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Naota Takizawa

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Everything posted by Naota Takizawa

  1. I smash your pie. To end the war, I make a pie with flower petals & serve it.
  2. A more interesting colorscheme. Gali
  3. The gym leader of Viridian City & the boss of Team Rocket. Misty
  4. I'll go with the fantastic movie. Would you rather support Pokemon or Digimon?
  5. Yes Would you consider yourself artistic?
  6. Granted, but you get killed & find out there is no revive function. I wish for all the Pokemon gym badges in existence.
  7. Let's take things a step further. -Imagine Vakama's horror as he discovers that Tahu's temper is as extreme as he made it up to be. Or the look of disappointment on Jaller's face as he complains to Vakama that he was told the Toa of Fire was a brave, strong & intelligent leader, yet he has the destructive temper tantrums of a child. -Imagine Gali having to remind her Matoran that rain & tsunamis occur by themselves & she does not need to be praised every time they happen. Or the storms that brew in Ga-Koro are sometimes Lewa & Gali arguing. -Imagine the look of happiness on the Le-Matoran's face when they see Lewa acting like the party animal Matau made him out to be. -Imagine Onewa building a statue of a terrified Po-Matoran with small holes that allow wind to rush through, creating the sound of a haunting wail, with Mahi skulls littered at the base for good measure. He would as a scare tactic to make the Koronans well behaved by telling the story of a Matoran who upset Pohatu & was petrified after a deadly landslide wiped out his village. Imagine the confusion of Pohatu as he sees the villagers cowering behind Onewa when a landslide destroys Hafu's statue of Pohatu.
  8. Do you plan to do the other Kanohi in an abiotic style?
  9. IC (Jasisu - With Zavarix): "Since we're both unarmed & I'm limited with a missing hand, I think we should stay relatively close to the village." Said the Fa-Matoran as she looked past the other Matoran towards the ocean of grey sand. "If you think you have a better plan, just let me know."
  10. If we're going to war, then I'll be the one to escalate it. I fill a pie with dynamite, light the fuses & throw it at the next poster.
  11. You're not impervious to the law. I have you placed under arrest. I got him.
  12. "I could send down a strong leader to save me in the event of an emergency. Nah, I'll just send a big baby instead." -Vakama
  13. Destroy a Lewa Mata set right before his eyes. If Onewa started building a creepy statue, you would...
  14. I want worldwide fame, so I'll go with that band. Would you rather stay in school or quit school?
  15. Everyone hates that pizza flavor, but I love it. Do you think vegetarian food is for losers?
  16. Granted,but the government murders you & takes control of the moon. I wish I didn't have an English test today.
  17. I accept, I'll just donate money to a science lab & get them to figure out my blood type. You get a million dollars, but you must score at least 99% on the most difficult test in the world before you can get the money. If you fail, you automatically forfeit the reward.
  18. Let's go to the ocean, I don't think there's too much to do in the sky. Would you rather hang out with Mario or Donkey Kong?
  19. My first source of exposure to pirates. Peter Pan
  20. Granted, but due to espionage, your recipe is stolen & a competitor manages to make their prices so low that all your business is diverted to them. I wish I was part of the Backstreet Boys.
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