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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. IC: Kavok Quake He saw Traferous go up to a device he hadn't noticed. "What's that?"
  2. Once again there is no way to measure my jealousy. I'm pretty impressed with the creatures (despite their lack of eyes). I imagine they were able to bring down the cost with the large use of small technic parts.
  3. Bioknights probably wouldn't have made much sense seeing as bionicle was never (at least to my knowledge) based in medieval mythology. And afterman sounds like bionicle was originally supposed to take place in some kind of post-apocalyptic future where everyone have become tribal robots. Seeing as bionicle wasn't that dark at the time it wouldn't have fit the theme. Although I think lego probably should trademark the term "afterman" and maybe make something out of that idea (maybe the successor to bionicle G2?).
  4. That's what the Bionicle campaign and the main game of MLN basically were - it's just that the games they put your through were too tedious and frustrating. Well the actual games (at least the ones you control) were generic arcade game clones. The rest was just a tedious "get item, give it to NPC, wait for a response, wait certain amount of days, etc etc). If it had worked like say MNOG where you had the characters act in character and you just explore their pages or something then it could have been fun.
  5. IC: Kavok Quake "If you ever get into the HF secret archives look for files on the planet Cyclate. That organization have done things far worse then you've ever done. And not to just to my planet and myself. That's why I'm working with you."
  6. Not really that big a deal to me. I think things like this have existed before. Although it will probably become a collector's item.
  7. How would you suggest I do that? Well I think if you added a bohrok visor to the head it would help round him a bit (I suggest using the black ones that were released in the 2010 HF wave).
  8. Very nice. I love the sea creature look and the thick build. Plus the tentacles look great in giving him that squid look and hands. Just round his head a bit more in order to give a bit more of a squid look.
  9. Honestly it wasn't that bad if you were a kid. It was essentially a more interactive version of those Lego club pages from the mid-2000nds. Although it failed as a social network as you couldn't really talk to anyone. Honestly it could have worked if it was marketed as a game where you talk to various lego characters and they'd made it a bit more lively.
  10. I don't think a topic on this has been created yet but it turns out that back in September lego quietly shut down My lego network and it's forum on the lego message boards. Any thoughts?
  11. IC: Kavok Quake "And remember, I'm not doing this for you"
  12. I was wondering when this was gonna happen. This forum has been pretty much dead for a long time now. I wonder if they'll replace it with a nexo knights forum?
  13. At this point I'd say an official one is off the table for the time being. I think lego might do something like MNOG if they release an official video game for the new bionicle line.
  14. IC: Kavok Quake Quake pulled out his minigun and said "I've long awaited this" He looked up at his superior "When you get the door open I'll interpret that as lock and load"
  15. IC: Kavok Quake "That's long talk for yes"
  16. Oh wow that was underwhelming. The villains seem like a bunch of idiots and the editing was way too quick. I hope the actual show is better then this but I have my doubts. Also are they going for some sort of anime thing with the power up scene?
  17. I think due to lego's good relationship with cartoon network I think it's possible they might look into creating sets based on that 2016 powerpuff girls reboot. Despite how much I hate that idea (both the sets and the fact it's getting a reboot) lego have shown that they're willing to push the limits in terms of what they will license (at least in terms of how well an IP would translate into lego).
  18. If these sets are following the same release pattern as this year then that leaves room for only 5 villains. If so then that doesn't leave room for the six elemental bohrok like in 2002 and 2003. It's possible they could have bohrok elements but the amount of new molds that would be required to remake the bohrok would probably (sadly) hold back such an idea.
  19. IC: Kavok Quake "I really shouldn't, I have more experi-" Then he froze and remembered what an old friend said to him "Don't show them fear, someone has to start the fight against them" He turned around "Ah who cares, I'm in enough trouble as it is!"
  20. Oh yeah I forgot about those. To be fair I never had those sets and my internet access was limited at the time so the only place I knew of that function was from KKII.
  21. IC: Kavok Quake "Plant these wherever you wish. But remember there is only five for now. I would happily fight with you but I have more experimenting to do."
  22. Would have been cool to see this. I would have loved this as a kid. Could of resulted in some kind of battle system.
  23. IC: Kavok Quake He found five small levers with a remote signal and a controller. He went downstairs and put the lever near to the button which ignited the flint. "This will activate the lever thus igniting the flint." "He put the lid down on each of the canisters. "Lock and load." He said with a blank expression on his face.
  24. I wonder if lego did this because the 2016 images were found. I mean they did describe it as Christmas come early.
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