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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. IC: JLJL ignited his swords, glowing blue lightning contained inside of it. He looked over to the Toa of Air, his swords wavering. JL: Go. Now. Or fight us.
  2. More honey worlds will happen when Destiny and Fate decide to prank people again. If there is still a place for them to live. Chapter 19: Electric Car. Just outside the Senate House....... Tahu: I won't kill you, for now. We have bigger issues.Tahu Nuva: You cant kill me. I'm the better one.Pridak: You BOTH are worse than me! You know why?Tahu Nuva: Why? Oh, and by the way, don't be racist and say you are white. Turn around.Pridak: (Turns around) What? Oh. A long line of Onu-Matoran were staring at Pridak. Zaktan: Well.... Uhhh.... Piraka! To War!Takadox: Yes, what do you want, Pridak?Pridak: These 2 Hotheads have taken the crown! We must get it back!Tahu: There ain't no crown, but if there is, I'm the one with it!Pridak: Give it to me!Mantax: No, to me! I'm the biggest, baddest Barraki!Tahu: Go away, buffalo boy!Tahu Nuva: What? Anyways, It's MY CROWN!Tahu: Mine! You're head is so bumpy, it'd fall off whenever you wore this invisible crown!Zaktan:...... Uhhhhhhh....... Am I supposed to be... fighting? Zaktan smashes his weapon into Tahu Nuva, who blocks and counters. All the Barraki and Piraka also fight, and both Tahu's ignited their swords. Hakann: Ahhhh! Hot hot hot! I need a medic! MEEEDDDIIIIC! !!! *Runs out of battle scene* All the Piraka attack Tahu while all the Barraki attack Tahu Nuva, conversing and conversing, until they were out of the city, and in the apartment. Pridak smashed Tahu, and he went flying right through the corridor and into the living room. Zaktan does the same to Tahu Nuva. As they walk through the corridor, Zaktan looks at Pridak. Zaktan: Just to let you know, I'm getting the crown.Pridak: What? No, Its mine! I'm having the crown. As both forces suddenly begin to fight each other, Carapar is knocked into a room. Carapar:....... Me no like. Me sad *sniff sniff* Outside, The Tahu's looks are the very fine carpet they were about to roast, with a packet of chips on top. Both of them heated up the carpet, and tossed it on top of the 2 fighting forces. Thok:.... Great. *SIZZLEEEEEEEEEEE* Tahu Nuva grabs one side of the carpet, and pulled it down, and then pushing it to Tahu. All the forces were encircled in a very hot carpet. They dragged them out of the Balcony, and threw them out. Suddenly, all the ants had a great question in their mind: Why was there loads of sissies screaming, and why was there a gorilla mating call? Tahu: Annoying bunch. Minutes later....... Hakann looked around, crouched, eyes scanning the horizon-through the window. He was hoping for escape. To look for fortune! And a medic. To -Hakann looked around, to make sure no one would follow him. No one. He jumped out the window, and then remembering there was actually going to be a fall and he wasn't superman. Hakann: I need a medic.......*WHAM* OOF! What the.... Hakann is stuck in a tree, with nearly no way off apart from jumping. Luckily there was another tree to jump to. Unluckily, this tree was higher up. Hakann: Great... now....???: Come over here!Hakann: Who? What? Who are you? ........... I don't have any money!???: Im not a beggar, but I need your help!Hakann: Uhhhh.... you're still begging but whatever. Where are you????: In the sea!Hakann: Ok....... Do you promise me fame and fortune????: What? Whatever! Yes!Hakann: Ok! Coming! Hakann walks over to the railing which barred the road to the sea. He looked out. Hakann: Oh *%^! Over the edge was a dolphin, who was in the ocean, polluted and stuff. Dolphin: I need your help! The world is polluting the sea! My race is becoming extinct!Hakann: ........ So? We can eat you!Dolphin: I can promise you fame and fortune.Hakann: Yes? What do you need?Dolphin: Save the environment! I will be waiting when you are done!Hakann:........ Uh..... (Mind formulating a .... "great" plan...) I'm on it! Meanwhile, up in the Apartment......Tahu: ######.Tahu Nuva: ######. They both stare at the ashes that were once tasty chips on a carpet. Both: ###### you. Tahu: So...... You. Pay up.Tahu Nuva: What? You're the one who did this! You are to Toa of Fire here!Tahu: And you? Just because you have a shiny chest, doesn't mean you aren't a Toa of Fire!Tahu Nuva: You are more firey!Tahu: You have the Nuva thingy in your name! Makes you the better fire user!Tahu Nuva: Hah! That means that you admit that I'm stronger!Tahu: No, I'm admitting that YOU are paying up for frying the chips! Pahrak-Kal walks through the doorwar, and looks at the ashes on the floor. Pahrak-Kal: Uhh.... guys...Tahu: Stay out of this, ballhead!Pahrak-Kal:... Ballhead? Whatever. By the way.... you guys are... arguing... over chips?Tahu Nuva: They cost money!Pahrak-Kal: Thats the thing. We used to be very poor. Heck, Whenua over there, he was a beggar for.... 2 hours. He failed, his small cup got spat in, but still.Tahu: ....Exactly! Now he burnt the chips!Tahu Nuva: No, you did!Tahu: You wanna check the fast motion replay from the security cameras? Wait, what cameras?Pahrak-Kal: See, thats the thing. We're running a city, and, well, we are... Rich.Tahu:..... Rich?Tahu Nuva:.... How Rich?Pahrak-Kal: Rich enough that we can donate 1 million dollars HK$ to some crazed guy looking to "help" the environment and still retain enough to buy a supercar and a private jet.Tahu:....... :oTahu Nuva:..... ######.Tahu: ######.Both: ###### you, Pahrak-Kal, for not telling us.Pahrak-Kal: Oh, %^&*! Hakann suddenly walks in through the door, and shouts towards them. Hakann: Hey, uh, can you give me some money? I'm raising money for the environment.Tahu: Whatever, take 1000,000$ from this credit card. (Throws over credit card)Hakann:.... Uh, thanks. 10 hours after Hakann figured out how to take out the money, and then take out 1 million $.......... Hakann is driving around in his new "car", driving over to his fellow Piraka, who had managed to get out of the carpet of doom. Hakann: Whatsup, homies! Look at my new electric car! I did it for the environment!Zaktan:.......Thok: Dude.... thats a..... electric.Hakann: Yeah!Thok: A electric.... RC car.Hakann: For the environment! (Drives into city)Hakann: Hello, everyone! Look at the great Hakann, in his great electric! All donations for the environment appreciated!Matoran: What? No. 20 people like you tried to scam me in the course of the last 2 hours. Go away.Hakann: .....I hate you. All donations appre- Oh ^&*% the dolphin! Hakann drives his car out of the city, out of the apartment, into the lift, down, and over to the sea. Hakann: Look what I did for the environment, Dolphin!Dolphin: (Dead)Hakann:...... Oh. ######.
  3. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Another good chapter again MT. GG Pridak. --' <-Asian Eyes. PB, is that the battle which hurled the Ark into the lake? Trololol.The Center does their job well. Only problem is that all their members hate their job, AND The Center. But they aren't really that bad, are they?
  4. Huh. How long lol :3 Site with forums removed. -B6 If lazy: Im lazy too. Read it or begone! I shall not do anything.
  5. I find it stupid. I'm 12, and I question this: Since lego aim there stuff at kids, and teenagers on the site follow it because they WERE kids who liked the toys.... why make it so its 13+? If its aimed at kids buying toys, don't "block" the people who buy the toys most. I don't mind if they made some kind of 13+ forum, but if they make it just for greg, 1. Lego did something stupid. 2. No point unless its a place for more "mature" people to talk. 3. BZP has no "Permanent" way of this, so we just need to change it.Thats why its dumb.
  6. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Chappy? Thats..... old.Probably people just used it. No one actually coined it.Hm. Why is everyone.....gone?
  7. IC: JL JL looked around. His electric powers seemed to be sputtering out, as if the power negating thing in the tunnels was back. Still, JL had his sword. He cut off a small branch, and hurled it at the Toa, hoping to find a weakness.
  8. Huh. That seems like Phineas and Ferb. Get super pro invention, someone tries to tell them off, and just barely fail. Good chapter, and I like your sponsors. Maybe I'll contact them for my comedy. :3
  9. IC: JL Behind all this, JL swished his sword, clearly interested in how this turned out. Some kind of Toa of air was right there, swishing around, having already killed a Rahi. This person was either Insane, corrupted, or not a Toa. JL spun his sword, and it charged with lightning. JL walked up to the new Toa. JL: (Spinning his Kraata proudly) You know what this is? This is a prize. If you are its brother, show it. If you are just insane, well, you'd either try and eat this, or fight us. If you are just stupid, we'll give you a hint - leave this place.
  10. IC: JLJL looked at the guy in front of him. He had been hidden well, but revealed himself soon, and, on the way, insulted him and his newfound friends.JL: Makuta spies? Maybe not. You want proof? Here.He held out the dead, squishy, disgusting Kraata.JL: Anyways, who are you? What if you're a Makuta spy! Hmph. Whatever, I'll be suspicious. But what's happening down there? Care to explain?
  11. IC: JLPirok: How much further to Le-Koro?JL: Lemme check.JL activated his mask powers, and suddenly he could hear sword clashes, lasers and shouts from what was probably Le-Koro.JL: Not far. Problem is, there seems to be a battle. Probably with a Skakdi, seeing as I heard laser eyes, all that stuff. We better hurry. If not, I might lose my chance of selling my, Uh, dead Kraata. Or maybe I should keep it. I liked how it died- smashed to bits by it's own tunnels of shadows, and then jabbed, over and over.As the group continued, the battle noises got closer and closer until JL didn't require his Arthron to hear.
  12. IC: JLJL walked through the jungle, and, bored, activated his Arthron. Immediately, very small sound waves of fights seemed to bounce to him.JL: Huh? Anyone care to explain? Nevermind, you guys wont know about that. And is there a shop around here where I can sell this? (Holds up dead Kraata)OC: Where are the others from Kini Nui? :3
  13. IC: JLTogether, JL watched the others sprint into the jungle, and followed, a grin on his face.OOC: JL to Le Wahi.
  14. IC: JL JL looked at the newcomer. He was pretty sure he was thinking of going down there and fighting. But JL knew that if 1 Rakhshi had managed to turn 2 Toa against each other, they would have been toast, if JL hadn't weakened the stone pillar, and the others destroyed it. JL looked around at the other Toa, who had been deciding to go to Le-Koro. JL: I'll just tag along. Maybe even, you know, sell this. He held up the dead Kraata, salvaged from the crushed Rakhshi. JL: Also, is there anything down there to fight? Hmmm.
  15. Chapter 18: Public SceneA new day for everyone. Everyone begins to wake up, except for Furno 3.0, who hadn't fell asleep. Everyone began to do their daily works, thinking it was a normal day. Then-Pahrak-Kal: Ugh. I need the toilet.Pahrak-Kal heads over to the Master Bedroom, hoping to go to the grand toilet there. He takes off... uhm.... his armor pieces? And then opens the door.Pahrak-Kal: WHAT THE-Meanwhile, Takadox is merrily placing nuts on the floor, hoping for some cool dude to slip on them, when he reaches the front door..... which slams open, crushing him into the wall.???: Tell Takadox that his Dumpster Boys are BACK! Along with all the sets that got accidentally thrown off the truck since the 12 year old kid had hijacked it..... and then used it to go 160 kilometers per hour.Takadox: WHAT THE-???: Also, if anything happens to me when I step inside, Takadox is SO dead.???:.... (Steps into room)???: (Slip!) *SMASH* Thats it, Takadox, you are SO FRICKIN DEAD!Lots of ???: YEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! FIND TAKADOX! !!!Takadox: Oh, son of a-*FLASHBACK*Takadox: Ha! Hahahah! I've trapped you guys back in your boxes, then locked you inside a suitcase, and then inside another suitcase! Muahahahaha!............ Muahahahahahaha! Now.... where to put you, where to put you....... Ahhhhh..... Welcome to the trash!*FLASHBACK ENDS*Takadox: *Whimpers*------------------------------Loads of sets are riding up the lifts, with a Tahu Mata and a Tahu Nuva on top of the massive pile.Tahu: Well, at least they have to listen to us.Tahu Nuva: Leverage. I love leverage.The two Tahu's hold up a familiar credit card.Tahu: And good thing that retarded international bionicles thing said we had to be the leaders of this retarded apartment and its council or something.Tahu Nuva: Power. I love power.Tahu: *Sigh* You are an cool dude.Tahu Nuva: And you are a retard.Maxilos: Retard? Did you say retard? Join us!Tahu: Don't you just hate titan set? Their big, powerful..... and magnificently dumb.Tahu Nuva: Retards and mentally scarred sets.Tahu: Hey, remember when we were dumped?*FLASHBACK*Tahu: Aww yeah! High speed truck FTW! YEAH! (Gets thrown out of window, along with hundreds of other sets.)*FLASHBACK ENDS*Tahu Nuva: I didn't like it. Thank JL for finding us again.Tahu: We were living a good life though.Tahu Nuva: Stuck in Disney?Tahu: It was cool.Lewa Nuva: If you count being stuck on the roof of Space Mountain fun.Tahu: Hey, I was stuck on the ride. You went the wrong way. Your loss.-----------------Pahrak-Kal looked around him. Hundreds of Matoran were walking around a city built of Lego Bricks and broken things. The city was massive, stretching from this apartments master bedroom to the farthest point of the opposing apartment.Pahrak-Kal: What... The.... Heck??JL: Hey.Pahrak-Kal: Let me guess. You are responsible? Just like giving us our credit card 3 years ago? And then assigning all those auto-pay stuff so if we didn't want to be bothered by cool dudes calling us and coming to our door saying " PAY UP!" and then getting jabbed to death by Visorak or getting punched in the face by Keetongu?JL: Yeah. UBN requested it, I have to do it.Pahrak-Kal: You could always leave us to our merry lives.JL: And get chased all around the globe by thousands of sets twice my size and far stronger?Pahrak-Kal: Long time no see, mate.JL: You're an cool dude. I'd rather not see you. I think the bionicles who got drunk each day and attacked people each night over at disney are more preferable than...... this very retarded place.Gresh: Oh.... ######.JL: Hey! Oh yeah, 1 more thing, I found your body.Gresh:..... What?JL: Looks like you're not dead. You're just in a coma, and the 2 "Good" Titans, Destiny and Fate, pulled you out of there as a practical joke.Gresh:.... So, I'm alive?JL: Wanna see?JL turns behind him, finds a small fridge, and drags out a horribly dirty body which was unmistakably Gresh, except covered in bird feces.Gresh:.... Ew.JL: You have to inhabit this.Gresh: No. Thats disgusting.JL: Uhhhh.... sure.... but...Gresh: But what?JL: You'll die if you stay out for too long.Gresh: Really? I don't think so.JL: Yeah. You'll lose bits of yourself unless you go back into this horribly ugly mess that is your body.Gresh: Oh yeah? What did I lose?JL: Really? Look at yourself. Theres like dents everyone. Including - ew.Gresh:............... I don't wanna die!Gresh jumps back into his body..... and faints from the smell.Pahrak-Kal: At least he isn't annoying.JL: Dump him. I'm finding this stupid council.===========2 hours, 1 riot, and a retarded Titan set smashing the walls down later......JL: Okay! So, your stupid Senate Council of the Apartment has it's first every senate meeting. Today, we have representatives of... Uhm.....Tahu and Tahu Nuva: The 2 Tahu's.Pridak: The Barraki.Zaktan: The Piraka.. hehe....JL: Me. The guy who keeps you all alive.Toa Nuju: The psychic guy.JL: You aren't psychic anymore. Again, practical joke by Destiny and Fate. The 2 Titans... actual titans, not those big sets you see over there. (Looks at Hydraxon) *Whisper* Who are mentally retarded apart from their representative... who is mentally scarred.Toa Nuju: Outrage! I still have my psychic-JL: *Smashes Nuju's face* Did you see that coming?Toa Nuju: ..... No......JL: Summer's over, guys. Destiny and Fate are back to doing their jobs - jailkeeping.Tahu: What.JL: Moving on, we also have Hydraxon of the Association of the Retarded Titans.... or whatever it is... And his, uh, lieutenant, Sugar?Vezon: Sugar! !!!!!!JL: Ok..... Toa Nuju, as the founder of the SCOTA, we say this.Toa Nuju: (Smiles and thinks to himself: Oh my god! I'm getting complimented!) Yes?JL: You are excused from being a .. what is it, senator? from majority voting. Thanks for your listening, we'll be seeing you. *Smashes Nuju*Toa Nuju: What? NooooooOOOO! (Gets thrown forwards.... into the middle of the 0 shaped table, also known as the W.C.)JL: We'll be seeing you when you climb out. Or die.Toa Nuju: *Blub blub blub*JL: Anyways, we need a leader for this retarded SCOTA thing and more members. Uhhhh... request permission to recruit more members?Tahu: Invisible voting says request denied. Too many cool dudes.JL: True. Maybe some other guest stars, if they appear.Tahu Nuva: What?JL: Nothing, nothing. Anyways, lets have a vote. (Slumps on desk) If you are a member and/or representative in the Senate Council of The Apartment, and would like to be leader of the SCOTA, please put your hands up.The 2 Tahu's and Hydraxon put their hand up.JL: We have a stalemate, and must commence voting. Whoever wants a retard to be leader, put your hand up.Vezon/Sugar puts his hand up.JL: Hydraxon, you can vote.Hydraxon also puts his hand up.JL: Whoever wants the 2 Tahu's to be co-leaders of the SCOTA and therefore be able to lead everyone, troll all the noobs, and ....*ahem* Emphasis on....never ever screaming at each other and making a public scene, and also be able to maintain control of the Apartment City, say aye.Tahu: Permission to speak?JL: Shouldn't you be the leader soon? Hm. Go ahead, babble all you want.Tahu Nuva: Why don't you want to be leader?JL: Cos I am lazy, and when I'm not, I'd rather be playing Halo. Also, where is Furno 3.0? Im taking MY Xbox 360 back. It was my credit card, anyways. Anyways, yeah, you guys are the leaders, and I'll be hanging around.Tahu Nuva: Ok. Meeting is adjourned.JL: Oh yeah, I wonder why Pridak and Zaktan didn't talk. (Looks over) Oh. Whatever. At least we didn't have a fight over who's being leader.Pridak and Zaktan are both snoring, kicking each other physically while dreaming. Skills.JL walks away, and asks one of the matoran in the city to ask a Vahki to rescue a white guy in the toilet, or as the matoran are starting to call it, the "Maelstrom".JL: *Sigh* Public scene in 5....4.....3.....2....1.From far away, a massive explosion of fire appears.Tahu: I'm the leader! I'm the older one!Tahu Nuva: I'm the sexier one!Tahu: I'm the clever one!Tahu Nuva: I'm the stronger one!JL: *Sigh* If they get drunk again, I wonder what will happen.Pridak: Huh? What?Zaktan: Is it finally over? Whats this about? Tahu VS Tahu? Whats up?Tahu Nuva: I'm the better one of the two, so I'm supposed to be the leader! We voted!Pridak: Wait... you guys voted who would be the leader.... without us?Tahu:......... Oh %^&*.Pridak: Barraki, ATTACK!GS Form. Not like anyone shall use it. :3Name/Nickname:Species: (Please limit to stuffed animals and Bionicles+Hero Factories, although custom species/Humanity is accepted)Powers: (Mask powers, elemental powers, physical powers, everything.)Background/Backstory:Physical Appearance:Personality:Special Features:Weapons:
  16. IC: JLJL looked at the others, a weird assortment to come here. JL looked at the massive cave, and looked at the others.JL: Shall we go?
  17. Oh? Alliances in the aftermath? Hmmmmmm........What about the.... Those bot guys in the attic after bionicle came out? And the really big evil guy?Can't wait.
  18. - JL -

    Stormy No U

    OK. No time to speak since I am being hunted by assassins with perfect cover (known to the human race a "girls") but here I am, bloggin. Anyways, all cool updates and things I like over the inter wens shall be shared with my blog following homies. Seeyah. NO U!
  19. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    Energy sword, nubs! Hmmmmm. I enjoy these bonus scenes much.Sonu raging is like a immature 10 year old on xbox live.
  20. IC: JLJL looked at the Rakhshi, who was now right above him, it's weapon pointed at it's neck. But just as it was about to impale him, a rock smashed right into it's head. Seizing his chance, JL ran, away from the Rakhshi, as they started getting buried. JL grabbed his sword, and swung it just in time to intercept the other Rakhshi. By this time, nearly the entire roof was rumbling. JL evaded the Rakhshi's lunge, and it managed to impale the stone pillar.JL: Better say bye bye, cos you're all gonna die!And with that, the roof tumbled down. JL rolled back, just in time, as the Rakhshi were covered by the massive stones, and another small slope of stone was made. JL looked up, and this time saw a few fuming guys with green scars.JL: If you wanna stay and fight the Rakhshi, go ahead. But I'm taking the wormy things, and then going forwards. You wanna come with me, please do.And with that, JL readied his sword, trying to take a Kraata for a prize. That is, if he could make it out of the cave alive, after venturing deeper.
  21. IC: JLJL looked at the small slope he had created. He looked forwards, and all he could hear was mad screaming, as if somebody had tickled them with a spear. JL headed down to the lower level, and scanned his surroundings. In front of him were around 2 Rakhshi, directly under the guys screaming. JL: Wow. Surprise their noise didn't break the tunnel..... That's it!JL sprinted over, careful not to be seen, but as he neared the rock pillar closest to them, one of the Rakhshi screeched at him.JL: Uh Oh.He tried to use some of his electricity, but nothing happened, as the Rakhshi barreled at him. JL threw his sword, which embedded itself in the pillar of stone, cracking but not destroying it, creating a slight rumble. JL looked upwards, hoping the screaming men would scream louder, or someone still sane to destroy the area. At least save his life from the Rakhshi.
  22. - JL -

    Aftermath 2

    GG Brenmac. Gave me a chance to sell Sonu's 360 and all of his Halo games.
  23. IC: JLJL sprinted forwards to the massive noise, coupled with the echos, electrified sword in hand. He found several others, but he couldn't make them out exactly in the darkness, even with the flames, lightning and all these bright lights..... As If some shadow was there.JL activated his Arthron as he fought, trying to electrify the ugly little worm in front of him. But that wasn't his main concern.Just a few meters underneath them were more rakhshi, at least two. JL looked down, and, casting a glance at the others, stabbed his electrified sword into th earth, hoping to uncover his enemies before the shadows could hide them.A small rumbling occurred.JL: Hey, if I don't make it out alive, I'm JL. Remember me as a amazin raisin!
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