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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Lots of suspense! I'm totally perplexed by this character, been racking my brain trying to figure out who he might be but you've done a great job of keeping him a mystery. I'm very eager to see how this all turns out!
  2. Well it's not infinity war, but it is avengers based
  3. How about Teridax collecting the 6 Makoki stones which unlock the gate to the mask of life? (either that or G2 Makuta and tMoUP
  4. You would be correct. We know for a fact that Artahka made the Kraahkan, so he definitely knows how to create kanohi from protosteel (I would love to put together a theory of how one does that. Do you purify the protosteel the same as liquid protodermis and create kanoka out of protosteel and then into a kanohi? Or was Artahka able to create a fully powered kanohi from scratch? Given his repertoire the latter wouldn't surprise me). The second candidate would be the Nynrah ghosts, the makuta had them modify their protosteel armor after they evolved, but I don't know if their masks were already protosteel or not, but if not, they might have asked the ghosts to make new kanohi for them if Artahka wan't giving out masks anymore.
  5. Vakama was Homer Simpson?! *MINDBLOWN* Wow didn't know that. He will be missed. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to rewatch the BIONICLE trilogy again as tribute to him.
  6. So we were getting hints at the Makuta’s true nature that early? I would believe so yes. Unfortunately I have no concrete way to prove it, as I don't currently own my copy of the catalog anymore, and I've scoured the internet for an image and turned up nil.
  7. BS01 Wiki: There's no source though. Fun fact, but when the 2003 Makuta set first came out, I'm pretty sure that in the product description it mentioned this saying that Makuta's power was tied to his mask and armor, hinting that if either were taken or destroyed it would weaken him. To be honest, each Makuta's mask choice does lead one to wonder why some chose certain masks over others. Bitil we know loved and hated his mask for the sheer power it gave him, but it also had major setbacks. Mutran and Chirox hated each other, but they still used the exact same mask for just a couple of examples.
  8. It does seem possible from this passage that Teridax didn't know about the GSR until his spirit entered it (though he definitely knew before it woke up). But that still doesn't make sense to me... without knowing that Mata Nui inhabited a metal body, and that his "brain" was under Metru Nui, how would Teridax have even known he could take over the way he did? I think the answer to that is Tren Krom and the knowledge he gave to Mutran. When TK (in Lewa's body) went to the MU's brain, he immediately began tinkering with the machinery to tell the Ignika to make it for Tahu, so he definitely knew how all that worked. He must have shared such information with Mutran who gave the info to Teridax. Hence why later Teridax was able to manipulate the environment as he could (without his usual makuta power) both he and Tren could do so because they truly understood how the universe worked. (taken from Biosector01 wiki). So I think Tren Krom knew much more than we're giving him credit for personally.
  9. Matau: So... is no one going to address the decapitated Toa head mounted on the front of that ram?
  10. This reminds me of how often I think of how elemental powers in Bionicle could be used more creatively in combat than was depicted, due to the viscerality of said uses. With water, you could potentially instantly dessicate an enemy. With ice, you could freeze all fluid in their body, which would expand, probably ripping them open. Use air to inflate them until they rupture. nasty stuff, elemental powers. Probably why the Toa had a code they abided by. And Piraka could only use powers in conjunction (which it was established almost never happens...)
  11. And yet, no Makuta ever used a mask of speed... Raises another question, could makuta use Suvas?
  12. Forgive me, but what nonsense? I thought that was a clever use of that power, especially in 2002, when the Bahrag literally could create certain realities from illusions as long as the victim thought it was real. Makes sense that the Mahiki could "trick" others into perceiving a different shape of the mask wearer.
  13. No, Kongu wore the great Suletu that he and his friends found on the way to Voya Nui via Karzahni, when the mad ruler was swapping out their masks. Kongu ditched the mask he was handed and put on the great mask. Before that time, I believe Hewkii put it on on a whim and noted that he could sense the power inside the mask, but since he was a matoran he couldn't tap into the power, which led to Takanuva testing it out. Kongu went on to wear that mask all the way up to their transformation into Inika without any noticeable side effects, so I'd state that Great kanohi are perfectly safe for Matoran to wear.
  14. Since we've seen powerless masks get upgraded to their respective great versions on matoran I believe that works no matter what the shape of the mask is. My guess is that the Toa Energy used to upgrade the matoran unlocks the masks properties that it had when it was made (however small that is) since all masks are made from Kanoka disks (with a few exceptions) and all have a tiny bit of power in them even if they are "powerless". Now as far as the shape is concerned, I don't think that matters as much. Take Krakua, he has the Suletu, but it's in the shape of a Hau. I have no idea if that was the mask he had as a matoran, or if he got it later, but it still had a Suletu's power regardless of the shape. If a mask is noble in shape when "upgraded" to a great, it will be great powerlevel wise, but I do not know for certain what shape it will contain. The Toa Mata did use noble masks that the Turaga had brought with them from Metru Nui, but those were always noble masks, probably made by the mask makers and kept in the great temple for safe keeping, as was their practice. All that to say: I believe it will be a great version of the noble mask, no matter what shape or stage it happens to be in during the transformation.
  15. Yeah exactly like that! Only more bronze colored haha
  16. I always wanted to be a fire toa because, well... But everytime I take a "Toa personality test, I always get either Pohatu or Gali, probably cuz I don't really have a hot temper typical of fire Toa... But I digress. I guess my choice would be fire toa, primary color would be bright red with burnished bronze (red hot bronze colored) with dual flame swords for melee combat. For the mask it's a hard choice between the Matatu (Use the Force Luke!) and the Kakama. I can just imagine zipping around at top speed fire, streaming from my hands...
  17. Huh, so I've had the Rahkshi since 2003, and I've never noticed that their colors were supposed to be somewhat metallic. I just presumed they were a slight deviation of the standard Toa colors. Did I miss something with those guys? Yup! Even though Bricklink doesn't list the colors differently (except for White Metallic, listed as Pearl White), all six Rahkshi used rare metallic colors for their heads, backs, and feet: 184 Bright Red Metallic 185 Bright Blue Metallic 186 Dark Green Metallic 187 Earth Orange Metallic 149 Black Metallic 183 White Metallic All of these were only used for their respective Rahkshi (and parts tubs that included Rahkshi parts), with the exception of Black Metallic, which was also used for 2003 Makuta's mask and a few Vorahk parts reused in the Kikanalo. Huh, who would've thought. Thanks!
  18. Huh, so I've had the Rahkshi since 2003, and I've never noticed that their colors were supposed to be somewhat metallic. I just presumed they were a slight deviation of the standard Toa colors. Did I miss something with those guys?
  19. Don't suppose you collected more Krana? I was looking over my stash again and I realized that you happened to have one that I actually overlooked that needed to be added. Now one krana isn't exactly worth shipping and handling over, so I figured I'd ask if any more made their way into your hands?
  20. So! New "favorites" topic: what are your favorite metallic bionicle pieces? Gold, silver, iron grey (or whatever they called those) chrome, and all the varieties within those categories. I really liked the variety of gold they used with the Golden Kanohi in 2001. I was a bit saddened when it didn't make an appearance again. I did enjoy the bronze gold that Takanuva and Lhikan used, although I actually was probably expecting Lhikan to use pearl gold instead, since his first catalog description said "gold" which was later turned to "bronze" but oh well. Once Brutaka and the Piraka came onto the scene, now THAT was some gold work collecting. It seemed shinier, and had lots more kick to it in my opinion. Silver had lots of ups and downs for me. I recently gotten the chrome Hau which I think is the best silver mask one could get period. The silver Mata kanohi were nice, but seemed more grey than real silver. The protodermis masks seemed better fitting for the job, I was able to collect Onua's which made me super happy. Not much in my opinion to say about other metallic pieces. The dark grey pieces that came on Makuta were fun, and they made a comeback with Avak and Hakann... can't remember if I've seen them anywhere else. Last but not least, who can forget the metallic colors of the Krana-Kal. They deserve an honorable mention just for the variety of colors you got, especially with the green and blue. But that's me. What about you guys? Is there a type you love using in your MOCs, or that you just like more than others throughout the years?
  21. Hungry hungry hippoes... er I mean Muakas!
  22. For the record, Nuparu cracks me up Definitely interested in seeing where this goes!
  23. "Ekimu! Your mask-shaped pancake is ready!"
  24. Well one thing is for sure, if Annona reaches the superheated state, whatever is left of the EP will definitely explode, resulting in potentially all of their deaths. Now if you were to argue that not all of the EP is housed in this arena, then it will definitely be the one to survive since it cannot truly die unless every drop of EP is destroyed. If you were to say that all of it is in fact in the arena, then the supernova annona could destroy it all with flame. Or TK could potentially disintegrate it if he got the chance to. (I don't recall any being with the immunity to disintegration powers so I'm going off the assumption that EP is no exception). Assuming neither of those happens and there's no way to escape the arena (Annona can teleport so assuming something is hindering her) my current analysis is that they are both enveloped into the EP and are fused into a new being or destroyed.
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