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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. It's a Bizarro version of some sort of anime character presumably. ಠ‿ಠ ~Soran
  2. Megatron/Tyrannosaurus Rex 2052! ~Soran
  3. Here's a question. "What simple thing ruins your day?" Pretty straightforward. Whether the simple thing literally ruins or day or not is up to you, some of you may just find a particular instance to be simply annoying but not "Ruin your day" worthy. For me it's probably missing a meal. There's been times in the past where I was too late to eat breakfast or I was catching up on work and didn't have the time to eat lunch. Those are the worst. So what about you? What simple thing ruins your day? ~Soran
  4. These two sounds like a mouthful. This one sounds super catchy and rolls off the tongue the best. This one sounds the most sophisticated. This one sounds okay. Doesn't really stand out compared to the others but perhaps that's what you want. This name sounds entertaining. Wat. My vote is either Pearlrak, Pearl Pahrak, Professor O'Pahrak, or Sinnoh Slizer. ~Soran
  5. Her nickname could be Rexy (Like Lexy) or simply T Rex or Rex or maybe even Trexy (like Trixy). It's an absolutely beautiful name for a baby girl. It just rolls off the tongue very easily. Hopefully she'll get along with my boy Megatron. ~Soran
  6. You have earned my respect. Good luck with Prime. ~Soran
  7. The setting is either a restaurant, a bar, or someone's kitchen. I can't tell... ~Soran
  8. How much does the tooth fairy give for half a tooth?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Soran


      She isn't just handing out Monopoly Dollars, she has her own Monopoly... In teeth!

    3. Pohaturon


      Depends. Should I include tax and account for inflation?

    4. Soran


      No, as far as I'm aware the Tooth Fairy doesn't account for that either.

  9. I think I've lost my mind. Can anyone find it for me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soran


      I can't remember.

    3. Ghidora131


      Don't worry, it;s definitely not with me, and I definitely didn't find out about your next several blog entries and comics through it...


    4. Soran


      I mean, Soran is a ghost so everything involved with him is spooky.

  10. Here's a situation: You discover a time traveler from 500 years into the future. In exchange for preserving his secret, he's willing to answer any 1 question you want asked about the future. What do you ask? Things to note: Don't worry about anything you ask changing the future. Don't worry about paradoxes. Assume that the time traveler is able to look up information. So you're able to ask any question at all, whether it's about your family, your personal life, someone else's personal life, companies, historical events, wars, theories, etc. Personally I think the question is interesting because different personalities will likely ask a different question. Some people may ask about their own future while another might ask about the future of someone they know. Some may think on the small scale or things while others may think quite grand. Some may ask in hopes of improving their life monetarily while others may ask in hopes of knowledge. For me, I'd probably ask about my family. There's certain situations that presently concern me and I'd love to know the answer to them. So what about you? What 1 question would you ask about the future? ~Soran
  11. New Comic Boxed In For those unfamiliar, in Season 1 of the series, most of the Permanent Guest Stars were stuck in boxes. Don't try to actually drink with your eye, kids. That's what your nose is for. Also, I just had a scary thought... But I'll keep quiet on it for now. Keep up the good work! ;~; Itz true The nose is when you want to feel a nice burning sensation while still drinking. Well you won't have to wait long at all. Glad you guys enjoyed the comics, ~Soran
  12. That's amazing. I'm totally going to get it then. ~Soran
  13. Understandable. There was about 250 guests online so it was roughly 1/3 of them. I'm curious if you know what it was like in the past. I don't actually remember the number of guests that were online in the past. You just need to be online at night. With few people online it seems as though guests are simply looking for action and will just follow whoever appears to be doing something. Also, you don't seem too strange to me. Just the right amount. ~Soran
  14. Pfft, is that even a question? Pokemon Red, don't be a scrub. Also, no idea if this is there but if it is I totally recommend it: Super Metroid. Arguably the best Metroid game ever made (some may argue Metroid Prime but let's be real guys). ~Soran
  15. I'm thinking about how I'm to prioritize my time between projects. My life is very busy with various projects I can be working on and sometimes it just becomes overwhelming. It becomes one of those situations where I would love to be able to please everyone but I know for a fact I can't. I don't have enough time. There's certain situations outside of this website that deserve my attention more and frankly are what I should be focusing on. I suppose it's one of those situations whereupon I'm trying to cling onto my fleeting youth, the child inside that had so much time to work on what I wanted to work on without being squandered by the expectations and needs of the adult society. It's an interesting conundrum, at least to me it is. The expectations that are held of me complicate my life in ways that I could never imagine when I was younger. I'm stuck in an environment that I do not wish to be in while the life I dream of having is in another world. A world of peace and happiness... It is a world in the present, which lives by that name. It brings me to a quandary; the place I am at does not feel like home. When I was younger, home was a safeguard, a sanctuary that gives me peace and freedom but where I am now is not. It fills me with dread and inhospitality; nervous glares and cautious actions are all that welcome me to this abode. But out there is the home that I chose but no matter how much I yearn for it, it's too far out of reach for me. What makes this plight all the more frustrating is that fact that no matter how out of reach it seems right now, it actually is reachable. It's only a plane ticket away, one that I can actually afford. I could easily move myself to this home but the issue is that I'm not prepared. No matter how willing I am to move to this safe haven I know that I cannot because I am not prepared. I have not completed all that I need to complete in my present location. In this essence, the present has become both my nightmare and my paradise. I am stuck in my present location due to the needs of society but at the same time, I look forward to traveling to my home so that I may live in the present. It is this oxymoron that haunts my mind each and every minute of each and every day. So what am I thinking? I guess I'm busy or something. ~Soran
  16. I have come up with the greatest pun to ever hit BZPower for a comic. The comic is a long way away though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131
    3. Soran


      I'm curious if you caught the pun.


      >Now I live in Dread.

      >Don't Judge me.

      >Judge Dredd

    4. Ghidora131


      Oh, it's a pun there. No, I read Judge Dredd like once.

  17. Looks like a scene from some sorta sitcom. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ~Soran
  18. New Comic Somebody Home Apparently some body is home. We'll see how this turns out. if that happened would Soran actually feel it or have to act like he felt it He wouldn't be able to feel it, he'd have to act like he did. Soran: "Uh... You just poured coffee in my eye sockets, hello?" Ghiddy: "Wait, you do that too? I thought I was the only one." Soran: "I mean... OW BURNING PAIN HELP" The caffeine's effects are stronger when it's taken through the eye. You were the one who ruined that game by cheating 9 times in a row! The disgrace of the fifth time was by far the worst! There aren't even SUPPOSED to be purple pieces! Most of the puns end up being pretty similar. This one was just more overt. It is known. Glad you guys enjoyed the comic, ~Soran
  19. If that mask was on Onua he'd really look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ~Soran
  20. Here's a question: "What is your dream vacation?" Pretty simple question, let's talk about your dream vacation. Do you want to go alone or do you want someone with you? Do you have a place you've been itching to visit? Perhaps you want to look at different cultures or maybe you just want to have some fun? For me, I'll be honest that I don't actually think too much about vacations. Most of my life has revolved around work and being comfortable in my own home so I don't have anywhere spectacular I would want to go to. I think for me it revolves around the people I'm with instead of the location, in which case that would be family. So what about you? What is your dream vacation? ~Soran
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