gas and jumped away. Kopekemaster inhaled it, and abruptly stopped running. Oddly, he started laughing. He laughed louder and louder, even collapsed to the ground, rolling on the ground laughing. He laughed louder and louder, rising in pitch until no more sound could be heard. Voltex simply watched with a raised eye-ridge. What kind of poison is this? Kopekemaster continued to laugh until it was simply a quivering, soundless, airless movement. Now, he could no longer breathe. Shortly after, he died of suffocation. His body's last energy, however, did not go to waste. It was all sucked into his mask, and Voltex's head promptly exploded. Meanwhile, two warriors wearing Masks of Aggression sensed each others' presence. ShadowVezon, recovered from the melee barrage he had been subjected to, was again on his feet, now holding a warhammer and charging at the master of warhammer fighting himself, Luroka. "Why so serious?" he taunted. When they were close enough, they both swung. The heads of their hammers collided between them, knocking both of their arms away. Shocks were sent up both of their arms. "Rrrgh!" Luroka grunted. Then he noticed that ShadowVezon was laughing at the pain. Infuriated, he took another swing. ShadowVezon knocked the hammer downward to the left by striking it in the handle, near the head but not on it so as to avoid getting shocked again. He brought the hammer up again for a horizontal swing, which Luroka evaded by dashing back. "Well. You're good at this," he said with a grin. "More than you know," Luroka replied. With a battle cry, he rushed forward, and ShadowVezon did the same. Luroka swung his hammer from his right. ShadowVezon swung from his own right...and there were two loud shattering sounds at the exact same instant. The hammers hit the ground, followed by the bodies, each with a gaping hole in their heads. --- Casualty list: An/A Blade Kopekemaster Voltex Oblige Aiwendil(Reborn) Chro Neo ShadowVezon Phoenix Zero(Reborn) Makuta Luroka No one gets a mask because everyone who got a kill is dead! You all have approx. 48 hours again.
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