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Everything posted by Ford

  1. Indeed I have! TPBM is eating a snack.
  2. Looks like someone went Nuva.
  3. That was great. I wish I had an Olmak, but I already know it's pretty big.
  4. Watchmen That was... I don't know what to think...
  6. inFamous 2. I've played it before, but having just completed the first game (again), I wanted to tailor my own little story around it. I played the first game on the evil path, but then decided to do some good things because of events that happen due to Cole being evil. These events inspire Cole to do good for not just himself, but for others. (Basically I'm playing good for inFamous 2)
  7. Well, this is setting up something interesting.
  8. You put the thing in the thing, then push in the sides of the thing, and a thing goes flying. Wait... I was never really sure about how the powers worked, either. The powers still kind of confuse me...
  9. I might be sick of hearing about this game already, but these MOCs are spot on. Great work. ...Now I want to see the squid forms...
  10. This is a great review. Now I feel like getting more than just one of this set. Heck, with how much is included in this set, would it make sense to buy three of these instead of one of each set from the entire summer wave? ...Eh, that's for me to decide, but you've gotten me thinking...
  11. I'm gonna be that guy and say it... Brain Attack Brains. Sure, I've seen some decent MOCs with them, but I can't find a half-decent way to use them. I also have a near-complete collection of Galidor figures. Yeah, I got 'em. Come at me.
  12. Here's your solution: Ignore them. ​Back on topic: I want each version of the Toa to stand out and be the new representative form for the foreseeable future, just like the 2015 versions. Phantom/Mistika just won't cut it.
  13. InFAMOUS. That game is golden, and the sequel is even better. I just need to get Second Son at some point.
  14. The Rahkshi are a sapient species, complete with their own language complex and customs/culture. I always thought the Rahkshi had the potential to thrive, rather than just being the lapdogs for the Makuta.
  15. I hope these come out on digital. That would make my year.
  16. Hello again! I've decided to update this on a weekly basis, so here's our productions for this week. Enjoy! This week's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKqoOgKS60Q This week's animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEelf33jnak
  17. At the end of that trailer, I was like: woah. This looks good. Can't wait to see the full release!
  18. This looks pretty neat. I'd love to keep this as a reference for the future. Good idea, I was thinking the same thing.
  19. Now I want to read through the last chapter again. I also feel the inspiration to make another video promoting the next story arc, provided I have the time for making videos in the future. I wouldn't mind minor tweaks to the Toa designs; keeping it the same, but with a few differences. I usually look forward to changes in character designs when a new season of a show comes around just as an example. Take your time on the next batch. I'm looking forward to reading it!
  20. This was recorded towards the end of March. That's how long ago it was... Apologies for it taking so long. It was a lot of work, and with college added to the mix, I knew I wouldn't be able to work on it until after the semester ended. But it's here, and that's al that matters now. I'm glad everyone is enjoying it.
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