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Everything posted by Daler99

  1. After BFVA this year, I finally decided to check out BIONICLE: The Game. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I really ended up loving the game. Even though it wasn't too long of a game, it was engaging and fun. Aside from that, I also have started Beta Testing Darkflame Universe's LEGO Universe recreation. I'm thinking of checking out BIONICLE Heroes at some point as well.
  2. Wow, I missed seeing that back in '10! That's pretty funny. I wonder if that's something that was submitted by a fan or added specifically by the HF team. This implies that either an Agori or a Glatorian phoned the Hero Factory.
  3. Hi everyone. As you may know, the second graphic novel of G2 featured these mysterious words with the statues of the ancient Protectors. * Protector of Jungle: Jagiri = Agarak * Protector of Ice: Buzkayo = Uganu * Protector of Water: Bumonda = Owaki * Protector of Earth: Droton = Etoku * Protector of Stone: Rokreng = Kerato * Protector of Fire: Flammik = Mamuk The names on the far right are the names of the Protectors at the time of Makuta's betrayal. Another interesting note is that Pohatu then says, "Nilkuu, Protector of Stone, told me that the Protectors' elemental armor has been passed down through many generations. These statues honor the ancient Protectors from thousands of years ago!" My first thought that they were village names, but we know there are multiple villages per region. Based on what Pohatu says, I think one of these two options could be true: 1. They are the names of the Regions of Okoto. 2. They are the names of the Protectors that preceded the Protectors at the time of Makuta's betrayal. What do you guys think these words/phrases mean?
  4. I generally use last names because that’s what was used after the first year or so. I sometimes use first names, but it’s pretty rare.
  5. “And on the Biological Chronicle, I think we may also have something very cool, and new, and old at the same time.”
  6. I’m gonna try to tune in next time you stream. I was going to watch yesterday, but I had a group project meeting that ended up overlapping the whole stream.
  7. It's been a few months since Brickfair, so I thought I'd add a few pictures and details. Here is a picture of Skull Slice'n Dicer standing among the other contest entries. At one point, DanielBrickSon's "Peanut" fell over, so Zatth helped me set up this picture. I was excited to talk to PrinceGalidor (Nick Vas) about Skull Slice'n Dicer as well as his work as a LEGO designer. In the end, my entry received enough votes from the attendees to place third! The prize was a Lava Beast set.
  8. Onua - because he has to always watch out for/save Lewa. Must be awful
  9. This is amazing! I can't believe I didn't find this until now! Keep up the good work!
  10. Wow, this is very impressive! I like how the mask is inspired by both the '01 Hau and the prototype for the '15 Mask of Fire.
  11. Wow, that's awesome! It is a truly inspiring story, and I'm glad that it's getting noticed
  12. I just read through all the articles, and WOW, BIONICLE had some insanely awesome plot points that were removed. Thank you for writing this blog! I’m kinda sad that these were (for the most part) cut from the final story. :/
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