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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Bionicle's return is confirmed. This is great.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk
    2. Sybre


      Greater than cold, leftover pizza.

  2. This is an amazing looking MOC. Like Jam Pot said, the chest piece is great. He looks solid all around, very tough, and even has a Sonics-exclusive weapon. I like how those shoulder pads can be positioned as wing/thruster things or cannons (though I think the cannon arrangement looks a little silly), and the back is fantastic. He wouldn't look quite right without it. Excellent work.
  3. Same here - now that you mention it, I just realized that aside from Stars Rahkshi and Piraka, the only villain I have is Tuma. I need to rethink my Bionicle collection. Aye, the big problem with toy collecting when you're young. So caught up admiring the heroes, you forget to buy someone for them to fight. I made that mistake back in '06. The trick is to buy one villain for every hero you get, and if you can only get an odd number, make the balance tipped towards villains since villains tend to outnumber heroes. Of course, I was too stupid to think of this back when it would have been useful.
  4. A reboot would disappoint me. I'd prefer a continuation but set so far forward that loose plot threads from before don't matter anymore, though at the same time, we can still have the old characters mixed in with the new.
  5. Very interesting design. The Tryna never looked at all like the other "immoral masks" to me, but you managed to give it an evil vibe in this picture. I also like the overlap of the Tridax Pod launcher with the Hordika foot. The Visorak pincers as shoulder spikes are definitely a nice change, if it were Takanuva staffs it would look a little generic to me. My only issue is the legs not being long enough for the body. I think Rahkshi or Piraka lower legs would work better here than Vahki lower legs. And then maybe some arm extension to match, since Spectrus currently lacks any form of elbows.
  6. ARGH, being unable to do my Optimus Prime voice properly is definitely the most annoying thing about throat problems.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Disregard Prime, do Kopaka

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I can actually do that, provided my throat isn't dry. If it is dry, then the words tend to blur together.

  7. Whoa, how'd you find that life sized Lewa?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I think it's even farther for me. I live on a Pacific island.

    3. Sybre


      Meanwhile, I got a picture with all three! Sometimes, Southern California does have it's perks. And yes, Tahu3.0, that's one of the pics.

    4. Tahu3.0


      and i live in Puerto Rico

  8. Odd, I liked both the Nuva and Adapted masks, though it seems they're unpopular. Adapted Kaukau is definitely the worst of the bunch, but I don't hate it. As for a mask design I really don't like...Vezon's Ignika.
  9. You misunderstand. You're in BZPower Storyline & Theories. Here, Greg's word is taken as the undeniable law of BIONICLE. He could say that, I don't know, talking unicorns exist on Spherus Magna, and the people here wouldn't object, they'd simply try to find a way to work that into their understanding of the storyline. BTW, your post boils down to "The subject you're talking about doesn't interest me and I think it's stupid, your question is confusing, and I have no interest in answering it for you". None of that is very helpful to the original poster. If you don't have anything useful to say, why post at all? No, I would answer it if I could, it's just that the subject it too confusing for me to be able to answer it. I'm just as confused as he is.
  10. So that's why communication stopped. I thought everyone just fell silent for no reason.
  11. I don't even want to go there. The whole Red Star resurrection thing was so pointless and stupid that I'm pretty sure most people here disregard it anyway. And I don't even know how to answer that question, it's confusing.
  12. You might do better if you lifted the age restriction. That said, I have no intention of doing a podcast even if you did. Just a word of advice. I'm sure there are people on here who would do one with you if not for that age restriction.
  13. Their range of motion is severely limited, it would turn off new fans. That said, I'd still like it if I got them somehow.
  14. I find that the word Matoran sounds better. "In the time before time, the Great Spirit descended from the heavens, carrying we, the ones called Tohunga--" nope.
  15. Watched all four Bionicle movies again to see how they hold up after all these years. My perspective has definitely changed a lot. Mask of Light: I actually found this one to be terrible. The Toa were portrayed as incompetent, Kopaka excepted (though his competence was far exaggerated), Onua was completely mischaracterized, and the negative aspects of Tahu were exemplified three times over, with the positive aspects basically nonexistent. Pohatu was basically a handcuffing machine, though thankfully his personality was done right. The Rahkshi designs were atrocious. Jaller and Takua's voices were horrible. Takutanuva's design was also an abomination. I liked the 2003 story, but the movie's portrayal of it was a total scrapfest. Ironically, this used to be my second favorite of the bunch. Legends of Metru Nui: Once my favorite, this movie has fallen to second place after this viewing. The story was, of course, excellent, but the fact that the Toa were portrayed without their elemental powers until the very end bugged me. That confusing scene with Makuta talking to himself also took a few points off. Krekka, Nivawk, and the Vahki were dreadfully designed, with Krekka as the biggest offender. The climactic battle with Makuta and the storyline weight in this movie raise it up, in my opinion, from meh to good. Web of Shadows: This one used to be my least favorite...and now is my most favorite. Character designs were done fairly well all around, something I can't say for the first two. Whenua's cheesy line, naturally, was a bit strange, but it wasn't bad in and of itself. It's just the way he delivered it that was horrible. This movie did finally nail the proper tone in most areas though. It had the right degree of seriousness. Matau's lines were also great. Vakama's defection was definitely forced, but it was still believable, all things considered. The voice acting, Whenua excepted, was also good in this one. The new music they added was a pleasure to listen to, especially mixed with LoMN's already excellent musical themes. The sheer amount of points I give it for tone raised it up pretty high. The Legend Reborn: Well, I can say one thing for sure: designs are spot on perfect. Animation and design are where this movie really scores. Voice acting was hit and miss, but generally believable as long as the one in question isn't one of the Agori from the crowds. The movie was interesting at some parts and bland at others. The final battle was a total mess, with Tuma being far too stupid. The Skrall, even more so. At no point in the movie was it believable that they had a record of winning arena matches. Worse still, they never had any lines other than high pitched squeals and grunts more suited for Zesk or Vorox. Even if they had never spoken words, it would have been fine with me if they had low pitched roars and grunts, and at least beat out the Glatorian/Toa in physical strength. They could still have shown them winning the battle as they did with their elemental powers. Also, the delivery of their line, "For Unity" was worse than Whenua's "Cause that's what friends do!" Still managed to top Mask of Light's atrocities for me though. So I give it third place.
  16. The Matoran look good. The Inika shoulder armor actually works there. I still prefer the look of Metruans, but that works too. The Turaga isn't really anything remarkable, though. Sanmaka is really fat. Never seen a fat Toa before. If that wasn't the intention, then remember to balance out distribution of mass better. If that was the intention, then...congratulations, I think.
  17. A bit of a rough drawing, but for not drawing in 3 years this is excellent. Definitely gives an "I'm gonna kill you" feel. Nice work.
  18. GITD stuff must have light shine on them for a while to store it so they glow. That's also why they tend to dim and fade when left in darkness too long.
  19. ...That scene was so masterfully written. Just, wow. So much hilarity and irony all in one package. I can still get a kick out of this game even while I'm dead simply by reading these.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Seriously though, why doesn't he just ask out Pyrrha already?

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Because he's an idiot.

    4. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Still a better character than Weiss...


      (Still a better love story than Twilight)

  21. These are some really good drawings. Though the colored stuff seems a little bit sloppy in the actual drawing. The coloring itself is great. Not sure why there had to be a warning though, since the way the decapitated Matoran was drawn looked really cartoony. I vastly prefer the drawings in the first post. Also, you made a ham and cheese sandwich with Tuyet's line in the last panel. Overall it's great stuff, very clean looking. For some reason when I scan things they look all grainy.
  22. ._. That was a startling change, I died immediately. In past games I lasted quite a while. Oh well, thanks for avenging me, JiMing! "You're all quite vincible" That was priceless. There were a lot of really creative deaths in this scene too.
  23. Holy slag he actually did it. That was awesome. I think T1S deserves a custom member title for this, like Challenger of B6 or something.
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