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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. (Crashes through a wall, groans, and gets to my feet) Almost missed the party. Sign me up.
  2. This guy looks great. Very solid build and color scheme, and I love the sword. His appearance hovers between a Makuta and a Toa, very much fitting his backstory.
  3. I kind of hear Uira like Rebecca from Assassin's Creed.
  4. Your game being lighthearted isn't a problem. I think mine were kinda lighthearted.
  5. Well, that suicide mechanic certainly made for the most depressing game of Hitman I've ever read! Go ahead and give it a shot, Vezon.
  6. Heh. Who knew Kopekemaster could be so gruesome? He seemed really innocent before.
  7. That was epic. The final battle was intense, and I especially loved the Su-Matoran coming to their aid with their vehicles, and Calor's mask. Ultio's true appearance is also great. With the other two members of his species who were shown looking rather feeble, I was pleasantly surprised to see that he still looks cool even without his armor. The face was perfect too. So many questions follow because of the next few events...but oddly, I feel satisfied enough by this chapter than I don't have a problem waiting for the next, however many months away that will be. You've definitely earned a break. Great song too, and a nice video you put together for the first part too. I'm simply blown away by how perfectly you've captured the feel of Bionicle. I haven't seen anyone do this so perfectly ever before.
  8. Thanks, all of you! Those of you who wish it had color, I think that would be nice, but for some reason I can't color drawings well. I end up ruining them when I try.
  9. It can be ok if done right...but it rarely ever is. And in Bionicle's case, it's never been. Fortunately it never happened all that much.
  10. It's a hassle to connect my Xbox microphone to my laptop and have it work. So when you send me my lines to be recorded, can you send all of them at once? I'll do re-recordings if anything comes out badly, but I need to minimize the number of recording sessions, not the length.
  11. Well, dead again! And in the strangest way I could have thought of, too. Very funny scene. I get a creepypasta vibe from the whole thing too.
  12. I have to disagree with you there. Think about the kids--they want play. They want action. One massive figure with a few cool functions and a mask with legs is neat for a little while, but what about when the kids get bored and want to send the Toa on an adventure or something? Solo missions aren't the mos satisfying when it comes to play. They have to fork over another 10 bucks just to get a little guy for the Toa to interact with. Multiple easy-to-get sets make for much better play value than a single giant who can stand there and look cool. Fair point, but I was thinking, you still get better build and play value with two big guys than six little ones. Think Takanuva and Icarax, as opposed to the six Av-Matoran. True, but these Protectors come with actual functions this time, so it balances out. With two of them you could do anything from having a distance-shooting competition (like in '05) to some sort of battle game like we got in '09. Yeah, the Protectors are way better than the impulse sets. The thing is they're not really impulse sets anymore with the increased size and price, and that's what the OP was complaining about. My post was just saying his money would be better spent on a few big sets than a huge load of impulse sets.
  13. I have to disagree with you there. Think about the kids--they want play. They want action. One massive figure with a few cool functions and a mask with legs is neat for a little while, but what about when the kids get bored and want to send the Toa on an adventure or something? Solo missions aren't the mos satisfying when it comes to play. They have to fork over another 10 bucks just to get a little guy for the Toa to interact with. Multiple easy-to-get sets make for much better play value than a single giant who can stand there and look cool. Fair point, but I was thinking, you still get better build and play value with two big guys than six little ones. Think Takanuva and Icarax, as opposed to the six Av-Matoran.
  14. That chapter was long, but every bit of it was awesome. I was especially surprised by Calor's fight scene with Ultio. But, like I said, every bit of it was awesome. Don't know how you can top it with the next chapter, but I'm sure you can do it! This is, once again, the best chapter yet.
  15. You guys just reminded me of something I saw once in the Youtube comments. "I refuse to believe that the man who killed Hitler was anything less than a saint." "Uh...you do know Hitler committed suicide, right?" "Eh, Hitler couldn't have been that bad. I mean, he killed Hitler!" "Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler."
  16. Better to get a big set than a bunch of tiny ones. More value for your money that way anyway.
  17. This is pretty much the strongest argument here.
  18. I think that appearing in your comics would be a great idea. In fact, I kind of want to get a scene fighting it!
  19. That looks pretty cool! Very solid body structure too. Though, if I might make a suggestion: I think the green part in the head would look better in blue or red. That green doesn't go too well with that gray.
  20. Maybe Ultio's armor has something to do with Marendar.
  21. That is an excellent translation of Ultio into set form. He looks powerful, imposing, and the helmet works surprisingly well. You should enter this in BFTGM!
  22. It's been pronounced Lee-wa in a lot of original Bionicle material, most notably Mask of Light. I use that pronunciation, and it sounds better to me.
  23. The rock and mask references were hilarious. But far from the best part of the chapter, because this is easily my favorite chapter yet! Intense fight with Ultio, insight into the views of his crazy faction, and of course everything coming closer to the year's finale. Awesome.
  24. Can you post a pic when you're done? A Kraahkan, Pakari, or Pakari Mistika should substitute well enough.
  25. That lightsaber seems to have a crossguard, since the only way you'd get an effective crossguard against a lightsaber is by having the crossguard itself made of the same stuff (energy), but at the same time it really looks like there's a risk of cutting your hand.
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