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Naota Takizawa

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Everything posted by Naota Takizawa

  1. I accept. A million dollars, but you must kill at least 600 people.
  2. I would want to touch the ground as soon as possible. What would you do if your school was under lockdown because some psychos entered it?
  3. It doesn't matter, go save us Toa Nuva!
  4. Granted, more people know that Anakin is OP, but the myth of Rey being OP is still perpetuated. I wish Columbine didn't happen.
  5. A woman who can magically change armor sets in a second. She's also used for fan service. Rek'Sai
  6. Kirito's partner, wife, lover & eventual damsel in distress. I don't know where she is in later seasons of SAO. Gumball
  7. Granted, but that doesn't mean people can't criticize you. I wish I could play Dungeons & Dragons.
  8. Yes Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  9. I'd be really impressed with the disguise, but extremely worried for my step sister. What would you do if a bully said you were their boyfriend/girlfriend?
  10. No Do you have mayonnaise in your fridge?
  11. I make you do crunches until you die from exhaustion. My mask.
  12. Friends so she isn't a social outcast. Ekimu
  13. The baterra? The creation that spawned from the remains of the Krana.
  14. I'd attend just to see Nuju. If you saw your Bionicle collection coming to life, you would...
  15. I'll do my best. I accept. Million dollars, but you must make someone miserable.
  16. I would patent it & use it to slowly destroy the world while making millions. What would you do if the US Government offered you a million dollars for something dangerous you made?
  17. Karzahni. The hunter of the elemental creatures.
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