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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Really? Wow I'm *way* off my game, no idea how I got those two mixed up. But that being said I agree, it definitely wasn't my favorite style. However I did appreciate how scary it made the Piraka appear, it gave them the darker edge I believe they needed. However it certainly didn't do the Inika any favors, particularly when their hands seemingly vanished or something weird like that.
  2. It would make sense if he did, the Ignition storyline was when he actually was drawing the bionicle comics, it would make sense if that became his favorite of the series and would base new storylines on that one.
  3. I like the dark blue / royal blue option for the shirt color, maybe yellow / gold instead of tan. I had this really cool shirt that was navy blue, and the print was the special paint that glows really bright under black light. That would look very cool for this design I believe!
  4. Gali: Lara Croft, eat your heart out! Kivoda: Who?
  5. Nuparu will soon discover that you should never get into a staring contest with someone who has impact vision!
  6. Actually, instead of a Hau, this image came to mind when I saw the picture: The one Faber drew looks a little more skeletal like it's not complete yet, but the similarities are definitely there in my opinion!
  7. I'd be willing to give it a try, I see Hewkii has yet to be claimed. Or if another character would work for me I'd be happy to lend a voice to them.
  8. Gresh: All set to be the first 'Toa' of the green! Mata Nui: Jinx! You're just another air 'Toa'.
  9. This is true in the case of Thor, but Odin did say that if "they are worthy they will possess the power of Thor". So yes, the power belongs to Thor and the hammer is the focus, but Odin granted it the ability to allow whoever can lift it to tap into that raw power that Thor possesses. I'm certain that a Toa who could lift it use their own elemental powers through it as a focus, but they could also tap into Thor's powers as well (Toa Inika anyone?) Vision possesses the mind stone actually... that's just me being nitpicky sorry!
  10. I'm certain that if the Turaga and matoran were able to create toa suvas on the Island of Mata Nui, they're more than capable to make functioning ones on Spherus Magna, especially once they salvage the old MU (assuming they find a safe way to do so). And I was certain the reason why the Nuva had the Nuva symbols in the first place was because their bodies couldn't contain the sheer amount of toa power they had. Hence why they could affect the Kal via the symbols, or that they lost their powers when the symbols were stolen. They definitely had access to more elemental powers than most toa, plus abilities that other toa didn't have (timed elemental attacks, etc)
  11. Lhikan was able to transform six Matoran into Toa by himself. So theoretically, the Toa Nuva could together transform at least 36 Toa, provided they don’t give up any Toa power for any other purpose (wasn’t Lhikan weakened significantly after making all those Toa stones?). This might be the smartest move: with less than 50 living Toa, they need all the help they can get. By the way, was it ever established exactly when Lhikan became a Turaga? Right now, I picture him transforming at the exact same moment the Matoran transformed into the Toa Metru. When Lhikan created the toa stones, he stored a tiny bit of his toa power into them, to make them the catalyst to create the toa metru. He was able to create 6 toa all by himself because all his power did was activate the dormant toa power inside the toa metru. When this happened that was the moment he became a turaga. And I agree, making new toa should be the prime goal if the Nuva become turaga, since toa are basically almost extinct after the wars that have been going on. They're needed more than ever in my opinion. Now since the Nuva have more power than the typical toa, they might be able to make more than just 6 each. But who knows?
  12. Since when was brown not an appealing color? Is that why they removed it in late 2006?
  13. Just slightly off topic, but I just wanted to take a breather from all the speculation and potential hype and say how incredible Faber's art is. Particularly the landscapes around the canisters in both pictures is quite remarkable I dare say. That's all. Back to speculation discussion now
  14. The legend and legacy of BIONICLE possibly influencing or turning into something in the future? Sign me up for that!
  15. Oh don't worry, I'm still an avid fan! Please keep the content coming, no matter how long it takes you, I always check back to see if there are updates. Thanks for keeping the story going, too many epics I've followed stop right when it get's good. EDIT: Wow, after reading this chapter I'm really curious as to the identity of this mysterious character. He doesn't seem like someone we've met, at least I don't recognize his powers or his motives, but I am really interested to see who he is and why he is the way he is currently. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter!
  16. Okay I've remained silent and skeptical about this so far, but good gracious it's hard to not be excited to see what this all is about! Definitely pulls on the nostalgia strings seeing another canister floating towards land. Ah well, I guess only time will tell if the hints and glimpses are what we think they are!
  17. And the Miru is just a huge silly grin! (don't tell me you've never seen it)
  18. I make the orders as they come, that number is just a number. The Custom option is a new thing I'm trying out-- The idea is, being that there are plenty of fan-favorite masks that aren't yet available on my store, and that it takes time to develop new patterns, I thought I'd try out giving customers an option to request one design in particular for a bit extra that isn't yet on the store. Fair enough! Thanks for the update. I'm sure I speak for all of us that we appreciate what you're doing! Keep it up!
  19. Woop woop! Question: I saw on the site that there were a limited amount of certain masks, do you plan to make more as orders come? I'm still saving up, and I don't want to worry that it won't be there when I get enough EDIT: also on your site, I see the option for "custom mask" What does that all include?
  20. (to the tune of "Gaston") Ackar: I use big shields in all of my decorating! Everyone else (off screen) My what a guy that Ackar!
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