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Everything posted by Cirkitree

  1. I like how Witch Doctor's legs were built, very flexible and all, but I don't like the Firelord-Rocka XL- Black Phantom-clone-leg-design being used on the titans. I would like a little more originality, or at least a cure for the extreme limits of the current leg design. Other than that fault, the overall designs of the Warrior-Scale figures seems alright to me. Can't wait for Black Phantom to come out, with those shoulder pads and that chest armor.. mm-m!
  2. I am SO going to write something for this contest! I'm actually working on my entry now. Got a general idea of what I'm going to do, just got to do it.
  3. What can I say that hasn't already been said? Thank you very much Dorek for making this possible, it looks brilliant.
  4. Meltdown looks epic. I love the use of the trans-green pod and plate pieces all around the body, and that breathing apparatus(I could be mistaken) looks pretty great too. In short, nice!
  5. Thank you! I was proud of it when I first built it, and am still now, but their are definitely some flaws I wish I had fixed.There's always room for improvement! Glad you're happy.
  6. I love the look of this dragon. Colors clash a bit, but they fit together too, and I like that about this. The head is very creative, the Stars foot and the Matau mask together is brilliant, just love how it looks. You've even found a use for the Corroder claw(?) pieces! If I had to complain about anything, I'd have a very hard time doing so. You must be proud of building something so great!
  7. Out of all these guys, I want Iron Man the most. I mean, the guy looks just right for this system! Already mechanical and that. Hulk's pretty awesome too. If the shoulder 'pads' were white, or maybe black, then I could believe that as a shirt on his shoulders.. but for now it just looks awkward. To me, Joker's just crazy, but organized.. organized chaos. That's what interests me about him. The translucent parts are a plus for me too. Not as big a fan of Batsy. Wings are interesting, but that's about it for me. Good bunch of parts though. Lantern's the same for me. That big spiky ball thing looks alright on Black Phantom, but here.. I'm not too sure. The shoulder pads are also a little odd to me.. but they make the guy look imposing, so I suppose that's a good thing? Why do Captain America? True the movie of the same name just came out, but so did 'Thor', and to be honest he just looks awkward with those extra limb pieces across the torso. He's also missing those wing things on the sides of his helmet. Wonder why? I would have loved Thor to come out, at least there would have been an excuse for more gold or Yellow at least.. I've got mixed feelings for the range. I'll update my thoughts when I see them in the flesh.. er, I mean plastic.
  8. I was really excited for this wave, the theme was unexpected, and the Heroes gained abs.. Was expecting one of them (Say Phantom)to rally an army of villains to battle against the Hero Factory organization, but this works too.The new colors and those massive shoulder/knee pads were a plus too. Those big pads could be very useful to me in Mocing.. I don't mind Breez having them as shoulder pads, but it kind of reminds me of a video game or something.. can't put my finger to it. I think if I were to get one Hero to start it would be Evo or Breez. Out of the villains, my favorite would have to be Toxic Reapa. He's the best looking to me, and has loads of Moc-ability with those parts. And the green.. all that glowy green. BP comes in a close second for me, but I'm still not a fan of the "FireLord" leg design. Just noticed BP's background has him inside the HF Assembly Tower..! D: What will this mean for the Heroes?
  9. Bulk was my first.. loved the color scheme, and that helmet.. didn't realize the gun was all one piece though. That stank.Got Stringer next, and a bunch of the 1.0s recently from my brother's friend. Awesome pile of parts there.
  10. Thanks for the welcomings. I've wanted to join for a long time. Now, I'm just happy to be here :-)

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