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Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

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Everything posted by Pohatu: Uniter of Stone

  1. I would refer people... if any of my friends liked Lego...

    1. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      That's the issue I find myself facing. Well, I know people that like LEGO, but getting them to join, let alone be interested in joining, is another story.

  2. I guess again- this time I say it is actually Gorast!
  3. I will never be able to imagine Jala's voice as anything other than the one here... This is great! Don't try to get the next one up quickly if it means it won't be as good as this one. All hail Tahu, the new pun king of Kanohi Burger!
  4. This series is awesome, and it should not be locked after this post! We need a sequel!
  5. I would prefer to believe the story about the mutant pandas, it seems more realistic in comparison to dropping out of high school to become a baker. After all, he could just be exaggerating.
  6. IC: 88 had a printing press in his home. A huge, wooden and stone hand-powered machine made for mass-producing books, or in this case, newspapers sat on the bottom floor of him home. It had been some time since the conversation in the bar, and 88 quickly realized the Tech Expo was ongoing. He got up and answered his own question. "It's okay, I'll try to find one at the Tech Expo. Leave it to me- this can be my first assignment." He found one somewhat quickly, even if it was outdated compared to most of the technology there, a machine of that size is somewhat hard to miss. With the few widgets he had left, he purchased the printing press. It was not enough. "May I buy it now with these widgets, and in return for that which I couldn't pay you, you get the next three issues of Mata Nui Weekly for free? The vendor agreed, and 88 was the proud owner of a printing press. He was also totally broke. Several hours later, the printing press was in his home. He climbed up the ladder to his top floor and lay down in his hammock. 88 was ready for work.
  7. Lehvak-Kal: You know, I should have gotten acid, and you should have gotten vacuum/air. Among Bohrok, you're the odd one out! Hey, I'm the odd one out among the Bohrok-Kal, but it worked out in my favor, 'cause I wasn't destroyed! Oooooh! Beat that Lehvak! I'm better than your whole swarm will ever be! *does victory dance* Oooh! *thinks of more to say*
  8. I have two Infernites, and it is way more fun than I expected to mix them together. I must have done it about five times before reaching the one I have now. The main reason why I won't dismantle it is because I'll be too tempted to make another one!
  9. I read over the Pohatu/Tahu dialouge many times. (Classic Pohatu!) After I felt like I got it all, I started retelling it out loud. It felt a bit weird to do that, but you captured their personalities so well, it felt like it was canon, and no questions about it. The way you bring the Bionicle to life in a way that seems to be canon in totally amazing.
  10. There was no Toa seal recently mentioned, so if you are going to post something like that, please mention "the toa seal everyone forgot" or the like. Except the one encasing you, of course. Onaku is unexpectedly freed by the ancient being. And while you were reading and being confused, I swipe the mask and return to the dimension of Steal the Mask.
  11. Out comes one of the Rahkshi cd-roms. In goes Takanuva and Teridax
  12. Would I be allowed to use the Rahkshi of Elasticity gif in my signature?
  13. Anyone ever notice how the Klakk's head bears a stlight resemblance to Hapori Tohu?

  14. Mice in disguise. The English language's lack of standard verb conjugation like other languages. (Spanish's -ir, -er, -ar, etc.)
  15. I could totally picture Orde walking onto a field, seeing all the Zyglak and deciding to fight brawn with brain- only to give them terrible headaches and screw up their minds, and proceed to chase him like in a scene from Looney Tunes!
  16. Artakha: Maybe you wouldn't have been killed if you were more creative and did your job well, "brother." Velika's probably not too happy at the "repairs" you made to him.
  17. I've had a reverse experience, if you can call it that- an Ikea nightstand I bought was missing a screw, so I made a replacement out of Lego. My brother once had a City set missing a windshield, though.
  18. Velika: Must be nice being stuck on the red star with Pohatu and reincarnated Matoran, huh? Just so you know, you're not safe up there- I'll get you some day!
  19. I think in this universe, if Mata Nui was to somehow achieve his destiny, or at least someone controlling the robot was to reform Spherus Magna, Velika wouldn't go and try to destroy Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, etc.
  20. My favorite would have to be Le-Koro. I could never beat the gukko flight minigame when I was little, but I loved the music.
  21. Are the blue "motor shell" pieces on its feet from a City harbor set, by any chance?
  22. Granted, you are an ant now and live for all of one year doing ant work. I wish (empty)
  23. Since all who touch the mask are "cursed" to forever respawn, I am inside the void that is his belly. I climb out of the mouth and I meet up with Onaku, to help him. Neither of us has the mask, but all that matters is that the ancient being does not get it. TSM's Mask
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