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Everything posted by Radagast367

  1. My island is a mountanous area, and covered in jungles. the matoran there do not have toa, but use powerful launcher like weapon that gives off an electrical charge. They worship a GB that once visited their island long ago, and they build tall obelisks for him . because of the many mountains of the islands, their chief source of communication is bird like rahi, like carrier pidgeons. The rahi of the island are aggresive and dangerous, and so the matoran are tough and hardy. They are led by a "half democracy"- their leader IS voted in, but once they are leader what they say goes. Once one year is up, they go back into the voting process. This works surprisingly well, as none of the islanders would dare violate the sacred laws. Note: the island is located in the endless ocean.
  2. I like it, good work on the upper arms, but the hands are a bit small possibly. I really like the shoulder pads actually, it looks as though they give his arms some more strength.
  3. Probably the bohrok, if they count as a species. If not, then the visorak, because they really are very succesful... and the fact that they are giant spiders I'd like to see a battle between all of the Bohrok, and all of the visorak!
  4. I like the legs and custom arms, however I dont think the gadunka head or the other blue bits should have been added, or that the legs should hang out the back like that. Good mecha though, and I like the way the pilot can get out.
  5. deep fried edition? How do you... never mind... good stuff, keep it up.
  6. Ide like to see what a nova blast from something like gravity or psionics would be like...
  7. There's also the combining of the elements E.g, water and wind. Also, could a toa of ice make something very cold then take all that cold away to make it crack? And, in Avatar the last airbender, there is a "bloodbender" who controls the water in a persons body to make them move to her wish- would a toa of water be able this, I wonder, or would there not be enough water in a bionicle body?
  8. Great work, the lower legs are a bit thick, but otherwise a good MoC.
  9. Although, if you set EVERY bohrok in the entire hive all at ounce against any of the main baddies, I reckon the Bohrok would beat them after a while. The overwhelming numbers would weigh down even the mighty 08' Makuta.
  10. D, the Cotton Candy! Wait, I dont even LIKE cotton candy...
  11. WOW! that things amazing! love the main body- I wish i could make a spider as good as this... your spider does this to my spider: I take it the pincers don't move?
  12. Aaaaaw, he so cute... like the way you did the tail.
  13. I actually thought Tahu ate Von Nebula .... fail. Great work! with the latest chapters!
  14. Okeeeey.... that was so funny. keep up the good work!
  15. While not technically the most OP, I would actually say the barraki (minus carapar). After all, they are the only villian to have actually survived, (not counting the Piraka, I count them as dead.) they are currantly wandering around Spherus Magna, (to my knowledge) while the Makuta were defeated eventually. Athough in terms of sheer power, the 08 Makuta were the strongest. Yet again, if you pitted EVERY Bohrok against the Makuta, the Bohrok would destroy them.
  16. I reckon that they knew all the basic stuff, language, etc. etc. and the rest was sort of subconscious, like instinct, almost. Maybe they even got simillar jobs to before the mind wipe, because it was engrained in their minds as something they should do.
  17. I agree completely Very funny, keep up the good work!
  18. Loving this comedy, but the fact that I have never played Team Fortress 2 makes some of the jokes kinda redundant... Keep posting!
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