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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. OOC: From what I remember I was told there was radioactive materials underneath the station. Fishers (the person running this RP) was the one who told to go to underneath the police telling me there was a vault of radioactive materials from when Meltdown visited the station. So no this place is completely approved. The only post that probably needs editing is the one where I said something about using bombs (I guess it's just out of canon now). The bombs use gun powder and the idea is that the fumes from the fire will hopefully be breathed in by someone. And you ended your post by saying "she had grabbed the doorframe as leverage to hoist herself up into the traditional beginning move of the Huracanrana.". So unless there's been a mistake you haven't performed the move yet. And I'm pretty sure if you were to grab a doorway and pull up on it it probably would make a sound.
  2. OOC: Well let's just say "hopefully" was the key word in that post. IC: Kavok Quake He heard some sounds. "Who's there?!" Taking full advantage of the darkness he grabbed one of his bombs and held it tightly in his hand, prepared for an attack.
  3. So is it just another adaptation of the online animations or is it something completely new?
  4. I'm just happy they've got more blue on her this time. My only problem with the set seems to be those yellow pieces on the arms and legs. I get what they were trying to do but it just really sticks out.
  5. IC: Kavok Quake He went down into the crater he had created find mainly a dark corridor. "I was told there would be radioactive material nearby" Then he saw a green glow and headed towards it...
  6. IC: Kavok Quake After noticing the officers had shuffled a bit he went east. He saw a different coloured part of the ground and placed a bomb on it. It caused a small explosion with plenty of fumes. "Let's hope they breath this in" He said walking into the entrance.
  7. The climax. They all awkwardly grab Kulta, then Ekimu shoots at him a couple times, then he gets the MOC. I mean there was no real battle or anything just a couple shots and Kulta was dead.
  8. IC: Kavok Quake There it was the station. With a couple police officers visible he drew out the fully powered minigun, and started shooting at them.
  9. I'm amazed by the prices of the new sets. 7 Pounds for a creature, 10 for a smaller toa, and only 20 for the unity set. Did the gearbox really ramp up the prices that much?
  10. IC: Kavok Quake "YOU CAN USE THE BOMBS HOWEVER YOU WISH!" He yelled at him as he walked away. OOC: I'm really confused by this post. Did Kavok follow him to the building instead of going to the police station? Either way, I'm going to allow Kavok to live... OOC: I was kinda confused about what I was supposed to be doing so I didn't do anything. IC: Kavok Quake "Alright let's see if I can find this police station" He said grabbing the bombs He noticed a police sign in the distance He walked off into the distance, prepared for an attack.
  11. So wait the creatures are from thousands of years ago? So I wonder if they're going to explain the history of Okoto more this year?
  12. The background there was a bit complex. I combined a bunch of photos in Photoshop to construct it. I first took a photo of a bohrok canister lid, and copied it multiple times to create a whole hive wall. Next, I overlaid a picture of some billowing smoke and applied the colors I wanted, making sure to add a blur to give an impression of depth to the picture. Then, I did some cutting and pasting to turn the stair Tahu was standing on into a cracked, rocky floor. To finish it off, I added some wispy transparent smoke on top to add to the atmosphere. Wait that was done in phototshop!? It looks so real. You sir have real talent.
  13. He's known I've liked bionicle since I was 6 years old so I see no reason why he'd forget.
  14. Word to the wise lego, sand isn't brown. Seriously is brown an expensive colour to produce or something?
  15. Merry Christmas and all that good stuff.

  16. Toa existed at some point in Okoto's past. The mask of time will someday be worn by takanuva (or a character like him) and become the toa of time. There are matoran who follow Makuta somewhere on Okoto.
  17. Well now we've got more to talk about with the netflix show. I still hope they give the 2015 storyline what it deserves. Like maybe two of the episodes focus on the 2015 storyline while the other two focus on the 2016 storyline. I hope that's what happens as we can pretty much confirm that the announcement screenshot is indeed from the show (which means they have rendered the 2015 version of Tahu).
  18. As weird as I think his mask is I like Tahu. The slimmer legs make him look a lot buffer and the swords are really nice (I love double weapons).
  19. This doesn't look as bad as I'd thought it'd be. The dialogue is actually not too bad and the story is unique. Also am I spotting different masks for each gender for the villagers?
  20. The function doesn't look too good (in terms of visuals). The model also doesn't look armoured enough. I'll still get it (like I will all the sets).
  21. These are amazing. How did you make that fantastic background in the bohrok awake photo?
  22. He great. Really good for 13 pounds. He looks like such a complete model with those technic parts on him.
  23. I'd say Korgot is the most overrated of the current wave. I just don't get how people can ignore the chest gun.
  24. Uxar's wings make him look amazing. He looks like a prehistoric bug. Definitely my favourite.
  25. Yeah for some reason lego have just never bothered with dreamworks. I think it would be cool if it happened. Well Ben 10 is also due for a reboot but I doubt lego would want to take their chances again. And I think if lego were gonna do adventure time they would have done it by now, I think it's probably the amount of new molds required that holds that back. I've never watched regular show but I think I heard it was intended for an older audience so lego may be avoiding it because of that. Steven universe (I really need to watch that) I imagine is being avoided by lego due to it's inclusion of gay characters (don't misinterpret this as me being anti LGBT. I would have no issue with lego making characters who are gay (and would probably support it)) and they probably want to avoid any potential controversy. And I already explained why I think lego might do PPG. Gravity falls is ending soon so that makes it's chances smaller. Well there is that movie due out in the future (which sounds terrible to me) so I think it's possible lego might look into that (I have actually heard romours that Sonic is going to be in a future lego dimensions pack). They might do that but there is a lot more demand for Legend of Zelda so I imagine they'd focus on that more in a situation where they got a license from Nintendo. Well if they make a pacific rim sequel I do think they'd probably do it given the chance. And I don't know what lego's current situation with Nickelodeon is (as they only do stuff with them every so often) so it might be a while before that happens (plus I hear spongebob's ratings have been declining).
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