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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Paleo

  1. It still clashes with the setup. Plus, the shapeshifting is event more farfetched than the "making things freeze and explode". That being said, I don't want to force my opinion on you.
  2. It just seems odd to set up a hard sci-fi backdrop and then throw in magic. If you are using a sci-fi setting, then use a sci-fi premise.
  3. Okay. I like everything up until magic. You could possibly give them just enhanced sense and musculature, and have it be the result of a secretly administered gene therapy.
  4. "Up next, The Beard Whisperer."
  5. Same here. Without any new information, the part of my brain that stored all that Bionicle knowledge was kinda repurposed.
  6. Paleo

    Quite A Scare

    I wish your dad and his bones a speedy recovery.
  7. He will be dearly missed.
  8. Paleo

    My Mood Tonight

    It all got kinda strange once B6 found out that Greg had been hacked, but yes, I feel that way too.
  9. A fantastic blend of colors and textures! I really like the clean transition between the waist and hips, though the posing could be a bit more realistic. The shoulder and chest connection could be cleaned up though. The hands look great, but could flow more if you used a different piece for the thumb. Overall, it captures his likeness perfectly.
  10. Say Sumi, have you seen Sherlock? 'Cus I could see a very viable Doctor Who/Sherlock crossover with time travel and an encounter with the Borg.
  11. Can you do the equivalent of a hammer throw with the discs?
  12. BFA It's yo b-day hey hey yay yay now go play like a blue jay in the hay saying neigh (I can't think of anything else)
  13. Stryfe. Seriously. I've heard that it's INCREDIBLY useful in HvZ.
  14. Paleo


    Gasp! A blog post from Brickeens! But yeah, I've been increasingly inactive as well, mainly due to life stresses.
  15. Hope ya have an excellent b-day!
  16. Hope you have a magnificent birthday VB.
  17. I think you mean "I think they JUST sell salad."
  18. Hope you have a fantastic, cat-filled birthday, Aderia!
  19. Paleo

    Resistence is Futile

    We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated replicated in LEGO.
  20. YUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MORE WHOSE LINE This is THE BEST THING EVER (okay, not the best thing, but it pretty darn great).
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