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Everything posted by fishers64

  1. Hmm. Resurrection-type role, perhaps. If you decide to make a Determination roll and you fail, you can't be resurrected - but if you decide to accept your fate, a resurrection role could bring you back. That in and of itself helps a ton. Like, so terrible much. Of course, when that role dies it then resets it back to the start, but it does help a lot. Especially if this role would also be able to revive the Anti-Town, somehow? Or, just to make sure that the Anti-Town also has a reason to choose. *shrug* Although making the revival role a Nuetral role sounds kinda realllly interesting. They only win if all other parties die, but their only power is to make people come back to life. Super cool and I love it But if I were given that role I would type 4 the entire game and let everyone die. They could be forced to revive someone every night or die. - But that would make it nearly impossible for them to win.
  2. GM NPC ZIB "Uh, actually, that would probably kill him. Or he'd end up putting himself into his pocket dimension entirely and maybe end up stuck there forever. Maybe. But how do we get him there?"
  3. I like this description - I have officially been outclassed. Thanks for the plug!
  4. GM NPC ZIB "Get to the point." GM NPC NEX Nex just sent back a . GM IC TRANSPORTATION FEDERATION "Send the tape!" The room crawled with tension. Everyone in the room knew that if that they couldn't rely on Traferous for protection, they would have to rely on what remained of Hero Factory for protection. Neither option appealed. "Let's face it," one of the board members said. "We're finished. We're all going to die. The only thing we can do is not die a bunch of villains too. Send the tape." He went to go revive his fainted friend. "Traferous is not a villain." another one of them said. "Villains lie,cheat, steal - Traferous didn't do that. He was only trying to protect us from the conspiracy." "It doesn't matter," the second-in-command said. "Whether Traferous is truly a villain is up to debate another day. What is true is that the rest of the galaxy will view him as a villain, whether any of us like it or not, and we will not harbor a villain. Traferous himself made that clear - we are not a villainous organization." And with that, they sent the tape. None of them were happy about it. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous just let the cuffs stay on his wrists.
  5. Hmm. Resurrection-type role, perhaps. If you decide to make a Determination roll and you fail, you can't be resurrected - but if you decide to accept your fate, a resurrection role could bring you back. That in and of itself helps a ton. Like, so terrible much. Of course, when that role dies it then resets it back to the start, but it does help a lot. Especially if this role would also be able to revive the Anti-Town, somehow? Or, just to make sure that the Anti-Town also has a reason to choose. *shrug* Although making the revival role a Nuetral role sounds kinda realllly interesting. They only win if all other parties die, but their only power is to make people come back to life. Super cool and I love it But if I were given that role I would type 4 the entire game and let everyone die.
  6. OOC: I'm curious - exactly how much of the event is actually saved on that tape? Has it been edited in any way? And more importantly, is the raw footage still accessible from what's left of the bridge of Traferous' ship? OOC: Pretty much everything after Traferous left Mechron. It's a "black box" type thing that beams the information back to the TF when the ship goes down, so they know where to hunt for their leader's body. As for the Heroes getting it, they would have to find that recording component, and Traferous made sure that it was well hidden away. They might be able to find the data that went on the tape in the bridge, but they would have to essentially fix the main computers on the bridge, since if they did dig out the drive and put it on the Astral the drive would wipe itself because of a security mechanism built into it. Essentially you would need Gadget, Render, and Abacus working together, and even then it would be rough to do it without metagaming, since they don't even know the tape exists. And in case anyone is doubting, Traferous is a villain with a (V). His deal with Black Phantom to get the assembly tower and his funding of the Breakout would be enough to lock him away. The real way to destroy the "I am innocent" facade is to pin the murder of Mene Vantal on him. He is a liar and a jerk...and the Transportation Federation didn't know this until now (his desire for his business to be legit was actually legit). There actually was a way to do that from Tranquis VII that wasn't done, which could possibly still happen. GM IC TRAFEROUS "I'm still waiting for you to actually arrest me," Traferous said. "All this talk and empty threats, and nothing is happening. I'm bored." GM NPC ZIB "Where are you thinking of?" Zib said. GM NPC NEX "Oh, look at this," Nex said with a chuckle. "Traferous' organization is being threatened by a telephone call. How cute that they decided to send that when their leader is about to be captured." GM IC 78 EAST 78 woke up to see Drift. "Holy...wait, why I am not in a cell?" ---------------------------------------------- OOC: I checked: Drift was trying to carry 78. If I got scattered between here and last 78 IC, please tell me.
  7. I rarely look, mostly when I'm just getting into a new forum or don't remember a particular thing, or when I'm not sure which forum a certain topic idea goes in or if it is allowed. I find them to be very clear. I think we have the right amount of rules. Sometimes I think the entire internet should abide by some of BZP's rules, particularly the ones against trolling and flaming.
  8. OOC: Zib is just brainstorming ways to take down the villain. He still thinks of Traferous as a villain, but he's pointing out these things to try to get to a way of taking him down or leading him into a trap. Everything he said in that post is true. The problem is, they don't know who fired what inside the ship before it went down. It's not like Traferous took out a megaphone at them and yelled, "Hey, I'm Traferous Diaphanous, you puny heroic scrap metal boxes are going DOOOWWWNN!" In fact, he tried to hide his ship from them and fire at them from afar instead of getting into it. He didn't even want the Heroes to know that he was there or that he was getting involved. Which, by the way, is called the "fallacy of trying to gain too many advantages from a situation," a common downfall of many villains. Their ambitions are always one size too many, and that's when they get into trouble. Zib's IC edited, and other ICs cut/edited. GM NPC ZIB "Can you tell me, or would it be better if you were out of earshot of the prisoner?" GM IC TRAFEROUS "Really," Traferous said. "Everyone in the galaxy is going to believe the word of one enraged Hero over my years of work building my positive reputation. Which is basically what this amounts to - your irrational personal vendetta." As he talked, he shifted himself into various forms, first Mene Vantal, through a few civilian forms and back to his standard form, an implicit reminder to Saracen that even if he tried to destroy the identity of Traferous Diaphanous, he could take another one with incredible ease and be just as accepted. GM IC THE TRANSPORTATION FEDERATION & ??? - UNKNOWN The phone rang, and Traferous' second-in-command picked it up. "Congradulations on destroying the Hero Factory," said a voice on the other end of the line. "We did not destroy the Hero Factory," said the second-in-command. She clenched her jaw. "Are you sure?" said the voice on the other end. "Because I have a very big present for Traferous Diaphanous if he will listen." This will not be a villainous organization. The second-in-command flicked a finger in the direction of the board. One of the members stood up and began running a trace on the line. "This is not a villainous organization," she snapped. "If Traferous Diaphanous is a villain, he is no longer a member of the Transportation Federation. We have yet to make a decision on this, and it is not your call." "Then I would like to speak to him personally," the voice on the other end of the line said. "Also, I want the tape of exactly what happened in that ship before it went down." She frantically drew an H in the air. "Traferous is still on Makuhero city. We have not heard from him since the crash. We presume he has no way to contact us." The phone tracker rang, and the board member swiped to send the coordinates of the caller to Hero Factory, rapidly following up with "This person sent us a suspicious offer, claiming that we had destroyed Hero Factory. We did not. If Traferous did this, it was on his own. We do not endorse his actions." The electronic signature read: The Transportation Federation. The coordinates of the caller were on a planet in the Valos system, that was famous for being uninhabited. The seven people in the room looked at each other in worry. The tape that they were looking at was wanted by the conspiracy to confirm Traferous' culpability in the destruction of Hero Factory. But if Traferous was culpable, the Federation would have to let him go. If he wasn't, then the conspiracy would go after the Federation for the destruction of their base. There was evidence of that all over that tape. "I will have that tape, then." "Not as long as I still have electricity in my circuits." She slammed the phone down. "Send that tape to the Hero Factory. Send them our best regards in their quest to take Traferous down." The room erupted in emotional turmoil. A board member fainted. One screamed: "Traferous is our leader and you let him down!" The rest looked like they wanted to be anywhere else. "Send the tape. Say no more." "No!" "This will not be a villainous organization." "Traferous is not a villain!"​
  9. fishers64

    Civil War

    Honest Trailers Guy: "And this is yet another Avengers film...except its supposed to be about Captain America. But it is really about the Avengers. But nobody cares." "Avengers III: Disguised as Captain America, and probably better than the actual Avengers III."
  10. GM NPC MR. MAKURO "There is always something that can be done," said Mr. Makuro. "But I am not sure what invention would contain such a being. Zib is the tactical strategist - I am certain that he will come up with a solution." GM NPC ZIB Zib turned to Mr. Makuro, scrolling up feeds. "His biggest weakness is in his mind. He doesn't act like a hardened criminal, just like an overpowered civilian throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that his ship got crashed and destroyed. He didn't attack us except when we attacked him or held his people prisoner. The first thing he did when he got here wasn't to attack us, it was to drag his ship back together. His mind may have been converted to energy, but it is the same mind." "We can use this to our advantage." GM IC TRAFEROUS "It is over," said Traferous, grinning. "Also, your fury over the fact that I saved your life is incredibly entertaining." GM NPC SURGE "You're saying that you believe his story about being blackmailed and everything?" Surge said. GM NPC ZIB "I'm just giving an analysis, Surge. He shot at the Factory, but he seems to think he can just get away with it by acting like his old civilian self. Therefore, he will have to keep that game, which could lead him into a trap."
  11. I'm taking care of my elemental monster friend this round.
  12. It counts - any poor decisions or missed opportunities. (If you want to make MoCs or concept art of the sets that could have been, that would be an acceptable entry, or you might have a different angle on it. ) Welp, then put 'em in a topic and shoot me a link. What are you waiting for?
  13. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous just stood there with the smile on his face and decided to let the Heroes argue among themselves for a little while.
  14. But isn't MoUP a Mafia game (at least for the first two games) determined entirely by RNG, even worse than this game is? The big flaw isn't the RNG use...it's just that there are too many RNG rolls between scenes. For example, let's say I'm a target of the Mafia. Obviously I roll a Determination Roll because I want to live. The Mafia, frustrated, rolls against me, I roll back, and so on. Meanwhile everyone else is waiting for the scene, wondering what in the Sam Hill is going on.
  15. Why does the Mafia always win in Ghidora's games?
  16. I'm going to gather some resources (i.e. sandwiches).
  17. GM NPC STORMER "He's in that wall," Stormer said. GM IC TRAFEROUS As if on disturbing cue, a pair of eyes and a disembodied head appeared in the antiquaza, forming itself back into the villain's body. Then the anti-quaza wall dissolved into himself, leaving him standing there. Upon seeing Saracen's furious expression, he allowed himself a smile. He had done the last thing the Hero wanted, of course. He knew that Saracen wanted to sacrifice himself to kill him. Had he simply let Saracen die and survive the explosion, everyone would accuse him of setting the ship on fire intentionally in order to bait Saracen and kill him, when it had simply been a mistake. And frankly, Traferous would not have anyone die over a mistake he had made. Not even Saracen, and especially the other Hero who wasn't even really that bad. But now, the other Hero would owe Traferous his pathetic and miserable life. Which was incredibly fun, enough to lift his melancholy. Even better, he had nothing left to fight for against the Hero, which would make the situation interesting.
  18. To follow through on that thought, I would absolutely love a minidoll-based Star Trek line, both as a concept and because it'd tick off so many nerds. Yarr, but they would have to produce a bunch of male mini-dolls, and while it was pointed out that Trek has less direct violence than Star Wars, they would need to gloss out the sexual stuff in the original series and the rebooted movies. Making the guys into mini-dolls (along with Uhura and the rebooted "Khan's" daughter) might be seen as pushing the envelope. (There's a reason that franchise appeals to girls... *ahem*) TNG seems cleaner for that, but lets face it - if they do Star Trek, they are going to do sets for the rebooted Trek, because that's where the money is, at least in terms of marketing to kids who don't remember TNG or TOS. If I were Lego approaching this, there would be a lot to debate in terms of morality, marketing gender, complaints from nerds, and cannibalizing Star Wars sales.
  19. GM NPC STORMER "Nex, check that," said Stormer, pointing to the dimensional reading instruments. There was a huge outflow of energy from the rock into the dimension that the two had discovered earlier. He picked up the comms. "Traferous Diaphanous is still alive." OOC: Ah, you don't like him either? Seriously, I think I might just make villains from now on. Playing all these Heroes is starting to get on my nerves... I mean, you wanted him to go out in a blaze of glory. Given that, what happened is unfortunate. GM NPC FURNO "Yeah, if we can deal with the villains, I think we can rebuild the Factory," Furno said. "Starting with this." GM NPC MR. MAKURO/QUADAL "Perhaps we can make good out of a tragedy," Mr. Makuro said. "Quadal, run me an analysis, please." Quadal floated off, chirping excitedly.
  20. OOC: *Loud cheering as Mechna disappears into a giant portal in the distance* OOC: Not THAT battle lol. OOC: I'd be happy to let him die, but it's not IC for that character. Same for Bliss, unfortunately. GM IC TRAFEROUS (NOT IN THE "REAL" WORLD) The body of Traferous existed in a world of white, a universal blank. There was no air to breathe - not that Traferous needed any - just a giant glowing quaza block in front of him. There was some organic mass in a vault of sorts, some metal mass plates stacked in a row, and some parts and weapons lying around, the last remains of the robots he absorbed back on Tranquis. The cell that once contained him in villain storage was mostly gone, although Traferous had kept the forcefield tech intact for study. Possibly he could replicate it - the idea of a personal forcefield had some appeal. Soon he would have to return to the real world, the world where he had just lost his ship and saved two Heroes' lives. A wash of mental pain ran through him, as he realized that he would pay for his actions, that he could not just destroy the Hero Factory without suffering loss. He had been acting dumbly. For him, the Hero Factory was nothing, so he hadn't thought of destroying it as anything. But now he realized that the Factory mattered to the Heroes enough to kill him over it. Or destroy something that belonged to him in revenge. His ship. His beloved, prize ship. He would have cried on the dimensional floor, if he could cry. It makes sense. Never mind that he was caught in the middle and didn't care. Are you really a villain, Traferous? Is that how you want to go out? "The guy who destroyed Hero Factory?" NO. Well, not really. It would make a nice half-truth to get the conspiracy to leave him alone, but...well...exactly. That was the whole point. GM IC THE TRANSPORTATION FEDERATION (MECHRON CITY) The five board members of the Transportation Federation, Traferous' second in command, and a few other top executives sat on the top floor in a small conference room, comprising the whole leadership. Originally, they had met to toast the demise of the Hero Factory and nervously make plans for a post-Hero Factory world, but now they were drinking the champagne for the alcohol content instead of the taste, sitting in sullen silence. Three screens in front of them flickered. One showed the destruction of Hero Factory. One showed the battle that had been going on, captured by distant media drones. Daniela Capricorn broke in, excitedly giving updates about how the heroes were still alive and about to capture the villain - the villain - that had destroyed Hero Factory. But none of them heard her - the TV was on mute and scrolling subtitles. The third screen showed footage from Traferous' ship in the minutes before it went down. Traferous casually taking potshots at the Factory, but Mr. Vyle firing the weapon that had destroyed both parties' homes. What was no doubt playing through everyone's mind was a speech Traferous had given after his transformation. Many of them had watched it over and over again. Hello everyone. As you can see, I'm not dead yet. I'm not even ill. But given what I have to tell you here today, I wish that I were merely ill or dead. In my own mind, I have become something perhaps far worse. I have made a mistake. The expieriment that the Hero - the former Hero - Von Ness had asked me to perform was a mistake. For what little it is worth, I apologize for my actions leading into this situation, for the damage to the lab and damage, ultimately, to myself. I acted in ignorance, but that is not an excuse. Some of you have learned that I had been ill, dying and coming back to life. That is not strictly true. My mind is moving between here and another dimension. It is small, and it is not a hazard to me. But I also find that I can change myself into other forms of matter that I know. I have been given power, power beyond what even a Hero may know of. If the Hero Factory knows that I have this power, they will brand me a villain. But I, Traferous, am not a villain. I am a civilian like all of you. And I do not want to use this power for evil. I want to use it for good, just as they do. I suspect that I will be misunderstood, and I am willing to accept the risk. But I will not force you to accept that risk as well. I started the Transportation Federation for this reason: to provide reliable transportation to all beings in the galaxy, fair, honest, and trustworthy, not like the others in the galaxy who would steal half of your cargo or overcharge, or check your bank account before letting you ride. I refuse to undercut this company's reputation by whatever I decide to do personally with my abilities. Tomorrow, this company will hold a vote. If more than 20% of this company wants me to leave, I will resign my post. If you choose to stay with me, if I become a villain, you will fire me from this company. You will not support me as a villain. This is not, and will not ever be, a villainous organization. Thank you for listening. The next day, the vote to keep Traferous was unanimous.
  21. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous ignored the light and moved to the Saracen's left, taking a glancing blow from Saracen's kick as he absorbed the quaza battery into his form and changed the composition of his form to almost pure depleted anti-quaza, exchanging that with his pocket dimension as he put the other quaza there. He did not allow his mind or the mental energy ring to come into contact with the substance, as that would turn him evil and quite possibly insane, leaving a visible black blob in the middle of a solid anti-quaza block. Orginally Traferous had planned to put his form in the battery case in such a way, allowing him to survive the blast while absorbing energy. But seeing Bliss trying to save Rune changed his plans - instead, when he became antiquaza, he turned into a solid wall of dead transparent red rock, moving every last particle he had of the substance between the two Heroes and the engines as they exploded. Flames and shock raced through Dr. Lie's room and Adam West's prison, blasting everything to smithereens. A few paintings and a manniquin head, scorched, hit the ground. Behind Traferous, the engines blasted sky high, destroying a huge chunk of the engine control room with them. But behind the rock wall, Bliss would feel nothing but a shockwave that might knock him off his feet if he was on the ground. The rock in front of him glowed white hot and sparked, and if both Heroes were any condition to notice it, they would. It was then that Traferous' mind left the antiquaza for the safety of his pocket dimension. From there, he could feel the anti-quaza energy flowing through the dimensional barrier into his depleted quaza reserves. He would still be able to fight for months, maybe even years if he was careful. It was not much of any consolation. For that was a property of the stone called anti-quaza - it absorbed energy from the environment, whether from quaza or other sources. Fully depleted, it would absorb anything to get up to full power. Including the energy of an explosion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: This might be a confusing post to read, so I'll break it down. 1) Traferous slides to the left a bit, taking a painful hit from Saracen's kick. 2) Traferous absorbs the quaza into his form and exchanges it for anti-quaza, then continues the exchange, turning himself into anti-quaza and pulling as much of the rock he can to build a barrier from floor to ceiling in between the the two heroes and the blast. His mind is not housed in the anti-quaza, because that would drive him evilly insane (think Adam West, only much worse). 3) The engines explode. 4) Traferous' mind leaves the anti-quaza to avoid it being overloaded with anti-quaza energy as a precaution, leaving him unaware of the real world for now, except for the energy flow from the rock. Why Traferous does this instead of letting Saracen & Bliss die will be revealed next post. It's very in-character for him at this point, but he's not going to have time to ruminate on it in this post. Also, despite this, this battle is, in fact, over, and you've won, guys. Congratulations. Finally, I didn't have time to put this in the above - all of the walls in the engine room are blasted to smithereens, except for the one behind Traferous' wall from the blast, the back wall of the engine room. So it's plausible that some of the Heroes on the outside can see the whole thing - I'm thinking of Gyro and Katherine - if they are not facing the back wall of the engine room directly, and even then, it's a two minute walk. Quizzical expressions and objections allowed.
  22. GM IC DR. LIE Doctor Lie stumbled out of unconsciousness to find that he was being carried by someone he didn't recognize. "Who are you?"
  23. G1 Onua couldn't control Crystal. That was Pohatu's domain, since crystal is stone.
  24. fishers64

    another year

    I do not understand. I do not pretend to understand.
  25. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous fled into the engine room, ignoring Saracen's attack. A distant howl told him that it was too late...the engines were already igniting. He ran across the room in five rapid strides, grabbing a giant cabinet door and pulling it open as the engine room lurched forward under the sudden thrust from the engines behind him. His arm held onto the cabinet handle for dear life as his arm hit what was inside, trapping his arm between the cabinet door and the wall. In front of him was part of the ship's massive quaza battery, responsible for running the lights, computers, and everything - except the Assembly Tower, which had its own battery. It had survived the crash because the battery chamber, including the door he had just opened, was insulated by springs and plain insulation against the vibrating engines nearby, and because the ship's owner didn't want the power to go out whenever his ship hit something. GM IC ENGINE ROOM (OUTSIDE) The people outside would notice the room itself coming towards them at medium speed. They needed to get out of the way. On the other side of the engine room in the basement, a huge torrent of hot flame blasted over the rubble, about one-fourth of the way across the basement. The fuel that had dripped into the basement ignited in pools of flame, looking for ships to burn. --------------------------------------------- OOC: Sigh...I expect this one to be controversial. The engines WILL EXPLODE, but they are engines...they move stuff. So I figured that they would ignite where they are supposed to (where the air intake is, duh) before the flames in the fuel lines ignite, thus exploding the thing. Also they will explode next IC because they will overheat; the cooling systems for both engines are destroyed, and even if they were intact they wouldn't be able to keep up with a fire like that. Also because this allows Bliss, Thumper, and now Saracen to escape/do whatever before the end. And Traferous knows what he is doing, and them interfering is frustrating him every step of the way. Of note is that Saracen and Thumper will be able to see what Traferous is doing through the open engine room door if they are in front of it, since he didn't have time to close the thing.
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