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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. IC: Kavok Quake "YOU CAN USE THE BOMBS HOWEVER YOU WISH!" He yelled at him as he walked away.
  2. That batplane is actually really cool. It's just so...batman. It's a bat and it looks dark.
  3. What a great idea! It'd be good for the brain to actually be stimulated during work or school.
  4. I'd say this set is mostly good but that dark blue really breaks the colour scheme. Plus I hate the lack of armour on his arms. I would have been willing to pay more if they gave him more armour (or better yet a shadow trap and a new creature).
  5. Well from what I've heard half the game's content was cut to meet the deadline so there's bound to be something left of that unused stuff in the game.
  6. He looks a little strange but I love the function. Although I kinda wish they gave it actual claws.
  7. I'd probably have to go with Uxar and Onua. Onua's got so many cool pieces and I love the drill hammer, plus his mask looks kinda like Whenua (and I loved the toa metru). And my favourite creature would have to be Uxar. He's just so good for a non-humanoid and I really wanna see what they do with his function.
  8. Nice! Hopefully they'll be ready for purchase on amazon soon.
  9. Kopaka and Melum are only twenty pounds! I am both happy and angered by this.
  10. The cross-bow looks a lot better out of the box. It looks to small for him in CGI.
  11. That fabric is real nice. I wonder if it's a flag of Okoto or something?
  12. IC: Raku - Ta-Koro "Stupid island" He said kicking the ground "I didn't ask to come here, if only I could find a way to get rid of all my problems" He then bashed his ignited hammer onto the ground causing a very loud bang OOC: Raku open for interaction
  13. OOC: So are we gonna finish this quest (the one with Luta) or what?
  14. Does anyone know if the Kopaka and Melum set comes with a shadow trap?
  15. I don't how you could sell a theme with the title "hungry monsters". The early prototypes look a lot more animal based.
  16. And I don't think ninjago airs over here yet (although I haven't been following ninjago for a long time so I may not be up to date). I wonder what made the network change their minds.
  17. I'd say it's a good possibility. With the success of Harry Potter lego would probably want to continue that theme in some way.
  18. IC: Kavok Quake "Anything to bring that factory down." He walked onto one of the pads "Teleport at will sir"
  19. IC: Kavok Quake "I do hope you've tested this" He said walking towards the console.
  20. This set is just kinda "meh" to me. Due to it not being a humanoid (and not being very big) there just aren't many interesting things that can be done with it. I'll still buy it though as it's by no means bad.
  21. I like the silver. It really gives them an upgraded look and I think it matches up with their weapons.
  22. I honestly think the slimmer torso is a good thing as having the much slimmer drill/hammer against a much larger and shorter body just wouldn't look right.
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