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Everything posted by fishers64

  1. OOC: He's slightly bigger than normal Hero size now, with the bracing he's needed for the jets. GM IC FRAVI Fravi stood there. She thought about handing over the knife that was in her other leg, but if he was going to stare off into space, she might as well take advantage of the situation and head to her cell, and keep the blade. Unless Traferous was going to bust in, in which case she should stay out here and near her other blades. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous shoved 78 over Drift as his second arm was slashed off, and he was dragged back by someone who was grabbing him from behind. He howled in pain as the pain of having the arms cut off caught up with him. GM IC 78 EAST 78 ran, heading for Dr. Lie, and bursting into the oil stained hallway. GM IC DR. LIE Dr. Lie walked past Flint, heading for the door. As he reached it, he tried to shove it open, only to find it was too heavy for him in his weakened state. It opened a crack, enough for the Doctor to hear a clack of robotic feet and an edge of a distant howl of pain. "What you are doing to Traferous?" he said, his voice dead and devoid of all emotion. GM IC ZIB (TALKING TO HELEN) "The Black Orb staff is destroyed," said Zib. "The staff must have granted him powers of his own - he can't be using the powers of a staff that doesn't exist." GM NPC FURNO "My point is that these villains just crashed on planet where their enemies - us - are trying to sentence them to a living death in prison," Furno said. "They are fighting for what they consider their very lives. A distraction is worthless in that type of situation."
  2. Oh, I knew I had forgotten something. All Lego themes past and present are fair game. Yes. It says that in the rules, specifically #2. What if it's three people? You all get nothing.
  3. 1. I don't remember the game, but I remember someone who remembers the game and made a blog post about it. Does that count? 2. I'd play. 3. If it's a computer game, like you program it up, it would go in Fan-Created Media. If it's text based turns with a website to keep track of stats, then it belongs in Games and Trivia. It's not really a RPG - those are collaborative stories.
  4. GM NPC FURNO "I don't think it would work," Furno said. "Let's say the two of us had our dropship crash on an island where a bunch of people are trying to kill us. Are you going to be paying attention to every giant sea urchin that rolls by, or are you going to focus on not dying?" It was then that Furno realized that Wilbur Flood might actually pay attention to the sea urchin instead of his immenient demise. Distressing. GM NPC MED BOTS - W /RIOT The two helped Riot back to the Astral, passing by the bridge en route to the medical bay.
  5. Why not ;~; Cascading delays in the MoUP and Mafia scenes. (Also, I do other things in my life, surprisingly, than BZPower. I don't have all day to sit on front of the forum and pound F5, even on Spring Break.)
  6. Nope. I might ask you something, though. Just not today, because I think I forgot what I asked you before, and what your answers were. That's pretty bad. I think my memory is failing me because I am getting old.
  7. Oh, not this again... The rivalry and revenge continues...
  8. GM IC DR. LIE "If I don't get killed from walking into a war, then I will die from dehydration and lack of proper treatment for my injuries." Dr. Lie said. "So you might as well call it what it is - an execution. If you were smart, you would take that gun and kill me right now instead of pretending you believe in justice."
  9. I probably won't be buying this set because of its price, but it's a really cool concept that I'm glad to see made into a set. This project deserved the honor.
  10. Frankly I've noticed that the #1 problem with Lego stories since the demise of Teridax is that they took stupid pills in villain design. Ninjago averted this to a degree with Lord Garmadon and is the large exception to the rule, and that is probably responsible for its success. Even the Overlord and Morro were very good villains despite being one-offs. Contrast that with Hero Factory, which never had a good villain at all, or Elves/Friends (Elves might be getting the picture here), Nexo Knights and Bionicle G2. I know that most writers are attracted to protagonist design (in the case of Lego, that might be literal) but without a well designed villain or at least an antagonist, you don't have a story. Somehow Lego needs to get the message there.
  11. I sometimes feel that Lego uses gold where copper would be a better choice, simply to avoid making copper parts. The gold feels too mild a hue against black or other darker shells, leaving me wanting something that pops better.
  12. Organized military groups are more likely to get wiped out by the nature of themselves, though. I got the impression that most Order Agents fled. One of them, Guardian, was hanging out with Tahu near the end, and a large number of them were in Metru Nui near the end fortifying the place. An attack on Daxia wouldn't have killed them all off.
  13. Noted. Although I'm not betting on XXIX starting real quick, since XXVIII is moving at an upside-down snail's pace. What bothers me is that I said I would run MoUP 4 over Spring Break...and I'm willing to postpone it to run XXIX instead, but I'm not sure that I should yet. It would be just like me to start MoUP 4, have XVIII end that week and then me have a mad scramble to try to run three games at once. I am insane, but I'm not that insane.
  14. Someone has probably done a poll similar to this before, but I'm doing it again because I don't remember it today. Also because polls are fun. Go vote!
  15. GM IC FRAVI "I didn't," said Fravi, reaching down to her boots to pull out a larger knife. "The thing is, my wrists are in handcuffs, so it takes a little longer to remove everything." GM IC TRAFEROUS/78 EAST Traferous had two things going on. One was that he had two arms on 78, so one of them was indeed slashed off and dropped to the ground, and he was punched in the face. 78, however, was healed up enough to try to kick Drift in the legs and to try to shove him off of her. OOC: Yep, that's Traferous' vehicle...the only one truly operable now. Interestingly, it isn't really meant for space travel, but rather movement in water. Why Traferous had it on board is another mystery that I didn't get around to revealing...something that could have become part of Mission #2 but never made RPG reality. Aspects of it could become important later...it's a bit like Shade's mattresses now. Basically we're in the RPG Wild West of Completely Unplanned Stuff, but that's what you run into when you invite other people into the mix anyway. It's the way it's supposed to work. GM NPC MED BOTS (2) - W/RIOT The two med bots tried to grab Riot's arms and haul him to his feet. GM NPC STRINGER (TALKING W/ NEX, ABACUS) "Buying quaza and even anti-quaza isn't illegal." GM NPC STORMER "At least now we have a prisoner that we can get some answers out of," Stormer said, patching the comms to Jason. "Good work, Ferro. Now if we could only find out what that Black Orb staff did to Traferous, we might have a leg up on defeating him." GM NPC ZIB "I wish Helen could have kept him talking. The Black Orb staff created magnetic and gravitic fields, just like he said it did. But why would that give him the power to heal himself and pull weapons out of nowhere? It makes no sense." GM NPC BREEZE Breeze saw two Heroes and two villains fighting up ahead. "Hey Furno, I think I might have something that qualifies as what you said," Breeze said. "A pair of villains and Heroes are fighting, with two more on the way." GM NPC FURNO "I think those four have probably got it handled," Furno said. "Zib, is this their ship?" GM NPC ZIB "Affirmative, Furno," Zib said. "But Furno, I wouldn't be so blaize. One of those villains is so powerful we haven't figured out a way to defeat him." OOC: The dispatch between Zib, Furno, and Breeze can be heard by all of the heroes in the area, including Saracen/Flint and Bliss/Drift, and Flood, since he's next to Furno.
  16. GM IC FRAVI "Yes." She reached into her sleeve tooling and extracted a pair of knives, handing them to Ferro. She did not want him touching her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: I'm not sure who Drift was punching...I'm just going to go with the idea that it was Traferous for now. GM IC TRAFEROUS (BEING GANGED UP ON FOR THE FIFTH TIME) Traferous dodged Drift's swing and grabbed ahold of 78, yanking her away from Drift, and began restoring the lady villain's back. GM IC 78 EAST 78 yelled as her arm was broken. GM IC DR. LIE "I'm in bad shape," he said to Flint. "I am not capable of healing as Traferous is, otherwise I would have done so by now." He looked at Saracen. "But I will walk to my own execution, instead of suffering the humiliation of being carried." GM NPC FURNO "Anything that could be used against us," Furno said, as he walked up to a giant sea urchin, looking on a destroyed hangar bay, and two cargo ships, damaged, chained to another piece of ship. "Anything at all." GM IC THE NEEDLEPOINT (MAKUHERO CITY) Fravi's ship finally ran out of fuel and came to rest in the middle of the Factory District. Any villains who wanted to claim it, could, but they would have to provide a source of fuel.
  17. GM IC DR. LIE "Clean, drinkable water," he amended, setting the glass on the counter and walking toward the door. "That lake is filled with fuel from this downed ship, and even then it would be filled with viruses and bacteria that kill people like me." He stumbled up to the door and opened it, walking into the office with another gasp of pain as he steadied his unbroken arm.
  18. I'm not sure I'm going to have time to host this, but I thought of some stuff for the Lego Movie RPG this morning, so: The Lego Movie - Sandbox with walls - ALL OP characters in the game are NPCs that can be controlled by any player. Abuse of this privledge will result in the GM taking control of other OP NPCS to enact justice. -Unless indicated otherwise in the character's profile, all characters are capable of building things, from a single ramshackle hut to a HUGE mansion with POOL and SPA and BLU-RAY PLAYER. However, it pays to be at least a little bit realistic on this - if they are some poor guy from the wild west, they probably need to take some time living in Bricksburg belofe building a skyscraper. -Included themes (open to change): A. The Lego Movie - Duh. B. Friends - because they fit with the slice-of-life-ish story of the Lego Movie, sort of. C. DUPLO - because creepy pink monsters make good villains. D. Classic Space and Western - because duh. -I do plan on playing this RPG and may decide to stir up some conflict, but I want room in here for "batman duels dumbldore in a fight TO THE DEATH" and "Samantha runs an ice cream shop and all these people show up" plot lines to happen. This isn't the HF RPG; this is more slice-of-life and less command-and-control. Anyways, go ahead and complain about my insanity now. Go!
  19. I vote Quisoves, simply because I haven't had the chance to vote him in awhile - it feels refreshing.
  20. GM IC DR. LIE Doctor Lie downed the glass of water. "I'm not going to be able to answer questions if I'm dead, and I doubt you robots have tons of water around." He didn't even want to think about what was going on - probably Traferous was answering a bunch of questions or fighting his tail off right now. He was not interested in either.
  21. OOC: Er, no actually I didn't. Searching the topic for "Riot" reveals that the last post was by... My evil twin. OOC: Yes. GM IC DR. LIE Doctor Lie stumbled past Saracen and into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water from what proved to be a sputtering tap. If he was going to die, he much preferred an energy shot to the head over the slow death of a parched throat. GM IC TRAFEROUS Traferous was stunned by a shot, and then he took a laser to the chest. Then he hauled off, ignoring the hole in his chest, and punched Drift in the face. GM IC 78 EAST 78 blocked Drift's punch, and decided to try to slug Drift in the leg since boss had taken over the face punching. GM IC FRAVI Fravi focused on memorizing the layout of the ship and who was on board. She needed something to distract her from the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. GM NPC ZIB "The mining purchases is odd," Zib pointed out to Abacus. "What is he doing with quaza? Also, how did he manage to build all of those weapons on his own?" He turned to Ferro. "Down the hallway on your left." GM NPC MED BOTS A couple of med bots looked at Shade quizzically, but nonetheless assumed the task of washing the mattresses.
  22. I'd like to point out that the Order wasn't wiped out - as far as I know, most of them survived. Also the Brotherhood died off for in-story reasons unrelated to number of females - the Dark Hunters had no such reason, and they lived. Also of note: the number of Ga-Matoran in MNOG II is greater than the number of female Dark Hunters...and as far as we know, all of them survived until the end of the story.
  23. GM IC DR. LIE He supported himself on the bed to stand, and then staggered along the walls, leaning on them for support. He felt light-headed. He realized that he needed a glass of water. GM IC 78 EAST 78 moved her neck to take the punch as a glancing blow and followed up with...another punch to the face. Lame, but it was the easiest option.
  24. GM IC DR. LIE He slowly tried to comply, putting his feet on the ground and sitting up on the bed, gritting his teeth against the wounds and then gasping. With the covers off, there was no hiding the glistening rows of black stitches. The doctor was otherwise fully clothed. He tasted bile in the back of his throat, but he hadn't ate since his sandwich with Crowley, and that felt like an eternity ago now... OOC: I think I might have actually ninja'd you here...#fishersforworstGMever2016. And that is the last hashtag I will ever use on BZPower. OOC: Also, my reason for being this insane is that I think Everyone vs. Traferous battle is rather boring if we dwell on it for too long. I'd rather go back to intrigue and suspense as opposed to a somewhat pointless battle sequence. But again, I suppose I may be dealing with a bunch of Blood Knight players who want more explosions, and so I'm willing to flow with the masses here.
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