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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Paleo

  1. Thanks. I was originally planning to create a second victim that would look like this, but I ran out of time in the contest. As for making a clicker (I know the name but I don't play), I'm thoroughly terrified of them, so I won't be making one anytime soon.
  2. For those who have not heard of this before. For those who wish to learn more. Basically, there exists a fungus in nature (or rather, a number of them) that infect insect hosts and sometimes influence the host's brain in order to reproduce. I built one for BBCC 66 (for those who have not yet voted in the contest, please consider these images as opposed to my entry picture, which was taken with poor lighting) (votes are greatly appreciated) 1 • 2 • 3
  3. Go vote in BBC #66!

  4. Just a clarification on the "not posted prior" rule: Can you pm/Skype/text other members for advice?E: Can an entry picture be a gif?
  5. Carlos has such beautiful hair. Old woman Josie has rather short hair And that mystic who wears a blatantly racist headdress looks happy to have escaped Street Cleaning Day. Man. This is just an amazing creation. The concept and execution is phenomenal, and one of the only areas of improvement I can think of is possibly making it appear more public-radio-y, but I'm not even sure how to execute that. Apart from that, filling in the floor indoors with tiles might improve the overall aesthetic. Other than that, all around amazing here. Don't think about the hooded figures in the dog park.
  6. I just need season 3. (partly so I can see Watson with a 'stache)
  7. Paleo


    ^basically my reaction 'cus this is fantastic (didn't feel like finding a nine gif)
  8. Paleo

    something blue

    I really wish Netflix had a setting that only allowed you to watch episodes in chronological order, because it's incredibly hard when you can jump around so easily.
  9. SUMIKI!HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAYWITH PEEPS AND IMPORTED MIKE & IKEs (or whatever candy you have down south I haven't heard of).So yeah, have a happy birthday in the 2:10 you have left before midnight.Do it for the children.
  10. I am a raging ball of fire over this. Matt Smith was my absolute favorite doctor, far superior to Ten in my opinion. I am really hoping this will change back as quickly as it changed from being on for series 8 and then not.
  11. Paleo


    Will you post that picture with the bunny?
  12. I WILL BE THERE TOO (hopefully that's an incentive)
  13. Minnesota! Land of uffdas and lutefisk.
  14. Paleo

    Doctor Who

    I started just with series 7, and I can understand almost everything really, but I really should go back and watch Eccleston and Tenant.
  15. Any chance you could provide another picture? I can't access it because I don't have a Microsoft account.
  16. All ya need is one Da da dadada All ya need is one Da da dadada All ya need is one, one One is all ya need
  17. The puns. So many. And that banana brings back odd memories of fruit animals.
  18. "You didn't tell me that they let the foods TOUCH!"
  19. It's times like this that I wish I hadn't quit piano, just so I could understand this in more detail.
  20. Are there any concepts in the works of a new sci-fi theme?
  21. Paleo


    He's twice as cool when he hangs out with the Doctor.
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