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Tristan Teridax

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Everything posted by Tristan Teridax

  1. Those brain attack squids wish they could be like BZ squishy..
  2. I don't know why but I always thought artakha's mask would like the prototype ignika since it actually looked pretty cool.
  3. Nothing is too much to ASK for, might be too much to receive, but no reason to not ASK for it, at least mentally. But yeah, organics would be a great addition . The pieces wouldn't have to be rubber or anything special, they could just be regular pieces that look organic.
  4. Toa mahri are my favorite toa sets because they all featured unique designs, great masks and the cordak blasters were really cool (even underwater).
  5. Hewkii(2007), Alot of People Seem To Hate Him For Missing A Hand But Honestly I Couldn't Care, He's Probably The Coolest Looking Mahri With His Chains, Spear And Armor That It Pretty Much Out Weighs That One Negative.
  6. Thornax launcher because it was lightweight, easy to use, and just generally fun to play with.
  7. Legends of metru nui because it had a cooler environment in my opinion, better story and way better developed characters then mask of light.
  8. The piraka, They had extremely unique designs, had personality in them and lots of play features.
  9. Yeah I agree, I think it would be pretty unique if we got organic looking parts so it would fit the story better and we could tell the difference between toa and glatorian.
  10. Anybody thought that maybe bionicle could have a bigger role in the sequel coming up due bionicle's possible return in 2015?...
  11. Aka a guy who can't take a joke? I dunno, I think he was an admin or something. Said it was "not official." I highly disagree with his statement. The whole bionicle franchise was built upon the mask of hype.
  12. Yeah like for a second wave it would still keep the skeleton building system but maybe introduce more detailed bionicle looking armor and pieces and maybe a different armour system other then the pin one.
  13. We can't post them here but just google them, check youtube or go on eurobricks to see them if you want
  14. The front page is only iconic because it's barely been touched since the site's inception. The front page is not only a security risk with its old coding, it makes the site look practically abandoned. It features the Toa Nuva and Takua, for christ's sake. Besides the news stories, there's no sign the site has been active since the late 2000s. I still have no idea why we still have the quick nav and hot topic thing when they are basically piontless.
  15. I think I'll get Tahu and one of those defender sets first and see how much I like them.I'll prolly go with Lewa (cause he is green), and prolly the Jungle Defender... And probably Kopaka, cause he's a Canadian now.And probably get as much brown and blue as possible, cause that is what I have practically none of. As for that head thing, I would like something skin to the metru faces, but it would also be nice to be able to attach Glatorian helmets to it. (So like those double heads, but with a face and an axle/pin combo front thingy on the face (like the Metru Faces)) Good idea but I'm not sure if they would put they much effort to make a mold that has dual functioning add ons on it.
  16. Oh mayn, I wanna adopt a newbie! There's just something about seeing somebody read through the books for the first time, with all the plot twists, seeing them understand characters, remember names and such...playing MNOG for the first time. I just love it. It's almost as good as if I were able to relive it myself. We really do need a more welcoming home page. Something like... WELCOME TO BZP. WE LIKE BONKLES. With flashing lights and colors and hype trains going all over the place and stuff. Well this site could add more "pazazze" considering how old it is. I've got to say a massive no to that. The front page is iconic. It needs to stay as is. I will say that but some of the links and material on the frontpage is out dated and isn't that useful
  17. 2/5 Seen you maybe a couple times but maybe that's because I'm new.
  18. Carlos D'Anda or maybe Todd Mcfarlane.
  19. Oh mayn, I wanna adopt a newbie! There's just something about seeing somebody read through the books for the first time, with all the plot twists, seeing them understand characters, remember names and such...playing MNOG for the first time. I just love it. It's almost as good as if I were able to relive it myself. We really do need a more welcoming home page. Something like... WELCOME TO BZP. WE LIKE BONKLES. With flashing lights and colors and hype trains going all over the place and stuff. Well this site could add more "pazazze" considering how old it is.
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