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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. Does anyone else find the pictures a little bit blurry or low-resolution on second glance?
  2. Pretty cool stuff. Was waiting to see something like this come out.
  3. I think it'd be a lot cooler made out of CCBS.
  4. He looks a little too beefy, but otherwise, I love his design. The lanky arms and big hands somehow scream monkey to me, which fits a tree-top dwelling troublemaker perfectly.
  5. Very nice MoC, consistent color scheme and structure.
  6. Snowspeeder's not on sale. Kinda want the B-Wing, though.
  7. I'm definitely interested, I'll PM.
  8. Meh. I don't see it as anything particularly special.
  9. I never realized how much I missed the 2001 colors until I saw this...
  10. Aside from the clearancing of Onua and Gali, both Target and Toys R Us are sticking with the $9.99, $14.99, and $19.99 price points.
  11. It's good to see non-BZP reviews on BZP. The reasons that CCBS is disliked may be crazy for some, but there's a fair bit of legitimate debate elsewhere.
  12. These things are kind of fun, but they're just too darn childish.
  13. Pretty cool. I think it's cheaper to pick up at a Lego Store, than online, with shipping charges.
  14. Very exciting! Would love to see some more concept art.
  15. Does anyone else feel like there are a ton of new member raffles and very few others?
  16. I just want to confirm that Gali and Onua are clearanced at my local Target, so it seems a near-universal measure.
  17. I'm not an adult yet, but I'm still jaded and cynical nonetheless. Yeah, it's exciting to get new sets and build and pose them. That said, it can't match the rose-tinted childhood memories of Bionicle during which life was free and I had not a care in the world. I'm afraid I cannot quite empathize in the same way as I once did.
  18. Not only is that a really cool drawing, but man, Pohatu looks good back in brown.
  19. I like the body, but I kind of feel like the head just sticks out too abruptly. It's this long, thin noggin' peering out from a beefy torso.
  20. It's so cute. I love the Nuju-head-butt.
  21. Actually, I feel like the instrumental version is lacking, now that I've listened to it more thoroughly.
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