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Everything posted by fishers64

  1. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous shoved his way past Thumper, heading back into the engine room through the main door.
  2. fishers64

    Tangled on TV

    I saw Tangled, and I have to admit that I have little interest in this.
  3. Congradulations on getting a degree I could never get. You deserve a break.
  4. OOC: I don't remember any tarp. Why would Traferous have a tarp in the hangar bay? Also, Thumper is not invulnerable to face punches AFAIK. Post nulled. Alright, post un-nulled let's see what I can do with this. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous elbowed Thumper in the side, tried to swing his legs to get out of the hold, and tried to laser the arm supporting his back. He was very low on energy, but he could not have this. OOC: Even if Traferous did have a tarp it would be waterlogged and useless at this point. GM NPC FURNO Furno ascended the steps, stepping out onto a wrecked hallway and... He looked down. "Zib, I have a present for Mr. Makuro." GM NPC ZIB "That's not exactly in top condition, Furno, but it might do in a pinch," said Zib. GM NPC MR. MAKURO Mr. Makuro stood up. "I heard my name mentioned," he said slowly. Then he looked over Furno's find, the assembly tower in the middle of Traferous' ship. "It would have to be refitted."
  5. Well sure, strawberries seem delicious, but the pesticides they use can have a side effect in humans that make them slaves to the government. In my opinion, it's just not worth the risk to swim right after you eat. wat
  6. Or you could be a McDonald's cashier flunkie like me. They let me go because I couldn't punch the buttons fast enough.
  7. Lego has the licenses for Marvel and DC, two competing franchises. I think that the lack of Star Trek has to do with licensing difficulties and worries that Trek would steal purchases from the Star Wars line. I think the latter is probably unfounded, given that the fans for the two franchises don't really overlap due to the competition...and the majority of Trekkies are girls. (I actually saw a study on that.) Now that might pose a marketing challenge - but it's not too hard, you just have to put a little design work into those Captain Kirk and Spock minifigs.
  8. OOC: I don't remember any tarp. Why would Traferous have a tarp in the hangar bay? Also, Thumper is not invulnerable to face punches AFAIK. Post nulled.
  9. fishers64

    job interviews

    yawn so boring
  10. GM IC TRAFEROUS "PUT ME DOWN!" he raged, slugging Thumper in the face. "If I have to run, I am fully capable of doing so with my own legs, and I will not suffer the humilation of being carried!" GM IC 78 EAST The cuffs would go on 78's feet; the villain was still out.
  11. OOC: Thick. Think about six inches minimum - it has to be light enough to get off the ground, so it's metal, but the primary concern there is noise insulation so the audio receptors of everyone aren't recieving a constant pounding. The engines themselves are vaccuum sealed and insulated of course - they have to be or else the ship would be loosing cabin pressure rapidly every time it shot through space. However, that seal is broken due to impact and being filled with water, which also burst some of the fuel seals - but the real reason for the oil spill is that the engines were in operation when they hit the water, meaning that the engines were blown out while the fuel valves were all open, causing unspent fuel to pour out. Unlike Hero Factory which uses a firewall to seal the engines away from the occupant, the Transportation Federation tends to use this model because their point is making the delivery, even if they have to repair the engines in the air. A vacuum seal failure is considered by them to be a serious emergency alone, and for good reason. GM IC WILBUR FLOOD Flood would himself looking at an open shell. To his right was a curve of metal with doors that looked like a hangar bay of sorts, but empty of space craft and being washed into by shallow water. In front of him was a damaged staircase, to left of which was a gaping hole with exposed wires and components on the back of it. Directly between the stair case and the hangar deck was what looked to be a robot recharging station. GM NPC FURNO Furno headed for the stairs. He was looking for some good news, and trying to avoid the commotion behind him.
  12. General comment : Me playing your game is not going to increase your chances of winning the contest, but since I have to keep track of the game anyway, sometimes I might decide to play if it interests me. Also yay first entry!
  13. Put me in the Sub section. I like Subway sandwiches.
  14. OOC: Now, I freely admit that I have a bias towards wanting Traferous dead, but I feel confident in asserting that the action described above is beyond even his formidable capabilities. From his profile: Now, I may be misunderstanding something here, and feel free to correct me if I am, but wouldn't this mean that Traferous would have to touch and absorb the oil, then basically regurgitate it back out as glass? Going by the profile description, that power shouldn't be able to function as an area of effect ability like it's being used as in the latest post. GM post nulled while this is under dispute and I think it over. My thought was that he would absorb the floor into his form - he essentially "becomes the floor" for a short time, thus in that space between him and the engine and into the hallway (not the whole hallway, that post needs edited anyway ugh). The problem was that I never threw down a rule that Traferous had to change something to incorporate it into his form, meaning that his form could be anything, even an oily floor, and that his "touch" - the edges of his form - could spread. Otherwise I would have to retcon all of the healings has done for the entire battle too, since they operate on the same principle. I hate OP characters. Alright, let me be clear - this is NOT an area-of-effect ability, nor is it completely effective. (@Rylinth:)Traferous is on fire in places, but not on his back because that is still covered in metal spikes. He is on the ground between the engine and the hallway. So he incorporates the oil on the ground beneath him into his form and turns it to sand in a last-ditch attempt to save his ship. Then he does the same with the flames in front of him and on the engine though physical contact. The reason I said "into the hallway" was that Flint crashed in front of Traferous, so I figured he would be back into there a little. I didn't figure that the area between the right engine and the end of the hallway would be this huge space - there would be enough to walk though reasonably, but not enough to hold a picnic. This brings up the debate of whether Traferous had enough time and energy to do what he did and whether it had much effect; the fact of the matter is that he does not care. It is his freaking prize ship that he put hours of hard work and research into - its loss is something that he is unable to accept, and that may or may not mean his death. Now I do have to decide whether the ship explodes, which is a matter of flames spreading from the hallway around Traferous in addition to over him (the flames going over him is something I established in a previous post) and oil fire's tendancy to restart, which leaves the situation STILL pretty darn likely, and the fact that Traferous is out of energy from all that battling. Then there's Bliss' and Thumper's appearance. But that is a matter for a future post to decide, and not that one, since it's also a matter of what Bliss and Thumper do. Bliss' post is fine, seeing that there is enough space in the hallway. Thumper's post stands. My post is going to stand unless Nato has any more objections. I will proceed when I recieve a response. mostly this is because Nato hates it when you post IC over his dispute; it's part of the never-to-be-published Lessons Learned from Bionifight Infinite.
  15. OOC: Now, I freely admit that I have a bias towards wanting Traferous dead, but I feel confident in asserting that the action described above is beyond even his formidable capabilities. From his profile: Now, I may be misunderstanding something here, and feel free to correct me if I am, but wouldn't this mean that Traferous would have to touch and absorb the oil, then basically regurgitate it back out as glass? Going by the profile description, that power shouldn't be able to function as an area of effect ability like it's being used as in the latest post. GM post nulled while this is under dispute and I think it over. My thought was that he would absorb the floor into his form - he essentially "becomes the floor" for a short time, thus in that space between him and the engine and into the hallway (not the whole hallway, that post needs edited anyway ugh). The problem was that I never threw down a rule that Traferous had to change something to incorporate it into his form, meaning that his form could be anything, even an oily floor, and that his "touch" - the edges of his form - could spread. Otherwise I would have to retcon all of the healings has done for the entire battle too, since they operate on the same principle. I hate OP characters.
  16. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous didn't have time to respond to Thumper, for two reasons: 1) he was slowly being burned alive: 2) the flames would reach the engines at any moment. So he turned the oil in front of him into sand, which quickly melted into glass due to the heat, and he made the effect spead away from him into the hallway. He snuffed out a few lingering flames on the engine in front of him with his hands. He gritted his teeth. That had been a terrible drain on his energy, despite the large amount of the stuff he had stolen from the cell earlier. He was one laser-blast away from being form-locked, and that would be the end of him.
  17. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous awoke to a world enshrined in flames as a howling blaze swept through the halls toward him, badly scorching his metal spiked back. He shifted the jets away before they exploded...
  18. GM IC 78 EAST 78 tried to angle her head away from the blow, but that didn't stop her from being knocked out, or from Gadget's shots from hitting her arm. OOC: For those keeping score at home, an elbow strike is actually one of the most powerful strikes that can be done, if delivered properly, by even a lowly human. Yarr. It's hard to deliver properly, because of how short it is and because you can break your elbow doing it, so don't try it at home. Unless you have to. Right. That's why the oil is in that hall in the first place. But gravity moves the oil-water mix down the walls and into the floor, and Traferous' jets are not near the floor. So there might be a series of tiny smoking flames on the walls, and it's going to take a few seconds before it gets down to the floor and FOOOM.
  19. OOC: It's coming. The time delay is because there's some water mixed with the oil, but that's not going to stop it from igniting it the end.
  20. GM IC DR. LIE (PLAYING DEAD, BUT ACTUALLY VERY VERY UNCONCIOUS NO MATTER WHAT, AND POSSIBLY ON THE BRINK OF ACTUAL REAL DEATH ANYWAY) ... OOC: I'm going to let Flint decide whether he drops Lie or not upon being hit. Also, Traferous is going to pay for this move big time no matter what.
  21. GM IC 78 (IMPROVISED ROBOTIC ZAMBONI) 78 was tackled, seeing as there was no way around it. The tackling force slid 78's upper body back across the ice again, allowing her to put her still-operational left arm on solid ground and try to pull herself off the rink. GM IC TRAFEROUS (EVERYONE ATTACK TRAFEROUS, ROUND TOO MANY) Traferous took the laser shot and the electric sparks. The former tore a clean hole in his side and the latter burned, but he ignored that, his attention focused on the situation in front of him. As soon as Flint picked up Lie and started running, Traferous moved, smashing into Flint with his arms and jets, shoving them backward into the hallway at speed, crashing through the back of the hallway and into the engine room before he managed to stop, Flint first, the group sprawling on the floor. This left Ferro and Thumper behind, but not very long. Traferous blacked out from the pain.
  22. I appreciate the speech, but you should probably take it to a talkpage for where it is supposed to be on BS01, instead of posting it here.
  23. GM IC 78 EAST (STILL ON ICE) 78 swung the foot that was still on the ice toward the one that wasn't on the ice, gritting her teeth as her body rolled onto the bits of her broken arm. As both of her feet found purchase, her momentum from the swing swung her upper body back onto the ice, going toward Weaver, although slow enough the Hero would definitely be able to avoid getting hit. Given this, Drift's attempt to grab her failed. A sensor chirped. While anti-quaza cores and partly anti-quaza cores like 78's absorbed energy from the environment, 78 had been hard running and battling for hours - she was down to 43% of her core and needed to get a standard recharge.
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