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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. But why should you want your own execution? Again, instead of a legitimate reason, you give a strange, implausible answer. Additionally, the last time your death became a probability, you switched your vote away yourself. So you can't truly want to die.
  2. It's not so much fealty to Toa K as it is suspicion of you. If Luroka, for example, had been the first to vote for Toa K, without any reason what-so-ever, I wouldn't have any cause to object. However, when you, who have already been acting strangely (what with your apparent death-wish,) suggest that he die because of repeat posts, of all things, I begin to wonder, especially when you continue to give no other justification. Toa K could well be a Mafioso, but so could any of us. I worry that those voting for him are playing into the Mafia's hands.
  3. If we kill an innocent, we will regret it, what's so odd about him saying that?
  4. While I'm all for a double-hang, I don't see what Toa K's done to deserve hanging. Surely Voltex's ephemeral reason for hanging him is suspicious? Unless you guys know something I don't, I think this is a bad idea. Switching from Pulse to Voltex.
  5. You, sir, are making me feel old. Anyway, I'm sorry that you're so distressed. Look at it this way, Hero Factory is ending, but LEGO constraction figures will continue. Hero Factory was fortunate in being able to continue beyond three years. Until recently, Bionicle was the only non-licensed theme to run consecutively for more than three years. I'm almost certain that Bionicle is to thank for the longevity of Hero Factory. And don't throw away your Hero Factory toys, they'll be compatible with Bionicle. Sure the style will be different, but I think you'll be surprised by some of the similarities. But here I go prattling on about Bionicle without explaining what it is. Bionicle, essentially, is the story of beings who are biomechanical, meaning that they are mostly mechanical, but have some organic bits as well (mostly tissue.) So you could be forgiven for mistaking them for robots. Anyway, the good Bionicles are trying to awaken their "Great Spirit," Mata Nui, who has been cast into a deep sleep by his "brother," the Makuta. Most of the main characters are part of the humanoid Matoran species. Each Matoran belongs to a certain element, such as fire, or water, or stone. Now, there are special members of the Matoran species called Toa and Turaga. A Toa is larger than a regular Matoran, and can use the powers of his element, as well as of his mask ("Kanohi.") The Turaga are generally revered as elders, and are between between regular Matoran and Toa in size and power. They too can use Kanohi powers. There are, of course, other biomechanical species, some intelligent, some beasts (called "Rahi.") I don't want to bore you with eight-and-half years of story, so, suffice to say, it turns out that Mata Nui is a giant robot, and that everyone, including the Makuta, was created to keep him running. That's why Bionicle is short for "Biological Chronicle." Eventually, Mata Nui is awakened. What happens then, I'll leave for you to find out. Anyway, I think that if you loved Hero Factory, you'll love Bionicle even more. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it in a LEGO catalog when I was five years old. Now, thirteen years later, I still love it, and I am greatly excited for its return. I strongly suggest you give Bionicle a chance. I don't think you'll regret it. Start by reading the comics, and if you want to know more about the Bionicle universe, read BS01, the most reliable of Bionicle wiki's (though wait until you've read enough of the comics, or you'll risk being hopelessly confused.) Oh, and of course, welcome to the fandom! Long may you stay!
  6. You'd better not be an oracle. It would be a shame if we lynched one. Nonsense! You're the resident ghoul, the resident err... Pupwa! OK, you're moot. But as points with the least part of all go, you're pretty good.
  7. Since we were robbed of our last multi-hang, I motion that we perform one tonight. Underscore is an obvious deceased-elect. Let's add Pulse and Voltex to the list. We've got 'em on the list, we've got 'em on the list, and I'm sure they'll not missed, I'm sure they'll not be missed.
  8. I know Ibrow isn't on the suspect list, but his apparent death-wish is rather suspicious. Hmm.. This is a dilemma. You know what, I'll vote for Pulse right now, but I might switch to Voltex if he continues to arouse my suspicions.
  9. Presumably it's possible for the game to end without everyone dying, hence certain players not playing their spiritual roles.
  10. Count me in! This looks promising. EDIT: I'll take spot #2.
  11. Pupwa, a ghoul? The very thought! Penn Jillette is behind this all, I just know it. I thought Valendale was too obvious, poor fellow. I promise to never pet a Pikacu again in all my days.
  12. Well, as it stands, we shall have a quadruple hang. Not a bad thing to do at the beginning of the game. Sadly, it's not terribly sustainable. Repeated quadruple hangs could grant us victory, but by the same token, it could just as easily do so for the Mafia. But for anyone crazy enough to try, here's the arithmetic. 24-(5*4)=4 (assuming that the Security Guard kills no-one and the Destructo-Bot kills doesn't detonate.) So, at that point, you'd have only one Mafioso left. From there it's a simple matter of one or two final lynchings (or Security Guard killings.) Hey, you could perform a final quadruple-hang!
  13. Exactly what I said. Possibly, though I never thought that the post-Journey's End story had advanced to the point where a future main story would likely contradict it.
  14. Well, there goes another of the old guard. I know comparatively little about both Pokemon and Smash Brothers, so I don't have much to go on. Valendale is too obvious, methinks. Besides, blood-colored silly string seems a bit too theatrical for his tastes. I don't know much about Starparu, but his clue also makes him rather the obvious suspect. Sadly, I'm not fluent in the 1|\|turnet/4Chan/Pupwa dialect, but “get rekt Pikachu scrub” hardly seems profanity-laced. That should rule out Underscore, though perhaps I'm simply grasping at red herrings, or perhaps I misunderstood MT's use of the word "salty." RahkshiToa98 seems to be the golden mean in all of this. He has a motive, simply not an absurdly obvious one. I'm voting for him. As for the second murder, I'm going to vote Voltex.
  15. Indeed it did. You were one of the winners. Congratulations! Here, for your entertainment and edification, are the glorious quintuple hang, the finale, and the summary.
  16. I have not been asked to do that, for reasons that I think will become clear after NYCC. This certainly seems to point to a continuity reboot. I can't think of what else it might mean.
  17. Well, here we go again. Remember, if you have a recurring dream about a charging unicorn or have a vivid childhood memory of a mother spider, please do tell us. You may be eligible for a "retirement" package. I think I'll go sit down and listen to that Japanese lady's eerie perpetual singing. It has an odd sort of charm.
  18. Fair enough. I'd hate to be in a Mafia game which the host wasn't enjoying. How about Portal, then? The last game he hosted was in December.
  19. It couldn't hurt too much to try it once, I suppose. There is the dilemma of whether to slaughter the fatted calf or to play it safe for this game. I would hate to see the idea of three simultaneous games dismissed because the experimental third game was abysmal, but by the same token, I shouldn't want to see good ideas and good execution go to waste if three is too much. Perhaps you or Tagolrip would be ideal hosts. You've hosted the most Third Age games, and he's hosted the second most, so neither of you would be terribly discouraged if things go south, and you both have good track-records.
  20. Are Ninjago games separate from side games?
  21. Here's the summary of the game, for the sake of curiosity and posterity. The OP has been updated to show the roles of the virus victims. Thanks to and for insight on what went on behind the scenes. And thank you all for your participation and kind words! I'll tell Windy to close this topic. Here's to the next game! Cycle A: Night One @Dapper-Sama (Mafioso/Doctor) allies himself with (Innocent.) @Makuta Luroka (Mafioso/Innocent) murders @Chro (Innocent.) @Dapper-Sama, at the behest of , murders (Doctor/Innocent.) Cycle A: Day One (Doctor/Detective) is executed. Cycle B: Night One @Dapper-Sama protects . @TBK (Innocent/Doctor) protects (Innocent/Mafioso.) (Innocent/Mafioso) murders (Innocent.) (Innocent/Mafioso) murders @JAG18 (Innocent.) murders @TBK. Cycle B: Day One (Innocent) is executed. Cycle A: Night Two @Makuta Luroka murders @Pupwa21 (Innocent.) @Dapper-Sama murders (Innocent.) Cycle A: Day Two The Plague runs rampant. Distinguishing players becomes slightly more difficult. and are executed. Cycle B: Night Two murders , thereby becoming a permanent Mafioso. Cycle B: Day Two (Innocent) casts the first vote of the day, for himself. He is subsequently executed. Cycle A: Night Three @Makuta Luroka murders @Rahkshi Guurahk (Innocent.) murders @Makuta Luroka. Cycle A: Day Three No votes are cast, so the Village executes no-one (possibly an attempt to let the permanent Mafioso kill, or be killed by, one of the Cycle A Mafiosi.) Cycle B: Night Three and both murder (Innocent.) For what it's worth, used fire, while used the battleaxe. Cycle B: Day Three Quintuple hang! (Innocent,) @Unit#phntk#1 (Innocent,) , @-Toa Lhikevikk- (Detective/Innocent,) and (Innocent) are executed. Cycle A: Night Four murders (Innocent.) is the sole remaining Villager, and thus is killed. The Cycle A Mafia and the permanent Mafioso win!
  22. The stars shone brightly, going their merry way. The wind, sentinel force of nature, flowed through the grass and the trees. Somewhere in the arboretum, a nocturnal songbird sent forth its rhapsodic calls through the cool night air. All was peaceful. Sadly, this would not last. A being of malign intent, ravenous, his insatiable blood-lust driving him on, approached the hut of . Holding back his profane excitement, he slowly opened the door. He brandished a large, needle-like object, rusted, but all too functional. Pointing it at Tagolrip, he flicked a green switch, and sent forth a concentrated blast of cacophonous, wild, deadly sound. Tagolrip's mind could not withstand it, snapping before he was aware of hearing. Unmuffling his ears, , rushed out the back window. He could hear the footfalls of the two other villagers, running towards the source of the noise. After concealing himself in a nearby hedge, he watched the stars, waiting for an abrupt change in their movement. After a few minutes, it came. Tagolrip had been an ordinary innocent. Zakaro smiled a twisted smile. Quietly emerging from the hedge, he thought upon the remaining villagers. Either or @Dapper-Sama was a fellow bringer of death. Muffling his ears once more, he came again to Tagolrip's hut, where Fairy Knight and Dapper-Sama stood, arguing with each other. "Hello, you! As well you can see, I am the killer of Tagolrip. That's right. I don't go about healing Rahi for a living, do I now? You see this weapon? I could kill you both where you stand. However, I know that one of you is of a similar mindset. I propose a test, whereby your identity shall be revealed. Now, do you see the stars? Good. Now, pay close attention. The first one of you to spot the cluster shaped like a doom-viper wins. Now, on the count of six. One...Two..." Before Zakaro could count three, Dapper-Sama drew a short-sword out from under his cloak and, in a blur of motion, beheaded Fairy Knight. Zakaro unmuffled his ears. "Very good, Dapper-Sama. You've passed the test. You knew the doom-viper wasn't up among the stars," he chuckled. "You're Mandacus' killer, aren't you?" Dapper-Sama asked nervously. "Aye, that I am. What of it?" "Well, as the matter stands, I shall be your willing accomplice one day, and sworn to protect your would-be victims from you the next. It would be, at the very least, extremely awkward." "Don't worry about that, my good fellow. Now that everyone else is dead, I can arrange something. Quite fortunately, Blizzard's body is still fresh. Yes, the grave is booby-trapped, but there's no-one else to hear the gong, and it should take no more than an hour to disarm the main trap." And so, an hour later, the cadaver of was no longer a solid. "Here, drink this, old chap" Zakaro said, handing a liquid-filled bowl to Dapper-Sama. Dapper-Sama did so, wiping from his mind the kindly physician and protector. "You know," said Zakaro, "I think this would be a wonderful place for an inn. We would have ample opportunities to rob, kill, and extort! And I've always wanted to learn how to cook." "And of course, the presence of highwaymen would make such an inn all the more attractive," added Dapper-Sama, "I make a fairly striking brigand, if I don't say so myself." "I like your thinking! You know, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Finis Victory goes to the Cycle A Mafia and the permanent Mafioso. Congratulations @Dapper-Sama, , @Makuta Luroka, and ! Thank you everyone for participating! This has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Any comments or complaints? I'll add a summary of the game soon. Does anyone want to recount their behind-the-scenes machinations for the sake of posterity? 's alliance with Dapper-Sama comes to mind.
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