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Toa Jaxus

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Everything posted by Toa Jaxus

  1. Yes, but only if they choose to keep it that way; Toa, and Matoran, of Light can change their colour at will.
  2. Phantom was actually mutated by an “Energized Protodermis variant,” so I doubt he still qualifies as a Matoran. (Still bugs me we don’t know what he looks like; that might help answer the question more conclusively.) I said he might be able to for that very reason. No idea how extensive his change was. For example, the Toa Mata became Toa Nuva, without changing much of their physiology. It was stated that if Radiak in his mutated form were to become a Toa, he would retain his wings and four-legged shape, so it depends on the extent to which Phantom was changed by the EP. If all it did was make him bigger and stronger, with some minor powers, while still retaining his inherent nature as a Matoran, he should still be able to become a Toa if destined to, but he wouldn't look the same as any other Toa, like Radiak. Well then Firedracax should be able to become a toa as well, as the mutagen that changed him was also Energized Protodermis. However on reflection, considering both where destined to change, I think that there is very little chance of them becoming Toa, although I don't see why not if that was also their destiny. Also I love the idea of a a four legged Toa Radiak for some reason.
  3. Now the comics are all how Transformers clean their floors and watching paint dry. I wish to see the future.
  4. Okay, but a robot rips off your arm and takes it away. I wish for the Zyglak to be calm and sane.
  5. Cans beings mutated from Matoran, like the aforementioned Dark Hunters and member of the Order of Mata Nui be turned into toa if it was their destiny, and if so would they keep any of the powers they currently have? My opinion is that individuals like Firedracax and the Subterranean would not be able to become toa as they are too mutated, while the others would be able to become toa. And if they become toa they would lose any extra abilities they possess.
  6. Mata Nui cursed that he didn't check for Malware.
  7. Haven't written in a long time, but might as well give it a try.
  8. I think when the Makuta became gas beings they stopped being mortal so they couldn't die of old age, but I might be wrong about that.
  9. Maybe he had a better understanding of how the mask was supposed to work, and thought that with a bit of practice who could control it's power. Remember that Teridax was arrogant and in possession of immense knowledge of the rules of the Matoran Universe, both of which are caused by him being one of the Makuta. Teridax probably just assumed he could use it without much difficulty or danger.
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