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Let's Henshin!

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Everything posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. I'm honestly curious how many posts I've acquired in this forum over the years.
  2. Never intended for a kill shot so whatever works for you.
  3. Let's Henshin!

    Name change?

    Could always go with Kamen Rider Drive so you can tell people to "START YOUR ENGINE." Or change back to ET...
  4. Seeing that the side game topic has come up again. Just pointing out that I'm still up for hosting.
  5. Who needs heart. Just go stabbity stabbity stabbity.
  6. IC: Silvanni Zikkray I grinned as the portals appeared once more, plan already prepped I opened my eyes as I saw the portal in front of me, analyzing every minutiae for potential later use. The streams of magic were rather interesting, similar to teleportation magic but with an odder spatial existence. Either way it was fascinating. As I quickly passed through it I acquired even more information, experiencing the effect first hand had a habit of doing it. Anyway I was zooming out from the top of the mountain now barreling towards Onuva at an even faster rate. Grinning I smiled as another plan formulated, simply put I'd stick my dagger out just a second before I was next to Onuva. The high speed and unexpected nature of it would no doubt surprise him. "Hey! One more time please!"
  7. Wait, what do you mean never managing to contact myself? -SK You're PM box seemed to be always full. Or something. I honestly can't remember why it was so difficult.
  8. IC: SIlvanni Okay, okay, I'm a little excited so bear with me here. A bunch of really awesome things just happened, first off the guy we just attacked pulled out some random portals to which I could only say: "Oooh, I likey." Then my buddy here went all intangible to which I could only add: "I like that too." Jack went fell down, don't actually know if he broke his crown, and taking the place of Jill I decided to tumble on after. A broken slab of rock later, I was surfing down the mountainside on said slab of rock, quickly closing the distance between the Onu-Toa and me. This was becoming so much fun. "Hey," I shouted down the mountain, "Do the portal thing again!" I wonder what the odds are that shouting would cause an avalanche? Best not to dwell on. After all I was surfing. Notice the haiku? Who said my buddy was the only poet.
  9. NPC: Rashid Abdul Rashid shook the hands of the two officers and saw them out the door before returning to his sandwich. As he ate he turned to the dead body on the table, "So Hamid, this week has been rather rough."
  10. Man I remember this. Takes me back. I remember constantly trying to audition only to never manage to contact SkullKid. But yeah, if you're ever looking for a voice actor, for anything really, feel free to shoot me a message.
  11. I'm guessing you're out of room. But hey, my perpetual entity of boredom is always up for stuff to relieve his boredom.
  12. IC: Silvanni I grinned back to my new found ally, flipping out my dagger as I did so. This was going to be so much fun, just maybe my boredom would vanish for a minute. I mean I was little curious how my ally seemed to keep on commenting on the thoughts of others, but hey now point in analyzing that now. There'd be plenty of time for that later. "Let's do this Mr. McNoble."
  13. IC: Silvanni Well that was a relief, seems the guy was willing to have a gentlemanly discourse. "It's quite alright my rhyming friend. I too hath been set on edge by these treacherous conditions." (Is talking all noble-y rude or respectful? I wasn't sure. Ah well, it was fun to talk like this.) "I do not blame thee for thy leeriness. After all, I am but a mere intruder upon your esteemed grounds. Still if I might add my own thoughts," I grinned, "I must say that is far more fun to enter into an alliance on good faith. The thrill, the danger, the fear of never knowing when a dagger might enter thy back, or an arrow pierce thy heart. Does that not serve to make things all the more exciting?" Oh this was going to be fun. I'd never been in a party before, Shopkeepers like me were far too weak to join a Hero's Party.
  14. IC: Silvanni And I was being attacked, thankfully it was a but simple downward swing right now, a quick pivot on my left heel was enough to get me out of the way. I quickly put my hands in the air, "Oh come on man, is this really necessary. Must we resort to such barbaric tactics? I must say the two of us are gentlemen, surely we can reach a compromise. I mean we're alike you and I, you with your serious, stoic, hammer using and me with my not so serious, not stoic, and non hammer using nature. I mean we're practically twins right?" Not gonna lie though, this was getting a little fun, but it'd be even more fun to see what the two of us could do together.
  15. IC (Silvanni von Zikkray) The first of my bored battles now begins, and every man now fights for to amuse. What hilarious men and women pit these fools against shopkeeper A? For I fear these puny children will remove boredom: I'll say hello to many of them, and remove boredom from my sunken chest, and watch this battle on the mountain-top, while singing songs of love to ease my boredom. I cast my eyes about this carefree place: a scant few fighters seem really happy. Where are the rest? I do not care, but might just guess that mist and clouds have hid them from our view. I figure now I should say that I stole, this silly free form verse from him (as though he's just a tool for me and ripe to rob), and now I'm still very bored but alert. I guess that counted as plagiarism? Ah well, I'm standing next to the guy in case you didn't figure it out, not fighting though because why ruin the moment. The guy was concentrating. Besides maybe we could sling rhymes together.
  16. IC: Silvanni And we were getting food, well not like I cared too much. It might relieve my boredom, of course the current walking was already starting to bore me.
  17. "If you satisfy my boredom, I'll join you. Maybe. Depends on what's less boring." --Silvanni Just gonna leave that here for you peeps.
  18. IC: Silvanni "Food sounds interesting, but it really doesn't charge up one's mind. Get them thinking and out of boredom." I then looked at the knight, he dared to question my boredom, well I'd... probably not too much about it. After all I'm not spiteful or vindictive, no, no I'm a shopkeeper, no use in getting worked up over things. "Yes, yes, well what can I say. Boredom is my ultimate weakness."
  19. IC: Silvanni "Much obliged good sirs. Now what would you chaps recommend I do to ease my boredom?" I've got nothing else to add about my demeanor, so why don't you guys just use your imagination and pretend to figure out what I'm doing. Sound good? Great.
  20. IC: Silvanni Well that was odd, the target of my amusement had just made friends with a bug. Ah well, I'm sure bugs have feelings too, at least giant bugs with claustrophobia probably do. I think. Whatever, better to just not think about. Now introductions, right, I suppose that might help with my boredom. "While we're all in the process of introductions, the name's Silvanni." I intruded, flashing a grin and holding out a hand of my own.
  21. IC: Silvanni I'm bored. Really, really, bored. I'm always bored. Being a shopkeeper is always boring. Shopkeeper A doesn't get any respect. You know what it's like to be bored? Like really, really bored. Living a monotonous life of emptiness and doing the same thing day in and day out at the whim of your so called superiors? Of course you do, you're sitting on your ### reading this ####. Seriously what are you doing, don't you have something better to do with your life? Like play a sport or something. #### neets. Wait, I guess I'm starting off at the wrong point. Like this is all dumb backstory that none of you care about. (If you do care about it, well that's just dumb) Anyway fighting, Bionifight, things excitement, explosions right? Yeah... about that, hasn't actually started yet. So I'm still kind of bored, but hey the chance to just beat the living #### out of a bunch of people I've never met? Might be interesting. Just maybe my boredom will be relieved. Of course I'm not holding my breath, and neither should you. After all fighting could get stale as well. You hear that kids? Things aren't fun because they have fighting and action and all that gritty I'm so edgy stuff. Over saturation also leads to boredom. Now anyway, seems I went off tangent again, not that it really matters it's not like I have a character limit. Oh sorry did I go off topic again? What are you a mod, get off my case. Now if there's no more rude interruptions I'll explain what I was doing. So there I was, manning my stall, raising an eyebrow as another guy tried to sell me fake magic. Suddenly I was teleported away, didn't have the time to analyze that odd magic. I went through the introduction ceremony (No I'm not gonna give my thoughts, do you really want another recap?), saw a bunch of odd people and went on my merry way. Which brings me back to my point. I'm bored, there was nothing to do right now. Well there was that one guy in a suit of armor and a cape. May as well talk to him, maybe just maybe he could relieve a fraction of my boredom. "Yo," I raised a hand in greeting. Just to see someone crash into him. That was somewhat amusing. Anyway. Now we wait. Also did you really read all that? You really are a neet. Get a life.
  22. Why do I always get overlooked. Sigh it's okay, I'm sure someone out there cares.
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