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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. The big "distinction" is one is with the numbered series, while the other is not. Side games usually are smaller than main games player-slot wise(Ironically, the side game I hosted was larger than the main game that was running before some more slots were added). Not a hard rule, though as evidenced by what I just said Ah, so the experimental element is simply a byproduct of their supplemental nature?
  2. What is the difference between a Side Game and a Main Series game? Is there any hard distinction? I've got an idea for a game (which I can't share, as doing so would rather take away the point of its twist,) and I'm not sure what category it falls into.
  3. Any Mafioso who doesn't use a mandolin as a murder weapon isn't worth hanging, in my book.
  4. I've got an idea, everybody. Let each one of us vote for himself. It seems like the best way of finding out what's going on. Who knows, we might actually die. Voting Quisoves Pugnat.
  5. We need a way of enforcing this. Would Windrider be willing to make this a part of the official G&T rules?
  6. Not really, unless you're actually hosting a vanilla Mafia game. That was essentially my idea, given that, as I see it, there will always be at least one person willing and able to host. That's comforting to know. I guess that this doesn't qualify as an emergency situation, then.
  7. The current absence of game progress has given me an idea. It seems to me that a slump like we currently have is bad for the morale of BZP Mafia-players. Granted, I believe that it is primarily down to school, and shall thus cease within a few weeks. However, I fear that it might gut the current Mafia games, and reduce the number of Mafia players considerably. We must avoid this outcome, if at all possible. To this end I propose an auxiliary series of games. Technically, Pupwa's current game fills this role, but it never received approval on this topic (we need some way of enforcing this process,) and its status as a game is questionable (to me, at least.) I don't mean this an insult, I simply suspect that Pupwa is messing with us. The potential Auxiliary Series would operate as follows: A new game would only come into being when all of the current Mafia games have been static for a certain amount of time. It would be comparatively simple, probably a vanilla game. It would lack a specific amount of slots, having only as many players as have signed-up after a certain period of time (though some minimum amount would be necessary, of course.) The number of Mafiosi, Doctors, and Detectives would be determined accordingly. That's all for now. What do you lot think of the idea? Would you be willing to condone such a series? Would you condone it at this time?
  8. So the aim of this game is to transform us all into Pupwa? Oh horrible, most horrible! Nightmare, indeed. Then is this game a joke?
  9. Tell me, is this actually a game? We're purportedly following standard BZPower rules, and yet we can lynch the host (twice over, it seems.) Perhaps I should take as a given that this isn't a proper game, given that you didn't get approval for it, but if this isn't a game (of the sort one knows one's playing,) then it is effectively spam. I don't want to come across as having very little sense of fun, but as Voltex said, the fact that BZP Mafia has thrived for so long is down to structure and coordination. I don't want to see that collapse.
  10. I vote for Quisoves whatshisname (Pignut, I think?.) He's a slippery fish, if ever there was one. He's also terribly conceited.
  11. Against my better judgement, I'm going to join this thing. But why do you deny that you are Llyod? You were doing so well last month, telling us not to let you host any games, unwrapping the layers of your completed, convoluted psyche. Where are you now? Who do you think you are now? The onion has been rewound.
  12. Quid est hoc? Cur agit? Cur adsum? Quis est Pupwa? Estne res mentis? I'm not certain I like the sudden appearance of this game. I think that you ought to have okay'd this with us in the Mafia Discussion Topic. Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I don't like the prospect of Mafia games popping up willy-nilly. It muddies the waters, in my opinion.
  13. Oh bother. For whatever reason, it would seem that Cyrem didn't want the forum games to be viewed by non-members. Peculiar. I'll ask him about it, not that it's terribly important.
  14. Here you go! It's all in one topic, but the OP handily has links to the start of each game.
  15. Two main series games later sounds like a reasonable estimate. As for the slump, I imagine that it's due to mid-terms and the like. I think that within a week or so things will be back to normal. As to G&T being at maximum capacity, I think that the current slump makes it hard to actually determine whether or not that's the case. It is worth noting that Persistent Souls filled up within a day or two, with several members wanting to join who didn't get the chance. Whether or not a vanilla series has a place is a different matter, but with Bionicle's return, I won't be surprised if an influx of new players occurs. EDIT: It might be worth noting that the next Mafia game on Rock Raiders United has been delayed a week due to some members being too busy with school. And we're talking about a vanilla game with likely no more than nine players.
  16. Not necessarily. A series of "vanilla" games is feasible, provided that the number of players was considerably lower than the twenty-five player average (I think ten would be a good amount.) Such a series could function in the way the "Point" games were supposed to, as a training ground for newcomers. I could see it working well, provided there were a sufficient amount of novices.
  17. My line of thinking? All I was stating was that I perceived that you were saying that those who were currently hosting were doing a poor job of it (phew!) Any way, I seem to have misunderstood your intent, and I hope that you bear me no ill feelings. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
  18. Eh? Are you trying to make a joke? If you are going to criticize other members' games, please do so politely, instead of effectively laughing at them. Just because the members who are hosting have more time than the members you'd like to host doesn't mean that they aren't putting effort into doing so. If you don't like their games, then don't play them.I'm not stating any game in particular. Can't claim Criticism if you don't know hats I'm talking about in particular. Speaking of busy people, my post can be applied outside of here. Let's take 2 of the few stories I read on the internet. BAiT, and AiE, for short. BAiT was updated semi daily, with medium sized posts. It was a comedy so I forgived it a little, but compare to AiE, which was updated 3 times a week at best, it just blows BAiT out of the water. I used the acronyms because I don't want you to read what I read. The fact that I don't know exactly whom you are criticizing doesn't mean that I can't recognize the fact that you are criticizing. That said, perhaps I misunderstood your remark. You claimed that all the people who could host well were too busy to do so. Logically, that means that MT and Dapper cannot host well, since they have time to do so. This may not have been what you meant, I understand that, but it was what you said.
  19. Eh? Are you trying to make a joke? If you are going to criticize other members' games, please do so politely, instead of effectively laughing at them. Just because the members who are hosting have more time than the members you'd like to host doesn't mean that they aren't putting effort into doing so. If you don't like their games, then don't play them.
  20. Bring on the Tornado of Crows, guys! It looks like Voltex knew something after all.
  21. I keep forgetting, 4Chan has a no concept of organized government. GUYZ, IMA GONNA CHANGE MY VOTE TO UNDERSCORE, IMA NOT SUPSICIOUS ATLALL! I JUST CAN"T STAND TO SEE TOA K GO! NO IM NOT MFAIA! PLZ GUYZ! :0 I"M JUST A NORALM INNOCENT> In all seriousness, though, this is a dilemma. I'm still suspicious of Voltex, and I don't like his reasoning. On the other hand, I have no reason to believe that Toa K is innocent, and his presence on a suspect list makes him a potential murderer. I guess I won't change my vote. After all, if Voltex is Mafia, and he manipulates us into killing an Oracle or something, then his credibility will be shot. On the other hand, if Toa K is a murderer, then we've seen justice done, and we'll have two mafiosi out of the way, and I can eat ninja-crow. It's a pretty good situation, then. EDIT: Well, time's up. Alea iacta est, ita.
  22. That makes a certain amount of sense. Can you please elaborate on why you want yourself dead?
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