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Everything posted by CarumEsSarene

  1. No. I meant if wolf pelts would look good on 2015 Kopaka, not if they are in this image. Actually thingking about it know, imagine if there was a wolf coat robe for 2001 Kopaka He would look more epic imoWell don't just stand there get on it! Um... Better not tell PETA or their Mata Nuian counterparts. I don't think they'd approve.Work has already being done.....Kopaka will make it as a DLC for Skyrim"I used to be a toa like you, until I slipped"
  2. It looks like a great figure. Though I would suggest altering the lighting for darker pieces to be seen easier
  3. Main Stills: http://i.imgur.com/PX9tT6u.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UsyLD6j.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tDaxFPV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4OZrUkx.jpg Close-Ups: Front: http://i.imgur.com/3rsGgfa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jerDAtt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gtSTisy.jpg Back: http://i.imgur.com/kLtYVwx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9xkmXLC.jpg Matoran: http://i.imgur.com/Kc1ZW5j.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MBVA78B.jpg http://i.imgur.com/97JF06m.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZsMrZWS.jpg First, a thank you to everyone who helped me with MOC inspiration. I'll probably update the MOC once I get more parts. Until then I'm content with what I have. Weapons: Dagger Staff (Haven't worked on yet) Tools: Sickle Piece Count: Toa: •Head: 4 •Gearbox: 22 •Arms: 22 •Torso: 42 •Legs: 48 Total: 138 Pieces Matoran: 20 Pieces
  4. I always had this headcanon that certain characters were assumed male or female to fit the majority of their village (Kotu, Tomaru, Onepu, Koparu, Kopeke)
  5. Shamless self plug... a good plug, but shameless nonetheless. I believe it's called self-advertising And on topic: I can't say much for the legs (they're my weakest link when it comes to MoCing). I usually start with the basic pieces and then put armor on them until I see something I like. Darn, okay. I'll keep experimenting until something sticks.
  6. If you'd like to see what would happen if Matoro DID LIVE and didn't sacrifice his life, I'd suggest reading The Kingdom. I know I know. But I think it would've been a more powerful scene if a toa nuva did it. Don't hate me for saying that. I just think it would've made the scene more powerful.
  7. •Jaller's Death •The Fight between Lewa and Onua •Hewkii and Macku nearly kissing •Onua nearly killing himself and Pohatu in MoL •Every scene where Kopaka ditches the team •Taipu dancing with the Bohrok shell stuck on his head. •Takua nearly killing Vakama Not adding Matoro's Death because I actually hated that scene. Wish he could've lived.
  8. Little Bo-Matoran that constantly follows my self MOC around. It carries a tree branch around like a staff and pretends to be a toa. That's really cute (and I'm not saying that in a sarcastic or condescending way), I actually mean it thanks. The matoran's name is Kalena. Back to MOC help, I'm still having trouble with the legs.
  9. Half male, half female. Add a gay couple. Probably several. Even add characters with defects to give a moral that nobody is perfect. One of the main characters being killed off. And leaving every story arc at a suspenseful cliffhanger. Like a character about to fall into lava or the destruction of a village.
  10. Little Bo-Matoran that constantly follows my self MOC around. It carries a tree branch around like a staff and pretends to be a toa.
  11. Can I just have a photoshopped image of the protector and little villager with the caption: "Son, it's time we had 'The Talk'" Also I don't see why reproducing biomechanical organisms is such a huge thing. Haven't we seen this before? What else were those tiny maskless imp things in Metru-Nui?
  12. (Tahu the Tank Engine) An online game would've been great. I think they should make small sets for McDonald's toys like they did with the Tohunga. Just drop into a restaurant and buy a box off them.
  13. I posted a previous WIP topic but it became locked so I can't update it. Here's what I have:
  14. I have quite a few languages. Mokoran, Altoken, Waterspeak, Kotokon, Culioso, Starwords Been working this story for eleven years. The agreement on Okoto's language seems great. If you need help I will gladly contribute.
  15. I wouldn't join any of the factions. However I would be commissioned by each one at times to be a healer. Even if it's Makuta. Just don't expect me to fight for you.
  16. If you need inspiration, google my religion. Shamanism. We where masks to conceal our faces from dark spirits as well as channel our energy. The mask I where in the afterlife is a black mask resembling a raven, with painted feathers and strings with beads. Shamans have masks mainly of their spirit animal. Bear, wolf, eagle, otter, etc; try seeing what looks best for you.
  17. This reminds me of a language I developed for my story. Altoken. The languages aren't exactly the same, but the structure is. There are 5 base symbols. For A, E, I, O, and U. There are also partial symbols for consonants. Such as C/K, B/P, S/Z, etc; Combining similar structures in the consonants and vowels with create the letters. All on syllables. Examples: O-Ko-To P-Ro-Te-C-To-R-S Ko-Pa-Ka
  18. If we're to be going my human culture, Plantlife would be a female element. As well as the case that all plant life is maternal.
  19. In the original art file, the picture could be viewed in 3D (3ds painting) The skirt is blown to one side, which is concealed behind the tree branch. I have other art too but I just needed something quick to test this out. >w<; Sorry about posting in the wrong area, completely a mistake on my part.
  20. Yeah, that would be Jungle/"The Green". Those are the official names for it.Jungle and Plantlife are two different elements. (I like to think that Jungle is more combative with Plantlife being more passive) I have the arms to where I'm satisfied, I'm working on the legs now. Thanks everyone If I get done by the end of tonight I'll post my progress
  21. Thank you for the advice. I'm working on arm experiments now and using your advice as I try. The majority of black will only be on the torso with it being surrounded by green pieces. Resembling the dark shade under a tree. As for thorns, I would have to say no. This is a passive and motherly toa, thorns would give a different message. I have a few nature pieces from system but they don't stick.
  22. I only have the torso completed, I can't think of how to make the legs or arms. This is first MOC besides practices of sticking pieces together to see what they look like. Can I have opinions and maybe tips? Thank you
  23. It's a username for a messaging site. I figured out how to post pics so I'll be showing what I've made so far soon. Edit: MOC page posted in Bionicle-Based creations
  24. They don't need to actually be published comics, they can be online. We can have teams of writers, and include entire communities to help through polls. As for sets, I said MOC instructions. Having MOCs buildt for each character and How-tos posted like instruction booklets. I think it wouldn't confuse anyone. If we keep the project away from mixing with Gen 2, it can work. What you're all thinking is this won't work because the team effort wouldn't be possible. If the community works together we'll be able to pull this off. Don't make just one person do one thing but make it a collaboration.
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