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Naota Takizawa

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Everything posted by Naota Takizawa

  1. What about Adam Sandler making a Bionicle movie? Any guesses as to what would happen or how it would turn out?
  2. OOC: Skipping to day time. IC (Jasisu - Ira's House): The fear of Ak'shii tearing down the tent & murdering her kept the Fa-Matoran awake for most of the night, not to mention that sharing a tent between two other people made things a bit crowded. She woke up feeling kind of groggy & unwilling to get up as the Matoran of magnetism forced herself to her feet, although Jasisu was unwilling to move any further.
  3. I coal the ghostbusters & I eliminate you. I got him.
  4. Ignore them, they're not related to Bionicle & I'm going to put them back on track. If you saw a Lego employee get fired for disliking Ninjago, you would...
  5. "Does no one realize that our names come from real languages & that Lego just completely erased the Maori/Polynesian meanings behind them?" -Greg Farshtey
  6. Well smurf you, you smurf, how dare you smurf my smurf so low. I smash your pie & toss it aside. Now that I've got that out of the way, I make a sugar & spice pie to serve it.
  7. Kopaka goes to the gym to start working out. However, he passes a bar & decides to pop in for a drink. Or ten. Lewa has arthritis because his joints have rusted.
  8. No, spam is annoying. Are you a robot?
  9. No, the Fikou's kid died & the dad is alive for revenge
  10. IC (Jasisu - Ira's House): "Isn't there anyone who knows the most about the Ak'shii?"
  11. I take the mask & throw you into the pile of rubble. My mask.
  12. It probably does not end well for anyone. Gali is accused of witchcraft.
  13. I take your mirror buster & cash it in at a pawn shop. I got $100.
  14. I would just give up on the story. If you saw the next graphic novel destroy Ekimu's characterization, you would...
  15. I like this pie. Now, I'll make a smurfberry pie & serve it.
  16. No Do you believe in life after love?
  17. Granted, but we are trapped in an eternal sunset. I wish the sky was yellow.
  18. IC (Fulmen - Mina's House): "I think I got knocked out & I'm suffering from amnesia, I don't remember a thing about this place or how I got here." Said Fulmen as he looked at Mina. "Thanks for letting me stay here tonight, I really appreciate what you've done. If it's not too much trouble, could you teach me how to build a shelter or fight? Having a place of my own would be nice." IC (Jasisu - Ira's House): "They sound horrifying... How did they even come into this world? They way you describe them makes them out to be the undead." Said the Fa-Matoran as she felt queasy picturing them in her mind.
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