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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. 4/5, you're very active in many forums, but I notice you always have good insight with storyline and theory topics, and your avatar is super epic!
  2. Since we all know that Matoran masks are painted, did anyone get the feeling that the mask makers got really lazy and just slapped paint on half the mask and called it good? But in all seriousness, these look amazing! The color scheme for Kongu worked perfectly I feel!
  3. Vakama Narration: "For this is the way... of the BIONICLE!" End credit music plays. Hits me in the feels everytime.
  4. I actually randomly got recommended this on Youtube, watching it over I really enjoyed it, the movement sound effects are totally BIONICLE, the models are really pretty and they're pretty smooth in their movements. You did a great job, I'd be eager to see more if you have the time to create more
  5. Invisibility (technically concealment, but tomato, tomato...)
  6. Pretty certain that the answer to all is yes. They were designed by the great beings based off of the spherus magus inhabitants, so noses/ears etc would go along with everything else. I'm very certain that multiple characters (Nidhiki, Carapar etc) mentioned smelling their prey. Plus all the sets always included noses on the Toa/Matoran.
  7. I never got any of the roboriders, but I remember exactly when they first came out, and thought they looked like the coolest thing on the shelves (little did I know what was just about to come out in the next few years
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