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Banana Gunz

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Everything posted by Banana Gunz

  1. Time to see Deadpool! Supes excited!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      me too. we had our differences, I called him out on making some inappropriate statements a couple times but he seemed like a pretty cool guy overall. what's your point?

    3. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      (also where'd your previous comments go?)

    4. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      I believe Ghidora deleted them. I typically don't remove posts on my status.


      Lol this post got confusing.

  2. Valentines day is pure evil... At least it's over now.

  3. I actually think the Mask of Creation looks great in trans light blup but I would have loved it if they printed the runes over with gold and maybe some gold lines to accent it and make it feel cooler. I'm sure some people could do it themselves but dang that would be cool.
  4. True, but if anything everything you just said supports my theory. If it's a ying-yang sort of situation, aren't ying and yang part of the same symbol? They're placed right together and have parts of each other in them, meaning all you have to do is turn it to get the opposite. And that's right, they would be extraordinarily hard to make, but the Avohkii was made on the Island of Artahka as a safe guard against the Makuta. Sure it would be hard, but it was done once and since it's not a legendary mask another one could be made (especially by Artahka, the very individual who wears the Mask of Creation so he would already have to plans to know how to make another one), perhaps even as a safeguard against an evil toa of light, and then each of the masks roles could be switched depending on who wears them to flip the odds. I still feel like this theory is only more plausible and that the facts brought against it are easily refutable. I dunno this theory just really makes sense to me.
  5. Oh god... well I can see they put a lot of effort into these and I appreciate the complexity but they are VERY messy and gappy. At least they have some awesome parts and are pretty creative. Some awesome color schemes going on with the beasts too though.
  6. Just wondering if you have pictures from multiple angles? I've seen some people post pics of sets from Toy Fair but there are some sets that are really interesting and it would be easier to understand what's going on with them if we could see different sides of them (looking at you Star Scavenger!). Also the minifigs: there was a sweet spiderman fig with a hood but the pics I was looking at didn't get a good shot of him and if the costume was different otherwise. Thanks to those of you going through this to get us these pictures! It's really cool that you took the time to go through and share all the cool stuff you saw!
  7. I believe there was something about an arena and a Judge slizer. Kinda brings up a cool Glatorian aspect. In fact, 2009 could have been a fun sequel to Slizers lol (but probably not). It's one of those fun and wacky things that had a basic story line that could've been really interesting had it been fleshed out more and more character centric, but I guess we should be glad because where it failed Bionicle succeeded and probably as a result. Lego learns from the past... most of the time.
  8. Ga-Koro hands down! I love so much nostalgia for that place and it's one of the most beautiful spots in the entire Bionicle universe. Other places would be nice to visit sure, like Karda-Nui, but eventually you realize the scenery and peacefulness of Ga-Koro is too amazing to pass up on. You can swim all the time (and probably will depending on your job), have a sweet and cozy little seaweed hut, sail around on some sick boats, and be surrounded by one of the only sources of ladies in the Bionicle universe (lol I'm so glad they fixed that in G2). Plus, it's pretty easy to get to Ta and Po Koro from there by boat so travel is better. And did I mention it's one of the cultural centers for wisdom and learning? Nokama would be an awesome Turaga! And again, there's no other Koro built quite like Ga-Koro. They have a giant sculpture of one of my favorite mask designs built right into the cliff side!
  9. But to counter that the mask would only be able to tap into the element based on the individual. So if you were evil like Teridax or a shadow toa you would use the mask to conjure shadow but if you were Takanuva you would only be able to conjure light. Though a being might not be able to outright conjure shadow if they have power over light, it's shown they do have a level of control over it and since they are direct opposites I feel like it would be the characters moral standing that dictates which one they have control over, and thus which version of the mask it becomes. And unlike other elemental masks, these two are complete opposites so if characters with completely opposite moralities used the same mask it would become the opposite too in this case, which happens to connect the Avohkii and Kraahkan as the same type of mask in my mind. On the elemental chart, light and shadow are complete opposites and it would tie the whole chart together if they circled back and connected. I think you misunderstand me, my argument is that they could be the same type of mask, not necessarily the exact same mask. Notice the argument I made about how they are not considered legendary masks despite them being some of the most important elements, and how a character and their moral upstanding could be what changes the mask and its elemental power. In the case of Takutanuva, again, it's a being consisting of two other beings with different morality and ideals so they'd be tapping into both versions of the mask, creating that split. Another point: would a shadow Takanuva be able to use the power of light if they're wearing an Avohkii? I wouldn't think so and logically (at least to me) the mask would become the shadow counterpart. I hope I explained most of my reasoning well enough in the original post. It's a pretty logical argument/theory to me and I think it's a really cool idea that connects the boundaries of light and shadow very nicely. Sometimes we find ourselves walking so far down one path that we realize we've become the opposite of who we thought we were.
  10. Wow, maybe the plastic got old and sensitive? Maybe it could be them bouncing inside of the canisters when being moved, or even both. That's really weird and upsetting, but I guess the pieces just weren't made too well. It might've happened to me but I'm usually a little more angry about when I would put on a piece or take it off and have it immediately break apart like the fricking formation of the Grand Canyon. Just purely disgraceful.
  11. This topic has destroyed itself in the most beautiful of ways.
  12. Alright, so, hear me out. In G1, we had ourselves a sweet set of legendary masks: The Mask of Creation, Mask of Time, and Mask of Life. Now, in the story where Dekar the matoran from Mahri-Nui remarked how the Mask of Life would have a much more fitting name for the Ignika would be "The Mask of Death", and that's an interesting point, since for the Mask of Life it sure does a good job of taking it away from individuals. Along with the power to curse those unworthy for holding it, it can also cause insta-death (just add water!). Now this is also supported in the story by the pretty radical matoran named Mazeka and his buddy Teridax, but the good one. What we learn about light and shadow is that they're pretty much opposite sides of the same coin and go hand in hand, and especially that "shadow is simply the absence of light". Light Teridax (now with 3% less fat!) even outright exercises this power despite it being clearly stated that he had banished/removed the evil and darkness from his body (though not really all of it since that's probably impossible for any being or else they would simply be incapable of doing evil and Teridax clearly has no problem truly eliminating several shadow Takanuva's with a freaking beast hammer). So, if this is the case, couldn't the Mask of Creation be the Mask of Destruction, and it would explain how the Mask of Time can also stop time and probably reverse it. But more importantly, wouldn't that mean The Mask of Light could be the same mask as the Kraahkan? It would make sense from the previous examples stated that a mask/power means control of an element, also meaning it can remove/absorb it, meaning it can have the power of it's opposite, which in this case would be shadow instead of light. It could also explain why the Avohkii and Kraahkan (gosh they really did not make these masks easy to spell) are not considered legendary masks as they are both the same mask, and there can't be more than one of a legendary mask. There's even a resemblance in their physical structures/shapes, with them having vents in similar places and the same eye hole shapes. It also makes sense because in canon we've seen masks take different shapes/styles depending on who's wearing it and what element/form they have taken on. And I don't think it's an argument that they can't be the same mask because matoran have different names for the two masks, because it makes sense they would get different names in their language as they are viewed very differently and are opposites, but still one and the same; again, like opposite sides of a coin. And the Mask of Light and shadow still makes sense because it's two different beings with two different ideologies. It's basically two of the same mask merged together but split apart by the users, not its actual element. So do you agree that this could be a plausible/possible theory? I honestly buy into my own bananarific brilliance and think this will at least be part of my head canon. I think this is especially possible because it's just a theory that changes how you look at things rather than actually changing what it is or how things work. Tell me what you think! TLDR version: Basically my theory is totally correct and the Masks of Light and Shadow are the same.
  13. Yay! College acceptance. With a sweet scholarship too! I still hate my life though lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voxumo


      Congratulations! Certainly quite the achievement. Don't waste it.

    3. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Lol thanks you lovely fools!

    4. Ghidora131
  14. There's always the lovely fan theory that it'll be somehow "connected" to the original universe, which would be pretty fun and has some evidence for its possibility. Though if that's the case I wouldn't want them to get crazy into it and start throwing Vezons at us. Keep them separate, but "technically" connected. If they don't bridge the two together, I really won't cry. There are plenty of cooler things they could do. In fact it would almost be too easy at this point lol. But I agree, I'd love to see a cool plot twist that changes the way we look at our characters and settings, because if it doesn't it would feel a little underwhelming seeing how bold G1 was. They went crazy out there with its plot twist, and it worked pretty darn well for me. They shouldn't replicate it with this gen, and it doesn't even have to be as out there or revolutionary, but I'd like it to still be pretty significant.
  15. You know what, buddy, I agree with you. Have a high five: >_>^^<__< Well put. *snip* *snip* Nah, overall very lovely post lol, no complaints here. I'm just used to the idea that large places being profit driven, like Hollywood. Though they create some wonderful art, a lot of it doesn't get made because studio's only want to make what sells, which is why we're still gonna get a Transformers 5 by Michael Bay and it's still gonna be atrocious because people are still gonna buy tickets to see it. It's just hard to really imagine an honest company though. And though I don't think you're wrong, because though LEGO is one of the more moral companies I've seen, but if a theme like Chima isn't making the money they were hoping it would, they're not typically going to continue making and selling sets for it people children just aren't interested in it, even if they did tons of studies showing how it's plot might be stimulating or the sets inspire creativity. I guess from then on it's perspective. We can imagine them think "OH! This theme isn't making us money! Cancel it!" or "Oh! This theme isn't making much money, so kids must not be interested or creatively stimulated by it, let's cancel it!" Though an example to prove your point could probably be Bionicle itself. Bionicle was losing profits towards the end, and the fact that LEGO brought it back was probably because they realized how strongly it resonated with kids even to garner a fan base and decided that if done right, it would be an excellent idea that they could revisit that kids would buy because it works with them. I dunno, business is a crazee But overall, you're right. LEGO is a pretty great company considering all things. No wonder it originated from Denmark, lol. I guess everyone's just distrustful of large businesses and corporations, that we lose faith in even the one's that give back to us. And Hero Factory was a sad load of missed opportunity. But overall I feel like the concept for it was weird to me as a kid. I remember hearing "We Build Hero's" and I thought "But that's not how hero's are made! They're made through hardship and doing good!". I think that as a followup line it was disappointing, because though I remembered being super bummed about Bionicle being canceled, it's amazing to think what it would've been like to see if its "replacement" was really, really good. HF just lacked everything Bionicle had, and though Bionicle G2 doesn't have as much depth as G1 for me, at least it tries and does things that HF was too ham-fisted and unsubtle to ever try.
  16. *pure gold has been snipped* The only reason kids seem dumber today is because you didn't realize how stupid you and everyone around you were when you were kids. This ain't rocket science man, stop being so stuck-up. BTW this rant isn't directly aimed at either of the people quoted but the subject and certain aspects of one of them garnered me to feel like writing about it. This is more of a qualification in the ideas presented by them. Many people have such a negative perception of children nowadays simply because they've reached a point where they have lost the connection and don't understand them. Young children and even pre-teens are some of the most beautiful creatures in the universe. Youths are actually very different nowadays than the youths of long ago. They are consistently being exposed to more information per minute than kids were just in the not-too-distant past. Though so much information can be negative and disturbing, it's actually causing a huge spike in mental growth, causing many to become mentally more mature from being exposed to many topics that are considered less appropriate or too thoughtful for kids. Sure, as many ridiculous songs, tropes and unfunny jokes they absorb, they also catch many more insightful ideas and such floating around. You can absorb infinite amounts of garbage media, but sometimes one piece of truth can make a large difference. Children think faster and faster all the time, and for some that gives them the impression that they have the "attention span of a gold-fish", but if anything it shows an acceleration in the mind with so much information being available. If anything, it's making kids smarter and more adept. What they're not learning about life in school, they may be finding on the internet. There is a greater consciousness available now in youth than ever before, and though there are tons of stupid kids obsessed with their phones and gossip, the amount of intelligent, aware and thoughtful kids is growing far greater too. Many are beginning to develop opinions on and understandings of important subjects now that kids just two decades ago could've cared less about. As the population grows larger and the competition to establish a good life becomes less and less reasonable and less possible, kids are put under more stress now than they ever have before. Many are being deprived of good, long healthy childhoods because they're slaving away for some unreal future people think is going to help them, and yet some people still have the audacity to call kids nowadays stupid when more and more are becoming smarter then they ever will be. Though there are patterns in time, history does not repeat in the sense people think. If that were the case, then we'd still be in cavemen, and not consistently growing from technology and socially becoming more qualified, conscious, and open than ever before. More and more our kids are not being spoon fed, they're being funneled into a system that is trying to force them to grow up too early and make them focus on work that doesn't grow them rather than live good and simpler childhoods that stimulates them and helps them build an identity. The human race is evolving, and it's because of them, not because of idiots that look on the youth and spurn them and kill their imaginations for being what they are rather than actually being good, caring, responsible adults that are making the world a better place. Humanity is going through a puberty of sorts, and our youth is not just a reflection of it, but the actual action itself. So many are ignorant and stupid which is why they try to lose themselves in their phones and small unimportant aspects of the world, but so many are becoming more aware and caring than adults these days that simply stand around and let their planet die. This is more and more becoming a stronger and more real contrast, and that confusion in youth, that strange split between ignorance and awareness is humanities puberty, because we are on the path to becoming something stronger and greater if we don't kill ourselves first. To all you adults who think they're so stupid and you're so smart, open your eyes, because the world isn't about you. More and more kids are growing up in divorce, neglect, carelessness, unrealistically high expectation in school and in life. Rather than giving your kids an ipad/iphone so they could screw off, spend time with them and care for them, instead of draining them of their creativity and imagination by shaming them for being who they were. All they want is to be understood, and if all you do is look down on them you won't realize how they are the future and humanity itself, not a bad byproduct of it. Sorry this got so off topic... but I guess to link it back I will say this: That's why Bionicle G2 is worth it, because though the story line is simple, it has enough wonder and ideas to capture the hearts of the youth and give them something pleasant to experience. The story line in its simplicity become more open and more accessible to kids and more free for them to enter in their large intakes of media and information. It's a story about good vs evil, and the more they think about these things, the stronger they'll be as individuals. It's make them question WHY Makuta acted the way he did, his motivations and what good and evil are, and what the emotions one feels can do to them. Though G2 could use some stronger and meatier story, it has enough interest to become something greater going forward. It's not HF to me, it's not garbage, and it's not a waste of time.
  17. Expanding my art style is good. Though I wish I had a cool tablet with the good programs on it... *tears*

    1. Ghidora131


      #All - ALL - TheSaddies2016

  18. Hero Factory was very campy and though occasionally alluded to some sort of conclusion, never really went anywhere with its story and characters. Though Bionicle G2 isn't super complex character or story wise, it's still going someplace and has a continuous story. I wish the conflicts had more of an impact and things were a little different, but when I look at it as a simple reboot it's not that bad. Okoto as it is isn't super complex but it is our setting and it looks like they are taking it someplace else. If they were gonna make it exactly like Mata-Nui they would of called it that, but they changed it because they decided it was something different and didn't need to be associated with something else. I do like the geography of Mata-Nui more and it was a little more fleshed out, but I don't think the gap is as large as you're painting it. You're totally entitled to your opinion, and I somewhat agree that G2 isn't as good as G1 because it makes the mistake of trying to be too much like it, but it has enough different that it has its own identity and own path to walk. I just feel like if it were "Hero Factory with Bionicle slapped on it", no one would like it because most people didn't like Hero Factory. I feel like the stories are almost incomparable with Hero Factory being anything but focused.
  19. G2 has some interesting mysteries in my opinion. We have no idea where the mask makers and villagers came from, what the history of the island is, where the toa came from, the story of the mask of time, etc. Maybe presentation is what's keeping some people from finding G2 mysterious? I think everyone just wants another MNOG tbh lol. I can't say I disagree. It was an almost perfect game for me (of course decorated in nostalgia) and told the story in an awesome and cool way. As much as I love the toa, I've found that Bionicle's story is most interesting when told from the perspectives of the villagers. I can see why people find the lack of variety of masks a little disappointing, and most people who disagree are just kidding themselves (or just honest people with a different opinion lol) and I agree. Though the new protectors have tons of personality in their builds, masks are important the same way faces are important to us in real life. When you look at the old Bionicle characters, so many had such similar designs but their masks alone distinguished them and got you to tell the difference. I think Aanchir put it very well. G2 isn't BAD, they're just playing it safe and simple. Could they do more? Sure! But do we already have a lot that is really cool? Definitely. I hear the graphic novels tell some about the protectors and show the story through their eyes. I'd love a little more characterization too. Right now the toa feel like they don't have strong bonds and relationships/interactions after a whole year of story, and I'm hoping that character doesn't take a back seat to plot or conflict. Sure, the story is built around the sets, but it doesn't have to FEEL that way.
  20. I mean... technically isn't every line and set LEGO makes a money grab? They are a business, but they hire designers to put heart and care into the sets but if people buy garbaage than as a company I suppose they would feel obligated to sell it. And it's not like most of their other lines are any crazy more complex really. Constraction in general has been a hard sell for LEGO for some times so perhaps they've been trying to put a tad less money into it and see if people are still attracted to it as a whole? Hard to say. But I don't think G2 is garbage. Do I wish there was more from it personally? In all honesty yeah. But is it any less than something from 2001? I don't think so. Perhaps not as ultra fleshed out world wise, but still pretty good. Since the books and comics and all have come out we've gotten more on cultures, villagers, and just general world building. Is it perfect and missing some of the personality and theming from G1? Maybe, but it is unique in its own right. The storyline isn't fantastic for me. It's not anything worse than early G1 but I've gotten older and those years are shrouded in some nostalgia, and are simply more endearing. Maybe what's a little off so far about G2 is how many similarities it has to the original, but I don't know if even THAT'S fair considering how much it deviates with some of its story ideas. I feel like LEGO could really do more with this years story, but it hasn't even had as much of a chance to kick in so we'll have to see. All I'm hoping for is more complexity and character building and ways/scenario's of that being shown to us. So TECHNICALLY, yes, Bionicle G2 is a cash grab. Most things are, but it's a cash grab that I'm sure LEGO and its designer care about, and if it sold I'm sure they would've catered directly to us with an uber complex story and very complex and perfectly fleshed out sets with no flaws (because the designers are capable of that, they just have a budget and a standard set for what the sets need to be), but for what G2 is so far I think we should be thankful. We can't expect G2 to be perfect, and it isn't, but what it is we should just be happy that it's back and brings as much awesomeness as it does!
  21. Lego isn't a publicly traded company, so nobody will be investing in them. Shhhhh, don't ruin my fun. I'm so tired and finals pls halp
  22. It's cancellation. Lol jk, I'd honestly really love to see Bionicle expand and become a larger part of our culture. I'd like to see it expand and really gain a larger place with a really solid, complex and fleshed out story without being convoluted or unfocused (love ya G1 lol). I'd like to see it tap into far more mediums and allow for some really creative and different story telling and ways of presenting it. Bionicle is already somewhat tapping into this with the new Netflix show but I'd like to see so much more. Bionicle just has a special place in my heart and something about it and its core is really, really special. But this is just fantasizing. What do I see really happening? Hammer flush play set. Done, sold, toy of the year. Watch that jazz fly right off the shelves like fresh hot cakes. Kids will be fighting and tearing each other apart to get them. Lines from Lego stores and Toys R Us' going around blocks. Economic turmoil and collapse after the sudden surge in demand that simply cannot be physically met by Lego's production speeds. And as they desperately try to meet the sudden new demand for Hammer Flush Playsets the world will be purged with a new great recession and then depression. Stock markets crash as people desperately rush to invest in Lego, only to find that all the banks have been sucked clean of cash. Oh, and aliens. Lots and lots of aliens.
  23. I think it was pretty well explained for me. The matoran always looked up to him as a god and deity and he felt that so long as he walked among them they would be striving and working in his glory rather than progressing as a species for themselves. By going away, the matoran would no longer have a god like being to look up to and they would have to have more control in their lives/what they believe in. For example, what is right or wrong would be dictated by their own morality. At least that's how I take it. I think it was a brilliant move. Though Mata-Nui was cool, he played/took on the role of a sort of messiah character to lead his people to glory through his sacrifice, and his decision to leave them and let them lead themselves was a bold and wise one that at the same time didn't undermine his sacrifice. The fact that he had the opportunity and ability to come back right away and walk as a god among men and hold power once more but chose not to take it shows a lot about his change in character. It's interesting how a character so used to running a universe changed and became humble enough to be willing to sacrifice all of it. Sometimes there is much one can do with great power, but other times what one can do by giving it up and passing it on is greater and can change a people rather than just a world.
  24. This seems like a mistake to me. Or perhaps at least a placeholder? It's worth noting that so far G2 has had a LOT of mistakes and inconsistencies. Mostly small things though and nothing even remotely story breaking, which is always good. I'm just gonna wait til they release the actual design officially and in set form. I mean, just look at Makuta's mask. Though similar, the final product is pretty different. They probably have the full mask designed but for all we know people are panicking and running around the LEGO offices trying to figure out a design for next year.
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