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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. I got bored tonight and was looking at the status of past topics I used to post on in the COT Sub-Forum. As I was reading through a couple pages of the topic I would glance and see the amount of "Guests" in the topic. At first it was 1. Then it turned to 5, then 9, and it incrementally raised more and more. I'm aware of this situation, it's happened to me before so I began to be curious how high the number would eventually reach. So I just kept changing the page and glancing at the amount of guests in the topic. My previous personal record was 30-something. The new record blew that one out of the water. There must've been a lot of bored people tonight. Link to Image So there's a question. Have you ever felt like you were being followed or being watched? If so, what was the situation like and how did you feel? ~Soran
  2. Happy Late Birthday! Hopefully you had a great day! ~Soran
  3. ಠ_ಠ All a part of my plans for World Domination a Star Trek themed party I'm hosting. In reality though, it's simply a glossy overlay for the image, not any sort of dome. ~Soran >death star ​>star trek ​oh my god Intentional, I know it's from Star Fox. ~Soran
  4. The Pakari on the left looks surprised. All a part of my plans for World Domination a Star Trek themed party I'm hosting. In reality though, it's simply a glossy overlay for the image, not any sort of dome. ~Soran
  5. Yep, totally ignoring the obvious LEGO or BIONICLE. I find the term to be pretty silly as well, I just couldn't think of any other term to really articulate what I was asking. I mainly went with it since it follows the stereotype and it was shorter than saying, "Child-like" (I already had to shorten the title of this entry. Those are definitely some interesting ones. The coloring club is a pretty neat idea, was everyone given the same pages or was it one of those, "Bring your own."? ~Soran
  6. Here's a question: "What 'childish' things do you still enjoy doing?" BZPower is, well, a fan site centered around a children's toy line. This isn't a positive or a negative in any way, it's simply an observation. It made me start to wonder what kind of things that are presumed or stereotyped as being "childish" that you guys still enjoy doing. Whether it's playing games like "Keep the balloon in the air," or "The floor is lava," or doing some activity such as building a blanket fort or playing video games all day, it makes me curious. For me, I tend to always do the whole, "Stay within the pattern on the floor," thing when there's tiles or weird designs on the floor. Sometimes if I'm bored I'll even do the whole, "Hand Ninja," thing on the car window, having the Hand Ninja jump over stuff that pass by. So what about you? What "Childish" things do you still enjoy doing? ~Soran
  7. What makes something human?

    1. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      Having the exact Genetic Code of a Human makes it Human. Along with Being Aware and Sentient, it must identify it's own core moral values and views

    2. Soran


      Interesting, so would you say that uploading a person's conscious into a robot would make that person non-human?

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Having the genetic code and the mind of a human makes you human, yeah. Now, if you'd asked what makes someone a person, the answer would be different. I wouldn't consider aliens to be humans, but I'd consider them to be people. If someone was uploaded into a robot, I would say that makes them not human, but they would still be a person.

  8. New Comic Negative Scanners A pun and an insult all in one. That's quite the deal! More true than I'd care to admit. I doubt that. There's apparently ghost towns named after them. AYO! Thanks. I've explained before that my name is different puns. I've got "Soaring the skies" and "Disguise". I've yet to use either in a comic I believe. Ba-dum-tss Megatron! At the end of this day, one shall stand...(draws back fist)...one shall fall. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS That was a pretty good pun. Now I'm wondering whose to win. It's definitely happening soon, I can tell you that. ----- All of these comments could be summarized with this gif. I hope you guys enjoy the next comic, ~Soran
  9. A link so some nice comics and music and a neat quote. I almost feel like the quote should be between the comics and music links. The third one is another comic series I have titled, "The Road to Home". It's a Choose Your Own Adventure comic which revolves around exploring the actual BIONICLE Universe through my character, Soran. It's basically a combination of a comic/game, where the readers get to input commands for the character Soran to do in relation to his current location. It's a pretty neat series that I'd recommend reading if you find the time but don't expect any updates any time soon if you do. It's on hold at the moment until I find enough time to work on it again. ~Soran
  10. Simple question. "What simple thing brings you joy?" Everyone can feel joy or happiness from extravagant ideas or concepts but what about the simple things? For me it's when I have time to do what I want. Whether it's to be able to work on my own projects or just laze around all day, it's definitely one of those simple things I enjoy. What about you? What simple thing(s) brings you joy? ~Soran
  11. Soran

    Chimoru R Kit

    I can get agori done but I do have some questions regarding what exactly you're looking for. What size are you looking for them to be? I would assume that you'd want them to be the same size as the matoran but it doesn't hurt to ask. Most of the designs I make for the kit are based upon the existing movie styles but "The Legend Reborn" featured a style that was more similar to the sets, at least by comparison to the past movies. So what exactly are you looking for, something that retains the same appearance of the set or are you looking for me to create a new styled version of it entirely? Are you looking for an entire sprite sheet or simply the limbs to be separated? Are you also looking for the various styles of helmets or are there just specific ones you need? For this one it'd probably help to link to which particular sets you have in mind. ~Soran 1. Yes, around the same size as the Matoran. 2. Well, in the story I was writing, the differences between the Agori being organic and the Matoran being robotic are super heightened and is the subject of a lot of racial tension. You're not making this specifically for my story, but I was kind of thinking of it looking more like an organic being is wearing armor than a robot like the usual Bionicle kits look. I know you've already started working on a body though, so don't do anything too different on my account. 3. A spritesheet would be best, for me though. The ease of use of this kit, as well as having a better, animatable walk cycle, was what drew me to use it for my comics. 4. Yes, but really only the ones that are able to show the face. I was hoping for a more organic Agori face, which would separate them from the Matoran. Berix, Kiina, Gelu, Kirbold. Crotesius and Kirbraz have the kind I'm the most looking for. Certavus, Vastus. Metus, Kyry, Sahmad, and Perditus also have helmets that show the face, although I'm not too keen on those designs. I figured as much, it's great to be sure though. I'm not too concerned about making specific edits to suit a person's request, especially when it results in something that would most likely be rarely used. I can try to go for a more organic look. Perhaps I'll try to make a few different bodies and see which one works best and then expand on that. Sounds fine. That should definitely make things interesting. I've been having trouble with the agori head but seeing those movie examples reminded me that the eyes could easily be a different color versus the head. It also makes it nice to use heads that can actually show the face as it allows for more accurate recreations. I'll get working soon. Is there any specific time you need this by or is it simply a, "Whenever you can make it," scenarios. You mentioned that you've been waiting 2 years or something so consider me curious. ~Soran
  12. I'm appalled. It looks like some kind of... Camel or llama or brown cow or something, with a human mouth and eyes that are bulging out. It just makes me feel all sorts of uncomfortable. ~Soran
  13. I got really surprised when I saw your avatar move when I was viewing your profile. That's pretty hilarious.

    1. emily


      Thanks! I do wish it animated on the rest of the forums, but you take what you can get.

    2. Soran


      I know that they used to allow animations but suddenly it stopped. No idea why.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soran


      It happens when you use characters that aren't standard. I tried to post a text face that I've been using recently in COT and it resulted in this.


    3. Ghidora131


      Odd... I've posted Lenny before and it's worked...

    4. Soran


      Perhaps it's certain characters. I tried using the "Face of disapproval" and it doesn't work anywhere in the profile feed, regardless if it's a reply or a status update.

  14. Chrono is not enjoying a cigar of unknown origins. ಠ_ಠ ~Soran
  15. The avatar of the person above is Onewa who's more purplish than usual. ಠ_ಠ ~Soran
  16. Does that imply that you're now a "Man" now or that you've changed sexes/gender? I'm confused. ~Soran I'm a girl. Got'cha. Neat. ~Soran
  17. Does that imply that you're now a "Man" now or that you've changed sexes/gender? I'm confused. ~Soran
  18. A person wearing an odd looking hat which looks like it's made of a random collection of shapes. It just works. Nope, still summer. It's flower petals. ~Soran
  19. When does Autumn start?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soran


      I've heard the weather changes all the time in Ireland. Sometimes it's as hot as Ireland and other times it's as cold as Ireland.

    3. Ghidora131


      Well, Ireland's height level changes, too


      (hurriedly scribbles down ridiculous headcanon for Ireland)

    4. Soran


      Ireland seems to be a very diverse place, there's a little something for everyone there.

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