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Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

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Everything posted by Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

  1. I think the original series was pretty good. Oh, please don't sue me for using the Matoran design used in the later comics. Don't call the Toast Busters on me, either.
  2. I have had one time buying/selling/trading with another user (UngluedBike), and it's still going on. It's not going so well- he hasn't received the money yet and I sent it about two weeks ago. It must be a problem with the mail, maybe because I wrote his address and my own in pencil... However, I would still recommend him as an excellent trader, as he has great communication and keeps you up-to-date on the trade. It's not his fault the postal service is slow.
  3. Ahkmou is my favorite character. Ever since you introduced him, he has been the only one, except maybe Calor, a.k.a. "Hot," that I've been paying good attention to. This chapter is great. Before reading this epic, I saw Ahkmou as a dirty, good-for-nothing traitor, liar and worse. Now, I feel like he is a good old friend.
  4. Excellent portrayals of everyone, once again! Very funny, and I am looking forward to the next update!
  5. We need people to be on more often, in my opinion. It is moving along somewhat well in Po-Wahi, not sure about the Darkwalk quest at this time, but it is moving along at a good pace.
  6. I want to micromanage this, but I can't see any differences except the ones you pointed out.
  7. I really liked it! Once again, your excellent writing leaves me hungry for more. One error I could find though- Pohatu, not Kopaka, was the first to enter a canister.
  8. Well, I've already gone and done that. If you need anything done in the Po-Wahi thread, let me know IC.
  9. Here's the link to the latest Mata Nui Weekly, nothing in Po-Koro yet. Who are the reporters for Po-Wahi, anyway? http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/1755/entry-129206-mata-nui-weekly-may-13th-to-20th-2014/
  10. I know I'm in charge of distributing Mata Nui Weekly in Po-Koro, and I'm the "printer," so I guess that means that I announce a new Mata Nui Weekly in the Po-Koro discussion and copy/paste the link to the lastest one. Is that right?
  11. Remember the blue screen of death on their old computers? The excessive problems were caused by an Apple worker who sabotaged it. Even today, the red ring of death on the Xbox is affected. Apple put the problems into the basic coding of Microsoft computers, causing them to screw up Windows and more. They did this to sell more stuff, and finally realized they needed something new. Hence the "i" series. They are trying to conquer the world! Wi-fi
  12. Lehvak-Kal: Nuhvok-Kal! Nice to see you back, buddy. I would try to do a snappy comeback, but you're pretty cool. We, the Bohrok-Kal, can all agree Gahlok-Kal's death was the most pathetic. Tahnok-Kal got fried up, you were turned into a black hole, Nuhvok-Kal melted himself, Kohrak-Kal blasted himself apart with sonics, I got shot into space but Gahlok-Kal was crushed by metal that went flying towards it. Seriously! It took longer for Nuvok-Kal to be crushed into a black hole, which has infinite gravity, than for Gahlok-Kal to be crushed by spare parts! And about my durability, I flew through a mountain without a scratch. Not on purpose, though... I think I should shut up.
  13. Narrowly avoiding the eighteen wheeler on the passing side, I ride a floating taxi with a tentacle on top and a tractor beam. I use the tractor beam to crush you with flying tractors and the tentacle scoops up the mask from the wreckage. As I ride away, the eighteen wheeler explodes. It was full of nitroglycerin, I guess. Just like all of the cars and trucks in action movies. My Mask! (And my awesome taxi.)
  14. Do people still think the Dasaka have a chance of winning if they arrive on Mata Nui and there's a war? If they do land on Mata Nui and there is a war, they will lose.
  15. Crutches? Who needs those! Doctors just want you to believe you need them!. Underlines
  16. I'm stuck in the charred forest. It's my second time playing, and I didn't have this problem the first time. I just came back from Ko-Koro and am going to the beach. I accidentally went into the charred forest and now I'm stuck.
  17. Do you mean the ordinary sized one or the huge Ignika mutated one?
  18. Are you actually considering stop motion? That would be greater than great! Please do it!
  19. I need to make a moc named Ehluman. With a fire sword, of course.
  20. Xbox smode DPTive armor. someon shudls makae a msoc of it wif ltielld doritos, ofd cours. My graammr hs noo powfer here, (Hey, that didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would)
  21. My goals are to get a custom member title, author an epic or comic series and get to 5,000 posts.
  22. It isn't, you can see it at the Lego.com Mixels page. It looks really cool, though. I will buy all Flexers becuase sea creatures including a squid!
  23. 15 Euros for shipping??!! That's it?? From the attention you gave it, I think you should sell it for more if it really means that much to you. It is ancient, rare, includes a Pakari and still works! I won't buy it, but I think you should increase the shipping price. If I wanted to buy it, I'd pay 75 Euros for buying and 25 for shipping.
  24. My signature... it has been taken!! Meh, it's okay. I don't really care, especially since the smilies are available for anyone on BZPower, and the grammar campaign is just me and my desire for people to strive for good grammar. To answer the question, I do not think a Noble Kanohi can become Great. I think it is one-way, just like Toa to Turaga.
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