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Everything posted by WeatherDragon

  1. I am really lost this year on what to get for my birthday....

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Farshtey! The entire BIONICLE community awaits your return.May Blessings be upon you.
  3. Happy Birthday, Sumiki! May you be blessed all your years.
  4. The blue is very nice, I haven't seen a combanation like that before. I works very well. He is by far one of the best new sets...if only his weapon was black.
  5. Time for a new avatar!

  6. Well, to begin with...the first Toa is total win. The color scheme is positively epic, though I would've prefered a brighter red. The weapons are so original it blew me away. The only real complaint is that the black is a little odd being only on his legs and one of his arms.The second Toa has a nice color scheme, black and yellow always go well together. The gray Miru's on the back of his shoulders are a great addition, very original. Both his arms and legs are pretty complex looking, which gives the MOC some depth...And the weapons are original and very well made. The only real complaint with THIS one is the lack of a Mask or Helmet of any kind. I think a black or yellow mask/helmet would fix that.The third MOC is very...complex for its size. The color scheme goes well, though. And using blades on the vehicle improves its look. It does look a little stiff, though. Are there any moving parts besides the wheels and the tread?
  7. I agree with Gata here, the color scheme isn't entirely random...and that makes it look a little better. That said...I like the electric pieces, but I do not know how well they will blend in with electric looking Mocs, considering their color scheme. I suppose it would work more often than not.I cannot really agree with the tentacle very well. It looks good on him...but it would have been nice to give him a sword or staff with electric pieces on it.
  8. As sets or more like TLR. I never cared for Miramax style.
  9. Hm, reminds me of the MNOGs. It looks very solid and clear...but he seems to be leaning forward a bit. The shading is done flawlessly.
  10. Hm...maybe Pohatu or Onua. I can be serious and humorous during hard times.
  11. Hm, I love the bi-pedal to quadropedal switch, it works very well. I also like the silver-black color scheme.
  12. Bohrok, of course. They were pretty original physically and were a Swarm.The Rahkshi were great...but they had Ring Wraith all over them.
  13. Hmm...I am little surprised at the lack of traditional Japanese architecture...but at least they have a one model.I really like the spaceships (especially the white one where its wings point outward), the Toa Mata recreations (I adore those mini-Mata ), and the Mechs (the Mars Mission Mantis blew my mind).I hope I will get to come to one of these conventions someday.
  14. It deserves an award, everything about it is quite addictive.
  15. I am late, but still.Happy Birthday, America! God Bless you.
  16. I do not have many friends, but most of them know I like BIONICLE, Ninjago, or just LEGO in general.
  17. I can almost guarantee it will have as much effort or more put into it than LU. The only reason TLG would put less effort into it would be if they wanted another failure.Well, I do not know about having as much effort put into it....but I do know it will be good. LEGO is great at games.However, LEGO Universe was announced back in...2007, was it? And it wasn't finished until 2010. So I suppose this could have alot of effort put into it.
  18. Ooh, another grand powercast. This one went smoothly, and I felt explaining advertising policies was a good idea. I might need to remember those rules in the future.The Brick Cascade sounded like it went well, Portland is a nice town. Oh, and do not forget the toothbrushes. The interview went smoothly, my question made it in again. :lol:Smeag's piece went very well, I enjoyed that....But what is it with Black Six and asking questions about Hot Pockets?
  19. Perhaps it's better this way; perhaps it's not. I personally believe a LEGO MMO could work, but it needs a different formula than that of LU. I'll just leave it here -- I can't really doom the MMO yet just because of LU's failure to deliver.I´m pretty sure this is going to be pretty distinct from LU, else there would be no point in trying again.-Gata I agree. I hope this one has alot of the same movement and view mechanics, though.
  20. I like both, though I prefer the new hand molds because they look more realistic.But the old ones are awesome, too.
  21. Free? Oh yes, yes! That would be fantastic!
  22. Slew*Sorry, grammer ninja. :lol:I think I read that story once.That's what I get for not paying attention to what I type...It's alright. :lol:I like the green font.
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