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Everything posted by fishers64

  1. GM NPC ROCKA "Over here." Indeed, Striker and Amayika would see a dropship touching down in front of them and he hopped out. "Rocka here. What's up?" GM NPC FORTIS Fortis decided to wait to see what would happen.
  2. Exactly. Thanks, but I'm not there yet. Then...good luck in grad school?
  3. OOC: This is fine. GM IC TRAFEROUS (OOF IS NOT A TYPO) Traferous threw the ship into drive and let the rear of to fall it down, leaving the RPG to hit...nothing, as there was a huge hole back there from all of the other attacks on the ship. The lasers from both directions skimmed the ship's roof as Traferous had to fire though a nonexistent windscreen at Saracen's chest, again.
  4. OOF: They hit the sheared-off landing gear.
  5. GM IC TRAFEROUS (PAST RIDICULOUS, AND COMPLETELY INSANE) Traferous crashed the elevators, letting the lasers crash his landing gear as he moved backwards and up, swiping Katherine's gash shut. He needed to get his back hull fixed and finish fixing the front windscreen before he could break atmosphere. GM NPC SURGE Surge looked at his broken sword. "Oops," he grumbled. "This isn't good."
  6. F5! F5! F5!

    1. Ghidora131


      ~10 days l8r~


      So... You broke your keyboard yet?

  7. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous stopped the engines, letting the Gunship speed past him as he threw them into reverse. GM IC THE TRANSPORTATION FEDERATION "In the next hundred years, maybe," Traferous' second-in-command said. "Hero Factory and even Traferous will be here before we're done." GM IC ??? (ETHAN) Ethan fired a missile at a parked Federation ship, exploding it with a huge bang. Behind him, the entire conspiracy fleet decloaked, revealing a menace to be reckoned with. They began to fire, targeting ships first. Other ships tried to flee, only to be destroyed in the cross fire. A few civilians fled the hangar deck on foot.
  8. Of course, that was 2008. Still, the Great Beings forged a super-powerful mask and hid it in Voya Nui, built the robot and the Baterra as actual characters in the story, confirmed to exist on Bara Magna. Since we don't exist on the planet Bara Magna, I'm confident that this theory is invalid.
  9. GM NPC SURGE Surge yelled as Marrow's claws ripped into his arm as he backed up. He tried to shove a electrified sword into the creature's open mouth.
  10. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous dropped altitude, fixing the engine and blasting though the hole at a missile, causing it to explode. Another one crashed into a building. "How much lower?" he yelled. They were now about 15 feet from the ground, low enough for Stryker to jump to safety if he wanted to. If he landed it, Styker would be crushed and the missile lady would destroy the ship and probably kill them both.
  11. OOC: Also, glad you're enjoying the festivities, Rylinth. I'm closer to what Pyro Lizard and Lynn are feeling right now: exasperation and head-splitting agony. Also known as being stressed. So I empathize: I just want this over too. GM NPC BULK Ignoring the villain, Bulk attached the levitation unit to the rubble on top of Jet. The unit powered up, removing the pressure on the guy's legs. GM NPC SURGE Surge tried to stop Marrow's bite by smacking the creature's head with the flat of his blade.
  12. OOC: Alrighty then. Waiting for response from Shard (I knew there was a reason I was mixing them up.)
  13. OOC: How is she getting a missile lock on a ship that is spinning around like a top?
  14. OOC: admittedly, in any other situation I would null Pyro's post, but given the situation I am sorely tempted to let him off the hook. However, given the net result of that being Traferous chucking the bomb at Stryker, giving Traferous an unfair advantage, I'm going to have to say post nulled. Edit: un-nulled due to edit. GM IC TRAFEROUS (ARG, FLYING THOUGH THE CITY, ARG) He sighed and moved back into the ship, away from the control panel, and tried to use his two arms to yank the swords out quickly. "GET OFF MY SHIP!" he yelled in Stryker's face.
  15. OOC: Mass question: he has a whole quaza battery back there, plus the anti-quaza/quaza from his vault before, and some old junk. He is going to run out, but for now he's fine. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous fixed one engine, only for the other one to be stabbed. He hit the altitude control as he grew a third arm to repair Kathrine's gash, going up as he fired a laser at Stryker's sword again. He ignored Gadget's shots for now, although he was confident that couldn't go on.
  16. OOC: Just to clarify, you mean the basement of the destroyed Hero Factory, right?OOC: Yes.
  17. OOC: I know. But Traferous is stupid enough to think he can get away with anything just because his business is above board and he is an OP jerk. It is what makes him endearing, but it also makes this situation incredibly exasperating for me (and everyone else) to play. It's not fun anymore. I know that, and you know I know that, but I don't see much way out of it except to play the RPG and try not to die of stressful exasperation.
  18. GM NPC ZIB "Vex would have some, but he's still on his way back from the Mechanos incident. Anyone have any bombs or know of someone who does?" GM NPC MR. MAKURO "There should be at least one in the ships in the basement, if Traferous didn't blow them up when his own engines exploded." GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous was fixing his control panel and front windshield when one of his engines sputtered out again, throwing the craft into another spin. Sighing, he reached back to fix that engine, again.
  19. GM NPC SURGE/BULK Surge saw a creepy villain thing approaching Jet half-buried in the rubble. He fired electricity at it. Bulk took the levitation unit and attached it to the rubble on top of Jet.
  20. How savage.Sigh. Yeah, that qualifies as a bad joke. My bad, sorry.
  21. GM IC TRAFEROUS "Or I can do this!" Traferous bellowed, fixing the final engine again and blasting away, forcing Katherine's blast to cut a diagonal through the ship's hull. Wind blasted through the cabin as flames licked along the hull from the plasma and fuel on the outside.
  22. The idea that the GBs were human was denounced multiple times by Greg. I shall attempt to find relevant quotes on the subject later to murder this undead myth and put it back in its untimely grave.
  23. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous fired a laser at the sword to try to shear it off, then reattached his painfully severed arm. Electricity was rapidly spreading over the ship's metal hull, however, so he wasn't really buying that much time...
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