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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. Simple question. "How has your life changed in the last decade?" I'm definitely curious about this as I imagine most people on BZPower to be in their teens or 20's. Growing up into adulthood tends to be an interesting time period for most people as they're faced with confusing situations and feelings, some for the better and some for the worse. Since I imagine most people see their childhood through rose-colored glasses, it makes me wonder as to how those who reflect upon it see theirs. ----- For me, it's been... interesting to say the least. In some ways I would say that my life has improved in different ways but at the same time it hasn't. When I was younger I use to take great pleasure in the simplest things. Getting that new Toa set or if I'm lucky, being able to get one of the new titan sets. Being excited every time the LEGO magazine would show up and would have the next BIONICLE comic inside. It was a simpler time. Right now I would say that I'm not nearly as pleased with the simplest of things. I can afford LEGO sets all I want but I choose not to buy them. I have wants and desires but I have no way to fulfill them. I've so many goals that I wish to complete, many in the long term and so far off into the distance. I've gone through acceptance and denial over situations involved in my life. But the differences aren't all bad. Through growing up, I've been able to realize what it is that I want in my life, whether it's about my career or the type of people I wish to surround myself with. It's interesting so to speak and very... different. ----- So what about you? How has your life changed in the last decade? ~Soran
  2. How well known? I'd say probably 4/5 or 5/5. I personally don't know a thing about you but I'd certainly be able to recognize you just by your historical references regardless if you changed your sig, avatar or possibly even your name. ~Soran
  3. New Comic Dead or Alive Personally, I find this one pretty entertaining. RIP in peace. Death Metal. Ever been to a scrap yard? A lot like that, I'd imagine That last line was hilarious XD Probably. Thanks. I wouldn't be too sure about them not being touched. Glad you guys enjoyed the comic, ~Soran
  4. I just wrote 21 more blog entries to be released over the next 3 weeks. Prepare for more questions.

  5. I'm imagining the actual Kazi from BIONICLE saying this and it's rather entertaining. ~Soran
  6. Simple question. "What are you currently working on?" Are you working on some sort of project, school work, or perhaps something work related? Perhaps you're working on a goal of some kind. Whatever it is, I'm curious. At the moment I'm working on school work for college and studying for some upcoming tests. What about you guys? What are you currently working on? ~Soran
  7. Whats on your mind?

    1. Ghidora131




      *is ded*

    2. Ghidora131


      In other words, uhh stuff

    3. Soran


      I actually had the apostrophe before I typed it but apparently you're not allowed to enter the exact phrase of the profile feed. It pains me as well, trust me.

  8. I'm pretty used to being dead at this point. I come back as a spooky ghost and haunt you, leading you to run away leaving the mask behind. My mask. ~Soran
  9. I just take the mask. My mask. ~Soran
  10. 2/5, I see you in the COT forums but aside from that I don't know a thing about you. ~Soran
  11. It looks like it's saying, "ill bash ye ead in i sware on me mum." We just went over this, it's supposed to be hot not chilly. ~Soran
  12. Clutch Powers was a cinematic masterpiece Clutch Powers was cinematic trash. Clutch Powers was a cinematic okay.
  13. Simple question. "What would you like to be famous for?" Often times for some people it's their personality, or maybe their talents. Some don't want fame at all. So what about you? Do you want fame and if so, what would you like to be famous or well known for? ~Soran
  14. New Comic Rotten Smell I figured that if his corpse was there during that entire time it's got to smell, right? I feel that defines my comics very accurately. I'll be honest, I hadn't thought of that idea. You actually made the plan genius, but sadly that's not how this plays out. Never ever call us that again. The name has stuck forever. You cannot escape. Also, I would like to add - I'm loving this!! I could be a little more insane and unrealistic, but otherwise this is wonderful. Keep it up, comic senpai! For this specific arc I tried to go with a "professional" personality with you two. Almost like a "Business-as-usual" type deal. I'll try for a crazier approach in the future. Pretty much. Thanks. Glad you guys enjoyed the comic, ~Soran
  15. I'm highly impressed by the mask's construction. I can't imagine it's easy to see through though. It's actually supposed to be hot. It's the summer version. ~Soran
  16. Looks like a mask on a tree stump... Or someone with long hair wearing a mask... Or a really odd looking human face... Or something. ಠ_ಠ ~Soran
  17. I would say that it depends on the setting. Certain restaurants require a name for a meal so she could've simply been following proper protocol. Her mention of seeing you there could've been a friendly banter. If it was a restaurant that features waiters or waitresses then one could assume she was simply working for tips. Once again, her giving her name could simply be restaurant protocol since it gives the impression that the employees are more personable. Now what's listed above is the obvious doubts. Now for the other way around. She started a conversation by blatantly revealing that you've left an impression on her and that you're memorable to some degree. It sounds as though she then tried to get on a first name basis with you (which if you're thinking positively would mean that she's clearly interested in getting to know you). I'd say that with the details you've revealed it could really go either way. If you're interested in pursuing her it would be best to do so casually and not make a big deal about it. Since you go to this restaurant often, you could simply be honest with her and tell her that you're interested in taking her out. Then simply leave her a note with your number and tell her that if she's interested then call. If not then don't call. Simple as that. Of course if you're not interested in pursuing a relationship with her then just go about your day. Good luck, ~Soran
  18. Let's say in this theoretical situation that you don't need to worry about taxes. ~Soran
  19. Swords, jumping around and Jojos? Sounds like an episode of Jojo's Circus. ~Soran
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