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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. I wonder how much hair gel he uses. Probably buckets of it. Foiled again by autocorrect. ~Soran
  2. Simple question. Let's say you're given a (1) million dollars. What do you do with it? Personally, I'd probably try to knock out the essentials such as buying a house, getting a car, buying other needed materials and then probably investing the rest and continuing work. What about you? What would you do with a million dollars? ~Soran
  3. Soran

    Chimoru R Kit

    I'll see if I can create the diagonal versions of the weapons, I'm normally pretty good with that. I'll also see if I can fix Krakau's sword. I've got an idea of how to make it look better. I might also edit the fire staff because for some reason it looks... odd. I can't really explain it besides that. Anyway, first mini update: I got bored and experimented with the agori torso. I tried to create it at a similar size to the regular matoran (since I believe the agori and matoran were supposed to be similar in size). Here's what it looks like. This is based on the regular torso that sets such as Tanma used. I made the forward and 45º angled bodies. I also got bored and made a larger one in more detail. Thoughts? ~Soran
  4. Originally I thought it was some Dragon Ball Z character but apparently it's from Chromo Trigger. I wonder if it's from the same artist. ~Soran
  5. 4.5/5 I feel like I know you and all the work that you do. You're one of the first people to pop into my mind whenever I'm think about BZPower. ~Soran
  6. Soran

    Bionicle 2 Rayg Kit

    You can check out JangBricks' reviews - he uses a rotating table to show the sets from different angles and they're in HD. Yeah, I know they're video reviews but you can pause them or take screenshots from them if pictures are easier to work with for you. If you can successfully do that then I'll be impressed. As for why I don't use the original rayg palette, it's mainly because I just didn't feel the need to. When I'm spriting I often am starting from scratch so I don't use an premade palettes, I just use whatever colors look most accurate according to my computer. The colors I chose for the kit look most accurate to the sets I have, which is the main reason why I chose them. That doesn't necessarily mean that they're the right colors though, as it seems that many of you prefer more contrast in comparison to the colors I have chosen. Regardless it's a decision for you people to make as I don't have any plans for using the kit. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out. Videos could probably be even better to be honest since I can be more accurate with the perspective chosen. ~Soran
  7. Soran

    Chimoru R Kit

    Oh darn. I didn't save it so I suppose unless anyone else did I'll just have to create one myself. Oh well. Request: Female Toa: I suppose I can create one since I've already separated the matoran by gender. As a heads up though, I'm not creating a separate gendered turaga sprite. Thoughts on weapons: They look detailed and recognizable so I'll say you did excellent on them. When it comes to weapons though, it would benefit to create a diagonal version as well to better prepare for any action. Nicely done though. ~Soran
  8. New Comic Over my Dead Body! This story arc is slowly turning into "Let's insult Soran." Hopefully you enjoy. ~Soran Oh, I probably will! Great. Only time will tell. Never ever call us that again. On a lighter note aside from my rage, I just absolutely love the humor you're putting into the comics. Tempted. Thanks, I try to put some humor into them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You make an excellent point. Are you going to trust the crazy person or not? Hope you guys enjoy the comic, ~Soran
  9. You're correct if you view the future as always changing. But if you view the future as a set timeline, one that revolves around the concept of fate (where as things are fated to happen) then you're simply predicting what's to come in the current timeline you are a part of. It runs off of the same principle as Time Travel, where there's various forms of it that are each unique upon themselves and can often clash with each other's theories. ~Soran
  10. Wish granted, the P-47 Thunderbolt is now equipped with arms so that it can rock climb. I wish for perfect teeth. ~Soran
  11. I'll have to decline. I enjoy my music, it keeps me relaxed while I work. Million Dollars (lot of money) but… For 10 years, you feel like you need to use the restroom, all the time. This means that you can't tell when you actually have to go either, you'll just have to take a lucky guess. And no medicine or surgery will resolve this either. ~Soran
  12. 3/5 I've seen you in most of the sections I visit, I just don't really know what you do. ~Soran
  13. Thanks. I mean, if he can wear a Ghost of Christmas Present outfit I'm sure he can wear one of those. I definitely wrote it with the intention of having it be relatable to some degree. I'll admit when I was writing the poem, the intention was to have the "other person" that was referenced by the poet's romantic interest but I left it purposefully vague as I was writing the poem so that it could be relatable to most other situations. So the main character's gender isn't revealed, neither is the "other person's". Aside from mentions of love being a desire in one's life there isn't any actual romantic elements included in the poem. It simply seems like the separation of two people resulted in depression and eventual suicide. So you're spot on with your interpretation of it as it really relates to what the core concept of the poem is about; the loss of someone(s) of importance and having nothing in one's life to live for. ~Soran
  14. How Can My Comics Be Real If BIONICLEs Aren't Real?

    1. Ghidora131




      *dies from grammar nazism*

    2. Soran


      I even capitalized each word in the sentence. I can't be tamed.

    3. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      I can't hear you over all this Jaden Smith. I'm too woke.

  15. I wonder what's so interesting to the left of our avatars. Apparently it's too early. I don't really know when autumn starts. I just figured that since there's 4 seasons, each season would last 3 months which would put the beginning of autumn at September. And since it's near the end of august I thought it was close enough. Turns out it's not, I'll probably switch back in September. ~Soran
  16. Great one, that's definitely one of my goals as wel
  17. Simple question, what are your goals in life? I'd say that most people (not everyone) have goals in their life, whether they're long term or short term. So what are yours? For me, I've got a few. Here's my goals: Getting my doctorate in psychology. Becoming a school psychologist. Get married and settle down with a family. Complete book series I'm writing. So what about you? What are your goals in life? ~Soran
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