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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. I remember when salty was used to only describe how I want my french fries. How times have changed...

    1. Toa Imrukii
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      We all know how much salt we want on our french fries.

  2. Presumably early concept art of Pohatu. ಠ_ಠ ~Soran
  3. Brown is the new Black. I don't know whether I should be offended or not by your use of the word, "Worse" in the context of which it's being used. Battletech started out as a boardgame featuring detailed miniatures that became a massive hit that spawned several sequels, spin-offs, a book series, a videos game series which itself spawned its own spin-offs and a short lived cartoon. the backstory is that after a brief period of peace during which mankind expanded into the galaxy, war became almost constant as civilisation fractured into several factions who were constantly bickering. After an intergalactic bill of rights was passed setting some ground rules for warfare which surprisingly everyone seemed to uphold, war became institutionalized as the primary method of conflict-solving between factions. After the BattleMech, an archetype of massive heavily armed and armored walking tank, was invented, the main theatre of war once again moved back to the surface of planets rather than space. Throughout the history of BattleTech, countless factions rose and fell, at one point the military forces of the unifying government decided to go like "screw this" and leave only to later return as a tribal invasion force and all kinds of other interesting things happened. In both the board- and video games, players typically take control of the titular BattleMechs from various perspectives, including piloting a single mech from a first person view, through a standard top-down strategic view to early attempts at isometric RPGs. The fandom that arose around it is extremely dedicated, though in the mainstream the video-games have gained a wider popularity than the tabletop games. The Battletech franchise features a massive roster of varied and unique Mech types, as well as other, more conventional and boring vehicles. Star Citizen is an in-development upcoming MMO space simulator which will also have a story-driven singleplayer campaign. The "Persistent Universe", which will be the game world upon full release, will contain a massive amount of star systems with procedurally generated planets, all of which can be fully explored. The dream of Star Citizen is to allow players to pick any profession they wish and is viable in a space-setting, ranging from pirate through merchant, explorer, mercenary, medic, news-reporter, soldier, miner, surveyor all the way to law-enforcement and much, much more. Seamlessness is a main feature, meaning you can get into your ship on planet A in a solar system, lift off, break orbit, travel to a planet in the system, land, explore, lift off again, visit a space station, jump to another solar system and land on a planet there too - all of this without a single loading screen. You can get up in your ship mid flight (provided it is big enough) and walk around, manipulating different systems and doing things like sleep and take showers. There is an FPS component when not driving a vehicle, and an absolute massive amount of content to be discovered. I regret asking. /s ~Soran
  4. Granted, he's now recognized as "The person who isn't Takanuva," I wish for the power to move mountains. ~Soran
  5. "The wish, it was granted but the dish is slanted," the fish solemnly said as it panted. I wish to be better at rhyming. ~Soran
  6. 1/5 No idea who you are. I know you've posted on some COT topics but aside from that haven't a clue. ~Soran
  7. This is all a metaphor for the song, "Lean on me," where the L is needing support from it's fellow letters in the event of an earthquake. Genius, absolutely genius. ~Soran
  8. Deal, I don't mind having a roommate. Keeps me company. Million Dollars (lot of money) but… every time you load up a new page, watch a new video, are about to watch TV or even are about to play a video game... Basically before you do any entertainment, you have to watch an advertisement. Also, no ad block will stop the advertisement, they're each 1 minute long. This will last until the million dollars is spent. Will you take it? ~Soran
  9. Ghiddy with anticipation as to what Dora will pick next. ~Soran
  10. New Comic Sick Bust And thus is the conclusion to the Ghost Buster/Soran's New Body Arc. Concluding with a glorious pun. If not an arm then hopefully it'll at least have a green thumb. Green with envy and blue with sadness. Seems to evoke the qualities of Soran quite well. You're incredibly accurate. Oh, I know that you can. He is a robot, he's going to be made of metal whether he likes it or not. That's the plan! Glad you guys enjoyed the comic, ~Soran
  11. "What activity would you love to get into?" Simple question. Some of us may have interests in getting into a particular activity or hobby but ultimately something stops us from doing so. Whether it's money, time, or some other hindrance, something always seems to hold us back. For me I think it'd have to be traveling. I think seeing new places is certainly interesting but due to medical issues and monetary issues, I've found it difficult to partake in this particular activity. So what about you? What activity or hobby would you love to get into? ~Soran
  12. The most casual inspirational message I've ever seen, in the last month. ~Soran
  13. If the sneezes don't hurt my nose then I would probably take it. I don't buy too many expensive things so really I'd just have 20-30 really bad ones and only a few lesser ones. Million Dollars (lot of money) but… You'll only be able to live for 20 years from now. After 20 years you will die, but during those 20 years you will have a million dollars. ~Soran
  14. New Comic Steel Oneself for the Worst Iron Matoran. Plot twist: The new body breaks immediately after flying through the desert to escape the hostile local gangs. The suspense was accurate. Plot twist: He immediately fires his lasers from his hands destroying the Ghost Busters. Glad you guys enjoyed the comic, ~Soran
  15. 2 guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks. ~Soran
  16. Some people sleeping in what looks like a 90's sitcom. Wat ~Soran
  17. A chalk drawing. ಠ_ಠ ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) ~Soran
  18. I usually am online at night, and the only person who does anything with me then is Jakura. Ah, poor, tolerant Jakura... .__. The right amount of strange. I have literally never heard anyone say that about me ever. It's always good to be strange in some way, just not too much. Think about most stories, most inventors, comedians, scientists, philosophers and scholars. For the most part, a lot of them can be considered strange, especially during their time period. Whether that "strangeness" about them leads to an invention, a new viewpoint, a new act, or even an interesting story, it's the strange things that make a person unique and entertaining. Consider it a compliment. ~Soran
  19. 2.5/5 I wouldn't be able to recognize you if you changed your name but going through your display names has made me realize that I do remember you to some degree. At least, I recall seeing you a lot in the COT Sub-Forum. ~Soran
  20. I always think it's interesting the responses people give to questions. Some questions are things that people can instantly come up with an answer for while others require some thought. Since I try to make sure that I answer my own questions I ask it also gives me time to think about as well. There have been some questions I've come up with where I just couldn't come up with an answer so I just wouldn't ask it. I'm glad you're enjoying them. ~Soran
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