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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. Wow! These are really cool and different. Kind of want to try building some approximations of them now...
  2. Toa Lewa, Master of Jungle. A few weeks ago at Mall of America's Lego Store.
  3. Yeah, but I don't think they are changing it just to change it. It seems that in recent years LEGO has being making strides towards reaching out to girls, which is great. It was also annoying that every blue hero was female. What's wrong with blue heroes being only gals?
  4. Thanks for the review and nice pictures!
  5. I don't like it. G1 had water=female. There was nothing wrong with it. No reason to change things up simply for the sake of changing them.
  6. (MN): No TRUs or Targets seem to have the new sets. </3
  7. The crazies, who unfortunately exist in every single fandom. I think that most people fall somewhere in between. We love Bionicle for returning, but are aware of its faults (CCBS, distinct lack of unique story/worldbuilding).
  8. Has nobody said Inika builds yet? 2007-onwards, you would have thought that Inika builds were essentially pure evil distilled into plastic molds given popular sentiment.
  9. I think I'd like to display the Mask of Creation on that stand. Do we have any idea when this polybag will hit stores?
  10. Love the color scheme. Very eye-catching, but not quite overwhelming.
  11. I agree that nothing seems reallly Piraka... wait, do you mean Piraka as in "murderous criminal scum" or Piraka as in "Skakdi ex-Dark Hunters" Piraka?
  12. I'd love to see more of the environment painting like Le-Wahi!
  13. I hate to be this guy, but I feel like almost all of these raffles and contests are always for new members. As opposed to, y'know, the regulars who keep up this site's traffic.
  14. Glad to see at least some kind of update, even if it's imperfect.
  15. No. Launchers take up plastic and effort that could have gone into better the sets themselves.
  16. "There *is* an official reason" should be "there *was*"...
  17. Congratulations BZPower and here's to many more years of fun!
  18. I just want to say to whoever bought that Glatorian lot at 1AM... "If you let my [Glatorian] go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
  19. I think Tahu's my favorite of the new Toa. Rather similar to the old, with only good changes. Consistent color scheme, fun weapons, and unhindered articulation.
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