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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. Using Block Transfer Computations, I open a Closed Vacuum Emboitment in front of your anit-matter self and push him in. Sans Ignika, of course. I then close the CVE. He is now stuck in E-Space. My Mask
  2. Which is not to say that they would be left out of the main story. LEGO seems to have no objection with characters not currently available in sets have major story roles, as long as the characters portrayed in the sets also do. To my understanding, Ninjago does this frequently, what with Llyod's mother and the Overlord (yes, he has a set now, but he had to wait a year-and-a-half.)
  3. Beep the Meep employs his furry cuteness to overwhelm you with pity for him. You give him the Ignika. As it turns out, he intended to use the Ignika to conquer the galaxy. Fortunately, I was following his every step, and alert the Adjudicators to his presence on Earth. When the Adjudicators land, he drops the Kanohi as he runs in panic. I pick it up, and watch as he is taken away to a top-security prison on Metebelis Three. My mask
  4. Not at all! I'd definitely be interested in hearing it.
  5. If you could strum out some sort of advertisement on it, so as to lure the necessary final six players, I would moughty appreciate it.
  6. Just six slots left to fill! Spread the word, folks! Tell your friends about exotic, tropical, deadly Botalnu!
  7. I say "plugh," "plover," and "xyzzy." I also Frotz the Ignika. My luminescent mask.
  8. I introduce "Death Sticks" to the poetry of e.e. cummings, courtesy of Vezon's dimensional powers and his love of said poetry. At my behest, Vezon attempts to immerse "Sticky" in the world of cummings via non-stop recitation of his works. and eddieandbill come running from marbles and piracies and it's onetwothreefourfivestrikesandyourout of st louie and the dragon is overwhelmed by the balloonman and thefikoufaced dapper-denimvillagers and the perhaps hand of it all and vezon dont know to be sad or indifferent or joyjoyjoyjoy and he wishes that sticky could see horatio too. and somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond my lifegood kanohi.
  9. Mafia: Damage Control Heat, alien and oppressive, permeated the Isle of Botalnu. The turquoise sky, so often a welcome sight, seemed unwelcoming, a willing party in the act of smothering the island. The villagers, their pistons pumping strenuously, struggled to dig a hole that they might trap one of the increasingly elusive and hostile Rahi. Food was not yet scarce, but the labor required to obtain it had never been so hard. Nature was out of joint, that was unquestionable. The weather wildly fluctuated, tremors were common, the beasts seemed to fear everything, the stars (when they appeared at all) were erratic in their movements, and, perhaps most disturbingly, the Shamans' powers were waning. Some held that Haipori Nui was angry at his people, that he had forsaken them. Not that they could offer any helpful ideas. As the villagers dug, something glinted in the foliage. They all saw it, tried to ignore it, tried to concentrate on their job, but to no avail. Its presence there was quite out of the ordinary, and yet it was eerily familiar. They stopped their task, and as one they moved to uncover it. So they did, and horror spread over them. The shining object was a mask, broken in two. Near it, half buried in the sand, was the savaged body of one of their own. He had been a cripple and a recluse, and thus his absence had gone unnoticed. Someone had taken advantage of that. Indeed, no Rahi had killed him. The villagers knew the marks of the beasts, but these were something new. The Amber Shaman's prediction had been right, it seemed. Death was coming to Botalnu. Known roles: The village is blessed with the presence of four Shamans, beings of marvelous abilities. As if in connection to the upheaval in nature, their powers are not what their once were. Emerald Shaman: This gifted individual possesses the ability to influence the weather, by way of controlling the temperature. Sapphire Shaman: This valuable being can protect himself or others from harm. At the moment, he can only protect one person a night, and only from bodily harm or extreme heat. Onyx Shaman: This one has power over life and death. His abilities are now limited to either ending or restoring the life of a villager, every two nights. Amber Shaman: This Shaman is gifted with the power of divination. Now, he can only either determine the role of one player or determine the approaching weather each night Killers: Before the decline of his powers, the Amber Shaman foretold the affliction of the village by those who valued not the lives of the villagers. He did so mere hours before the first signs of natural upheaval, and, unusually, fainted before he could elaborate on his message. When he awoke, his memory of the vision was dim. All he knew was that they were not all necessarily allied and that they would be, or would appear to be, inhabitants of the village. Rules: Standard BZPower rules apply. Please keep in mind that this means no treachery. Each Night lasts Twenty-Four hours, as does each Day. Votes can be switched no more than twice. The weather has seven levels-extreme cold, miserable cold, cold, temperate, hot, miserable heat, and extreme heat. Miserable weather has a 25% chance of delaying any activity. Extreme weather has a 50% chance of doing so. It also has a 1-in-3 chance of killing a villager. The Emerald Shaman acts during the Day. Weather lasts for one night and one day before changing (if it does change.) Twists: There are several of these, so be on your guard. Night One Day One Night Two Day Two Night Three Day Three Night Four Day Four Night Five Day Five Night Six Slots: 1. , Vllager, killed on Night Four. 2. @Chro, ???, killed on Night Two. 3. , Deranged Villager, executed on Day One. 4. , Villager, executed on Day Three. 562341414623.2346 @Underscore 6. @Taka Nuvia 7. @Toa Chuck, Deranged Villager, executed on Day Three. 8. , Villager, killed on Night Three. 9. , Deranged Villager, killed on Night Two. 10. @Axilus Prime, Villager, killed on Night One. 11. , Villager, killed on Night Two. 12. , Villager, killed on Night Four. 13. , ???, killed on Night One. 13.1. @Unit#phntk#1 15. , Villager, killed on Night Three. -16. 17. @Rahkshi Guurahk, Villager, killed on Night Three. 18. @JAG18, ???, killed on Day One (should have been Night One) 19. , vanished on Night Two. 20. , Onyx Shaman, executed on Day Two. 21. , Villager, killed on Night Three. 22. @Seaborgium, Opportunistic Killer, killed on Night Four. 23. , Villager, executed on Day Three. 2427135. @Makuta Luroka, Emerald Shaman, killed on Night One. 25.
  10. Arrrgh! Reality bifurcation! I go and find Vezon, and convince the mad Skakdi to lend me the Spear of Fusion and to open a dimensional portal. Before entering, I use the Spear on Toa Onaku, splitting him into two beings. Do to the shock of splitting, the Onaku with the Ignika drops it. I pick it up, and enter the portal. I then convince Vezon to ramble on about unanswered questions to Neo ShadowVezon, distracting him with a brush with madness. I stealthily snatch his Ignika, and fuse it to the other one via the Spear of Fusion. My doubly-powerful Mask!
  11. Well then, if nobody objects, Mafia: Damage Control will be up after 2:00 PM, PST. Sound good?
  12. It does seem to slightly lower the Village's chances of survival. But then, it's always a possibility that a player will banned. It's a regular, albeit rare, hazard Personality Crisis went smoothly, and I think Gallows and Gambits also did (though I'm not certain, seeing as I didn't play it.)
  13. Dr. Borg has come to an untidy end, it seems; smashed by a banhammer, alas. Pupwa, we hardly knew ye (actually, that's not true at all, he permeated these forums. We knew him all too well. ) His insanity shall be missed.
  14. In the event that Persistent Souls does not materialize tomorrow, I'd be willing to host a game. I've got a pretty solid idea. Just a few things need tightening, but I think I can finalize my plan by tomorrow.
  15. Folks are especially busy with school right now, I think. Indeed, the next Mafia game, a vanilla one (for which nine players is an unusually large amount,) on another forum I'm on (Rock Raiders, if anyone's interested,) has been delayed indefinitely, due to users' academic activities. That said, Masters of Spacejitzu was going along fine until a traitor was unmasked and roles had to be reshuffled. As for this game, @Dapper-Sama hasn't posted anything on this site for a week, I assume that he's busy with school. So yes, BZP Mafia is in a slump of sorts, but, as far as I can tell, is close to climbing out of it.
  16. Alright, Windy! I'm sorry if I helped to perpetuate unwanted filler. For future reference, what is considered acceptable conversation while the host is away? Or should we simply not touch this topic until the host returns or we are discussing the game?
  17. @Dallior08 Leaks are taboo here on BZPower, best not to discuss them. But if it is at all a continuation, then it won't be so obvious why Greg's not going to finish the serials. If the new story is within the same continuity as the old, no matter how little a connection it shares with the serials, it would give them some sort of relevance and, consequently, give hope to those who want them finished.
  18. There is a fourth option: Not resolve the serial plot points in the main story, and let Greg resolve them in new serials. Its not as if the serials ever had that great a bearing on the main story, anyway. You never needed to read them to understand what was going on in the books or comics ("Dreams of Destruction" may be the odd exception, in so much as it resolves Sarda's fate.) Yes, Velika's plans of conquest would be an obstacle to a new official story, but he could easily be killed off. If something went wrong with the explosives he primed... This is flawed logic. Simply because a thing is a possible cause of something does not mean that it is a probable cause. Options 1 and 2 would lead to the serials not continuing, but then so would Greg Farshtey's death by Komodo Dragon. Under your logic, I can't rule out that he was killed by a Komodo Dragon because that event would result in the serials not continuing. Options 1 and 2 are highly unlikely, because LEGO would not want to confuse newcomers by incorporating elements from old supplemental materials and because said supplemental materials never continued long enough to create canonical problems for a continuation (unless the new story wants to incorporate Karzahni and Tren Krom.) Option 3 is a possibility, but Greg's wording suggests that it isn't the case. Greg said that he thought that the reasons for him not continuing the serials would become obvious after NYCC. If Option 3 were true, NYCC's reveal would not be enough to convince fans that the serials couldn't continue. On the contrary, it would probably result in some people coming to the following conclusion: "The new story is a soft reboot, that means that the events of the post-JE serials still happened within its continuity! Caloo, callay, o frabjous day! Quick, Greg, finish them!"
  19. I don't see why that's the case. BIONICLE's story is a major element of the theme. LEGO would likely not want new fans of the franchise to be confused by a story chronicling events and characters with little or no relation to the current state of BIONICLE. Imagine being a seven year-old in 2015, with no inkling of the original story, going to the BIONICLE website and seeing "The Powers That Be" or "The Yesterday Quest." You'd assume that the events of those serials took place in the same continuity as the events on Okoto. You'd be quite puzzled, to say the least. What would need to be retconned? The post-Journey's End serials never actually got past their potentially game-changing cliff-hangers. Marendar, Mavrah's presence aboard the Red Star, Velika's plans for conquest; these could all be made to fit into the background of a continuation of the story, I think, simply with less importance than they might have otherwise had. It's not as if the story serials were of ever any great consequence to the main story, anyway.
  20. Are you thinking of this? I have not been asked to do that, for reasons that I think will become clear after NYCC. As far as I know, that's the only hard evidence in favor of a story reboot, albeit quite substantial. I don't think that Greg is allowed to confirm particulars, so I don't think he would have given any more specific information (though as answers on Bionicle 2015 go, this is pretty specific.) If that doesn't indicate a reboot, I'm not sure what it does.
  21. That seems like a good plan. I'd say four, since that will make it about a week-and-a-half.
  22. It wouldn't be a bad substitute-weapon. Nor would a dulcimer, for that matter.
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